
Bad Boy Meets A Good Girl

Our typical nerd girl, Camilla Jones finally finishes high school and moves to college with her best friends, Beth and Gloria. They end up sharing a room with Flynn Ryder, our typical bad boy character. Flynn and Camilla didn’t get along well on their first meeting, because of some reason known to Flynn only. But after Camilla returns from a trip to her state to visit her family, Flynn welcomed her well, to her surprise. He was acting so nice to her that she thought it was all a dream. But after Flynn took her and her best friends out for an apology dinner, they became closer, as friends though. What do you think is the reason behind Flynn’s sudden change??

Loveme_More · Urban
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12 Chs


I guess the phone was on loud speaker.

"You went to town alone to have a couple of drinks?" Beth yelled again.

"Which bar are you in? We're coming to get you now?" I heard Gloria say.

"Don't worry; I'm on my way already," I replied.

"What? Alone?" she asked.

"No, actually, I met someone from the University and he's driving me back," I answered.

"Give him the phone," Beth said.

I handed over the phone to Richard and told him my friends wanted to speak to him. I don't know what they said to him but he gave a few replies and after a while, he handed me back my phone. Beth and Gloria told me they'd be waiting at the school's gate for me.

Suddenly I felt someone shaking. I opened my eyes and saw the passenger door open. My friends were trying to get me out.

"Gloria… Beth," I squealed, hugging them, obviously happy to see them.

Before I knew what was happening, I blacked out.

Flynn's Point Of View

Today was the day the girl in my room was supposed to move but I haven't seen her all day and her things were still in the room. The day turned to night and she still wasn't back to the room. I checked the time and it was 10:00 pm. She has never slept before. Where could she be? I wondered. Was she okay? I thought again.

Suddenly I cautioned myself when I realized what I was doing. Why am I thinking about that girl? I shouldn't be thinking about her, I said to myself. I went to bed that night.

The following morning, I got up and she still wasn't in the room. I got up, went into the bathroom, took a warm bath, got dressed and left the room. I may be referred to as the bad boy but I loved going to school. I wouldn't miss classes for anything.

I still had time before I get to class so I decided to get something to eat. I drove my bike to one of the cafés that was on school grounds and got myself and cup of coffee. After collecting my coffee, I drove to class. On the way, a lot of girls kept staring at me and flashing me seductive looks. I did what a typical bad boy like me would do. I winked at them, flashed them my killer smile and it worked. It works all the time.

Camilla's Point Of View

I tried opening my eyes but I felt like my head had been split into two. My mind was blur and I could hardly remember anything. When I finally got to open my eyes, I felt lightheaded and wanted to throw up. I quickly got up from the bed and ran into the toilet.

After almost barfing my intestines out, I sat on the toilet floor, feeling terrible. Suddenly I heard the door open and I could hear my best friends' voices.

"What are they doing in here? Aren't they supposed to be in class?" I said to myself.

But then I realized something was off. The toilet looked totally different. It was looking more feminine and that's when it struck me that I was actually in Beth's and Gloria's rooms.

"Did she leave already?" I heard Beth ask.

"Maybe, let me give her a call and see where she is," Gloria said.

"I'm here," I managed to say, with a semi-loud voice.

I heard footsteps and when the toilet door opened, there was Gloria and Beth. They were looking down at me with a mixture of anger and pity on their faces. They held me get up and walked me back to the room. Gloria said she'd look for a hangover medicine for me. She rummaged through her stuffs for a while before she found it.

I took the hangover medicine from her and lay back on Beth's bed. The two stood over me, just staring at me in silence. I knew it was only for a while before they began scolding me so I decided to apologize first.

"Look girls, I'm sorry I ran out on you yesterday. I'm sorry I made you worried by not picking your calls. You know I wouldn't do that on purpose. I was drunk and didn't hear my phone ring," I said.

"I get that you're mad about the room issue. We are mad too but like you said, it wasn't the lady's fault. It just happened. And about Mr. Rude Playboy, the only option you have now is standing up to him. You will have to do it at some point in time and if fate says it's now, then it's now. You can't stop it," Gloria said.

"She's right Cam. You just have to talk to that roommate of yours. If you need us to join you to talk to him, we're here for you. Just let us know," Beth stated.

"Okay," I said.

"Oh and yeah, aren't you guys going to class? I also need to go and prepare for class so we could go together," I said.

Beth and Gloria looked at each other and burst into fits of laughter. I looked at them, totally confused.

"Wht are you girls laughing?" I asked.

"Because it's funny you think it's still morning. You slept through the morning," Gloria replied.

"WHAT?" I yelled.

My eyes popped out and I immediately regretted opening them that wide. A sharp pain rushed through my head and I held it with both arms.

"Why did you wake me? You made miss me my lectures for today," I said, feeling a bit upset.

"You wanted us to wake you up at 6am? We're not that heartless. Don't you see the way you're feeling now? Imagine we had woken you up earlier. You wouldn't have loved it. I bet you'd have sworn at us if we did," Beth replied.

I closed my eyes and groaned. When I opened them, my best friends were staring at me like I was the last slice of pizza on the plate.

"What? Why are you staring at me that way?" I asked.