
Bad Boy!

In this time there are things such as demons and others as celestials. Celestials protect humans from these demons, but some demons, such as bakugou, can disguise themselves. But once they are found they are sent to a special place for demons of such. These demons need a certain ammount of blood each day, and if they don't they turn into their spirit animal. Bakugou's spirit animal is a pomeranian, scary, right? After Izuku accidentally saw Bakugou transforming out of his animal form, he is dragged into this never ending adventure of hiding and sheltering Bakugou from these celestials. Although Bakugou was not very fond of this protection before hand, he eventually gets very used to it and even starts to feel something more. What will happen next on their journey. Will Bakugou be caught, or will the two boys live forever being hunted?

baku_dekufam · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 19

"Okay Kacchan, I'll be right back."

The chill breeze of the night swept across the greenettes rosey face as he walked along an empty sidewalk. Street lamps up ahead lit his way across the town. He was headed to a soup shop on other side of town, which wasn't a necessarily long walk. It probably only took 10 minutes to get there and 10 back. Katsuki had earlier asked him to get him chicken noodle soup, which would calm his fever a bit. Although Deku hated the dark, he went anyways, for Kacchan's sake. He was sick and needed Izuku, and so that's why he went and that's why he was going to stay strong.

As Izuku strolled down the street, he watched the cars whiz by watching the headlights fade down the street. It was oddly empty it felt eerie being alone at this time of night. If anything people feared him, he was walking alone, dark clothing on. Anyone could immediately get that creepy vibe from Deku, but he was the complete opposite. He was always full of sunshine and was nice to be around, well as everyone says.

A dank foul smell swirled into Izuku's nose. He scrunched up his face and looked around wearily. It startled him since he wasn't really expecting that smell around here. He thought it might've been a dumpster, but why would a dumpster be right in front of the store. It was coming through the alley way next to the cafe he was in front of. Instead of checking it out, Izuku kept on walking only at a faster pace. He just wanted to get to Katsuki and get under covers. He folded his arms around himself to keep warm, his teeth began to clatter from the dropping temperatures.

Deku's nose quirked up when the smell of noodles came into the air. He hummed a smile and ran the rest of the way there. Once he entered the door jingled announcing his presence, a cashier came out from the back and smiled sweetly at him as he walked up to the counter.

"Hello, what would you like?" The cashier asked, checking him out up and down. Izuku slightly blushed and cleared his throat.

"Chicken noodle soup and soba, please." Izuku stated. The cashier smiled and typed in the order, ringing him up.

"That'd be $15.64." Izuku returned the smile and handed him the money. The cashier had purple messy hair and purple eyes. His eye bags were visible, probably from lack of sleep, and his jaw line was as sharp as it gets. Izuku quivered of the mans intense stare at him, it was almost as if he was flirting with his eyes. Izuku then watched the cashier walk to the back, so he wandered off and looked around the store. Pop machines were placed against the left wall and right next to that was a fork and spoon station. To get to the seating, you had to go down 3 steps and turn right into the dining area. It had circular tables in the middle and along the sides were booths. It was well decorated for a new business.

"Number 254?" The cashier called out. Izuku tensed up and raised his hand walking towards the counter again.

"That would be me. Thank you!" Izuku smiled. The cashier smiled back and handed him the receipt.

"Have a nice night." The guys raspy voice called out as Izuku left the store. That guy was nice. Izuku thought as he walked alone once again in the deep depths of the night. His head tilted down to the black smudge on the receipt. What's this? Izuku flipped it over. It was a phone number with a heart underneath.

"Gah!" Izuku blushed furiously, this almost caused him to drop his soups. Little did he know the guy was still watching him from inside, laughing at his cute reaction. Deku covered his mouth. Did he think I was cute? Or did he just wanna be friends, he seemed nice. Should I text him... when should I text him... "Gah, I don't know what to do. I'll ask Kacchan, he'll know what to do, he's smart." Izuku shot a look of determination at the sky.

But that determination slowly faded as the same foul smell from earlier came back again, only thicker. It smelled like boiled eggs mixed with rotten fish. It could make anyone vomit from how putrid the smell is. This time was different, Izuku felt a presence following him. However whenever he turned around, no one was there. It was almost like his shadow was the one following him. Chills fell down Izuku's spine, somethings not right, I need to get home to Kacchan. Izuku started to fast walk, but the presence kept pace with him. So Izuku ran, making sure the soups weren't going to spill. He then heard another set of running footsteps behind him. This is why he doesn't go out at night.

He made it to Katsuki's door opened it and slammed it shut. Izuku let out pant after pant regaining his breath. His heartbeat racing. Izuku kicked off his shoes and went up to Katsuki's room. He opened the door slowly and went in. Katsuki was sleeping still, so Izuku set the food on his desk and sat in his chair. Deku moved closer and watched Katsuki's resting face. He looked so calm then his normal face. Izuku likes this Kacchan, but he also liked the other Kacchan. Deku moved Katsuki's hair from his face and started to wake him up.

"Kacchan, food is here." Izuku says. Katsuki groans and sits up.

"Why do you look so scared?" Kacchan asked Izuku. Deku just smiled and handed him the soup.

"It's nothing..." Izuku said. Kacchan knew this was obviously was a lie, but didn't want to push him.

Did something happen to him out there...



Izuku decided it was best to stay the night, since it was already midnight. So he was curled up beside Kacchan, he was softly breathing as he slept but still the scared expression remained. Katsuki watched as the hair on his nose blew up everytime he breathed out. It was cute to him. He also watched his torso rise and fall as he breathed.

I won't let you go out alone at night anymore. I go with you...


Thanks for reading

Have a great night/day
