
Chapter 18

Bakugou sat alone at a bench watching all his friends laugh and talk in line at a food stand. All Bakugou was doing was staring at Midoriya as he smiled brightly and replied to Mina's statement. He looked so happy. The boys joy brought joy to Katsuki as well. Izuku's hair flopped around as he danced along to some music. After the firework show they play music so people can celebrate and dance to, so the group of teens decided to stay longer. They made Katsuki watch their stuff as they bought food, some for Katsuki as well of course.

Katsuki felt a presence beside him sit down. He didn't turn to look because he couldn't give a single shit who sat next to him. He was thinking it was some creep checking out his friends. "It's nice that you have friends." The man said. Confused Bakugou turned to face the man, raging.

"What the hell ol-" Bakugou yelled, but before he could finish his eyes were met with no other than his dad. He immediately clamped his jaw shut and titled his head away. His dad just sighed and looked at his friends again.

"The green haired one must be very special to you." Masaru replied fixing his glasses. He then smiled and looked at his son. "He's a keeper." Bakugou blushed and looked away.

"What do you mean old man?" Bakugou growled lowly. Masaru chuckled and looked at him again. It was obvious that his son had a thing for him, especially since earlier when the greenette called him his boyfriend, his face lit up like a stovetop. It was a funny sight to watch, so not to embarrass him anymore he just walked away.

"You know, I haven't been the best father. I left when I shouldn't have, and I said some things that I regret terribly." He started to say. Masaru grabbed Katsuki's attention so that he was now facing him. "But I'm here now to give you a father that you should've had long ago. I'm okay if you hate me for some time, I deserve that." He chuckled and took his sons hands. "I deeply apologize with all my heart, maybe we can build our relationship again."

Bakugou sneered and looked the old hag in the face. He couldn't tell if he should believe him, but by the look on his face he knew he was serious. "Yeah, okay old man." Bakugou accepted. Masaru cheered silently and stood up.

"Well, I'll leave you to your friends now. Have fun, son."

Bakugou tensed at the word son. He hasn't heard that term from his father in a long time. It kinda brought salt to his exposed wounds. It burned down his spine and racked his brain. Son.

"Hey Kacchan!" Izuku called out from a far. He was trudging toward the spikey blonde with a kabob. Katsuki watched the short male run towards him and trip. That was when Katuski went into action. He stood up and caught Izuku in his arms.

"Jeez stupid nerd, watch where you're running." Bakugou warned. He was on edge due to his fathers visit so he was a bit jumpy. Izuku pushed himself out of Katsuki's chest and smiled nervously. He had a blush on his freckled cheeks.

"Sorry Kacchan. Here's your kabob." Izuku exclaimed handing it to Kacchan. He took it and sat back down with Izuku. Deku turned to him with big worried eyes. It was cute and almost made Bakugou loose it. "U-um, mind me asking... Your dad. I saw you two talking. Are you okay with that, or.."

Katsuki looked at Izuku tension in the air surrounding. The pale moon shone above the two as they both looked into each others eyes. "Yeah, we're good now." Katsuki said. Izuku smiled widely and jumped on Kacchan bringing him into a tight hug. Bakugou blushed and hugged him back earning another smile from the broccoli boy.

"I'm happy for you Kacchan!" Izuku exclaims. Katsuki smiles and let's go of Izuku as Izuku sits back up. "Kacchan's so brave!"



And just like that Bakugou missed another day of school. Unfortunate. Izuku worried all day, he slumped in his seat and his head was held low as he walked in the halls. He looked unusually sad. Deku was hoping Katsuki was alright. Maybe he was skipping school again because of Saturday. It worried Deku a lot. He didn't want to hurt Kacchan anymore.

"Izuku are you okay today. You seem sad." Iida asked as they walked to the lunch table. Izuku's head was still positioned down as he walked past people.

"I'm fine, I'm just worried about Kacchan." Izuku replied sitting down. The worst possible ideas popping in his head.

"I'm sure he's fine Midoriya. He might be sick." Iida said with confidence laced in his voice. Sick, yeah he's just sick. Izuku let out a sigh. Maybe he needs blood and I'm not there to help him! Izuku's eyes widen as he realizes the other possibilities that could happen. He started to freak out. No blood=dog form=celestials finding him=who knows. Anything could happen and it'd all be Izuku's fault.

"Yeah sick." Izuku repeated shoving that into his mind of possibilities.


Finally the end bell rang out and students rushed out, Izuku being one. He usually waits until everyone is out the door before leaving, but this time he was the first. He had to get home to check up on Katsuki. Deku nearly ran down the hallway, pushing against people and squeezing through crowds. Being so short and skinny it was easier to maneuver through crowds.

The doors came into sight as he rushed out. He wanted to make it home as fast as he could, so he ran down the sidewalk of the campus. It didn't take long to reach the corner stores which were nearly empty due to the recent sales. This made it easier to run to his home.

He rushed down his block and found his house. Izuku ran in quickly to set his backpack down outside the door. "Hey, Mrs Iida. I'm going next door to Bakugou's for a bit. Be back later." She waved him out the door and watched him leave.

That boy is always up to something...

Izuku knocked impatiently at Katsuki's door. He heard stumbles and thumps to the door. Mistuki opened it and greeted Izuku. "Izuku, come on in!" She squealed. Izuku smiled and kicked his shoes off at the door. "So you here for Bakugou?" She assumed. Izuku nodded. She smiled. "He's sick right now, but if you don't mind his room is upstairs on your first right."

"Thank you ma'am." Izuku thanked as he walked off up the stairs. He listened to her instructions and turned right, to a door that said Knock First and underneath that it looked as if Katsuki wrote "Hag" in pen. Izuku giggled and knocked twice. He waited a bit before a faint voice mumbled, "come in". Izuku pushed the door open and shut it behind him.            

"K-kacchan?" Katsuki lifted his face from his pillow. He looked pale and his cheeks were rosey. "Aww Kacchan, do you need anything?" Katsuki shook his head no and plopped his face back in his pillow. Izuku pulled up a chair and sat at his bed side staring down at the sick Kacchan. "You look cute when your sick. Your cheeks get all red." Katsuki blushed into his pillow.

"Anyways, I got your homework. I'll set it at your desk." Izuku said setting it down. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. So I guess I'll just go." As Izuku opened the door he heard something faint.

"Deku." It was Katsuki. Izuku turned around and hummed. "Stay with me." That's all he had to say. Izuku closed the door, sat beside his bed and held his hand.

"You'll get better, you're strong Kacchan."


Thanks for reading

Have a great night/Day


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