
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

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Chapter 29: Cut the Hu

Song Yang looked at Chotus, whose hair was already silvery, "Even if he's a rookie, double-click is a rookie in the lottery!"

Joetus nodded noncommittally. If he hadn't valued the potential of Double-click Company, why would he make a special trip? Although this acquisition is not to say how big the acquisition is, but for Wang An Company, it is this. After walking out of the quagmire, it was the first time he officially appeared in front of everyone, and it was also a public "first show" of Wang An's company. Naturally, it needed to be eye-catching enough!

"Wang Anqiu has been completely transformed. It has offices in 40 countries and regions around the world, providing software services to users in dozens of regions. After the double-click company cooperates with Wang Anqiu, it can enter these markets. , the Internet market is not limited to America."

  Jotus drew a cake for Song Yang, Wang An Company can help Double Click Company become a "worldwide" company, and Wang An Company has also transformed into a software, which fully cooperates with Double Click Company.

   Song Yang, who has been painting cakes for the company's staff these days, doesn't drink poisonous chicken soup. "But now 70% of the Internet digital advertising market is in America, and the overseas market is not the most important thing for the company to pay attention to."

   "Also, the Telephone and Telegraph Group and Netscape in America can provide more support for Double-click Red Flag than Wang An's company!" Song Yang was still an old-fashioned way of moving these two companies out, proving that Double-click Company is a sweet pastry.

  Different from other occasions, when facing Song Yang, Joe Tus felt quite appetizing, so he was willing to "give some pointers". Joe Tus of the old rivers and lakes knew what Song Yang meant as soon as he heard this.

"Song, you can listen to Wang An's offer first," Joe Tus said, looking at Song Yang, "Wang An's acquisition of DoubleClick is to enter the global digital advertising market. For this reason, Wang An is willing to pay a premium to acquire it. Equity plus cash, 30 million US dollars wholly-owned acquisition of Double Click Company!"

  Song Yang's hand holding the wine glass trembled involuntarily. He couldn't believe his ears. Chotus actually called out such a price and directly raised the price of ten million dollars.

Joetus just held the wine and quietly looked at Song Yang in front of him. The bid was slightly higher than the price he originally expected, but it did not exceed the limit. What Joetus wanted was to win the Double-Click Company in one fell swoop. Too many twists and turns.

"Wang An Company is really willing to bid so much for Double Click Company?" Song Yang looked at Qiao Tus with some doubts. Even if Qiao Tusi is the current head of Wang An Company, such a price is expected to cause him to be criticized. .

   When asked about this, Chotus showed a strong confidence, "I believe that my proposal can be passed in Wang An Company!"

If you think about it, Wang An's company was pulled up by Jotus. He has absolute prestige within Wang An's company. Even if he spends more money and buys an empty shell and broken company, it is estimated that he will not be able to. People dare to say something about Joetus, if they get angry with Joetus, I am afraid it will be the time when the sub-creditors of Wang An Company and investors cry.

"Mr. Joetus, I..." Song Yang rubbed his hands, and when he said it, Song Yang said in a blunt manner, "Let's go to dinner first, I have booked the best hotel in Houston, I will be there tomorrow. I'll give you an answer in the morning!"

   After saying that, Song Yang regretted it. What are you holding back at this time? This offer has completely exceeded Song Yang's expectations, but the words have already been exported, so Song Yang can only bite the bullet.

  Jotus shook his head and laughed, looked at Song Yang and said, "You should think about it."

Joetus doesn't worry about any changes. The price he offers is quite astonishing enough to be honest. Compared with the prices in Silicon Valley and Wall Street, it is as much as half as much. I don't believe anyone else will jump out and follow him Rob, there is no place to burn the money?

Song Yang and Joetus came to a restaurant in Houston where celebrities gathered, and had a meal together. At the dinner table, Gallo and others were hesitant to say anything. They wanted to know what Song Yang and Joetus talked about. But in front of Chotus, he didn't ask too many questions. This thousand-dollar meal, accompanied by a violinist, was like chewing wax.

  After exiting the restaurant door, when Song Yang and Joetus shook hands, they suddenly felt a little dazzling. When they saw a reporter from an unknown media, they suddenly appeared and patted Song Yang and Joetus for a while.

   Song Yang and Qiaotus looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Obviously, the reporter was not invited by the other party.

However, facing the camera, Song Yang and Qiaotus did not dodge, instead they had a very tacit "talking" and seemed to be talking about something important. In fact, they both wanted to take advantage of each other's popularity and do a wave of promotion .

  Song Yang wanted to sell Double Click Company a good price, while Joe Tus wanted to take the opportunity to tell the outside world that the former Wang An Company was "back"!

After Song Yang sent Joetus back to the hotel, the reporters who followed him left, obviously they came to Song Yang. With the reports from Houston TV and the media, Song Yang now has some Fame, these reporters happened to meet the "tech genius" who has been in the limelight recently. It seems that they are meeting with very important people, so they naturally want to take a few pictures.

   After returning to Double Click Company, Gallo couldn't bear it any longer and asked Song Yang, "How's the talk?"

  Greek, Irene, Wesley, Ryan and others who stayed in the company also looked at Song Yang.

   glanced at everyone, Song Yang spread his hands with a slightly helpless expression, "Jotus gave a price of 30 million!"

   "It's only 30 million US dollars..." Seeing Song Yang's expression, Gallo said with a little disappointment, and then he suddenly widened his eyes, "Song, what are you talking about, 30 million US dollars?!"

  Greck couldn't help but be moved. This was completely beyond his imagination. Looking back, he looked back at the Double-Click Company with only one floor and less than 100 people. Is this worth 30 million US dollars?

   "Song, you agreed?" Gallo excitedly asked Song Yang.

   "Not yet, I'll give Joetus an answer tomorrow morning. I'm still considering whether to sell the Double Click Company as a whole to Wang An Company, or give up part of the equity!" Song Yang said.

   "Song, why can't you agree, in case something changes tomorrow..." Gallo talked nonstop again, but hearing Song Yang finally didn't refuse, he was relieved.

"Song, what do you mean?" Greck asked Song Yang, Irene, Ryan and others also looked at Song Yang, whether to sell all or part of it, which had a huge impact on Song Yang, but for Ryan and the others Speaking of which, it is also related to them. It is really hard to say what will happen to them if they change to a new owner.

  Song Yang glanced back at the office floor, and seemed to remember the days in the garage. Since he came to America, he has been tossing about the double-click company. Now, when it comes to selling, Song Yang is naturally a little reluctant.

   After a while, Song Yang said, "I want to give a part of the equity to Wang An Company. Double-click Company is still managed by us, but this needs to be discussed with Wang An Company and Joetus!"

  It is still a little difficult for Song Yang to completely give up the double-click company. After all, this is the first company he has built with all his efforts, so it is really hard to let it go.

   Hearing that Song Yang didn't plan to sell them all, Ryan, Irene, and Wesley breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, while Gallo was a little helpless. Obviously, he still thought it was safest to have a beautiful knife in hand.

  Song Yang, Gleek and others, when Double-click Company was preparing for tomorrow's negotiations, a rumor about Song Yang and Double-click Company suddenly spread in the Corey industry.

Wyatt and several reporters from the Houston Chronicle returned to the newspaper office and took out the photos taken at the door of the restaurant. They were the reporters of the financial section of the Chronicle, and they were very interested in Song Yang, a "tech genius" who has been very popular in Houston recently. , "Mr. Youngest Millionaire" is quite concerned.

   I saw Song Yang meeting with the person who seemed very important just now. Out of reporter instinct, Wyatt took a photo of Song Yang shaking hands with Joe Tus.

   "Why does this person look familiar!"

   After the photo was taken out, one of the reporters saw Chotus and immediately felt that he had seen him somewhere. Then he suddenly got up, ran towards the reference room, and hurried back.

   "It's Joetus, the current president of Wang An Company, Joetus. The person Bruno Song met today is Joetus. What are they going to do?"

   The reporter who returned, compared a previous photo and couldn't help but say.

   They are all reporters, and they instinctively feel that something big is about to happen. The president of Wang An's company, who has traveled all the way to Houston, will definitely not just have a meal.

  Wyatt looked at the photo of Jotus, and then thought of Double Click Company, which was looking for an investment company, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Wang An's company is going to invest in Double-click Company, or Double-click Company is going to sell to Wang An?!" Wyatt stood up abruptly and said, all the reporters in the technology section of the Houston Chronicle were all around, and they all knew that, Something is going to happen.

   When he arrived at an apartment near the Houston Harbor Office Building, Song Yang was already exhausted. This apartment was rented by Song Yang for the convenience of commuting to and from Double Click Company.

   Back at the apartment, Song Yang rinsed and lay on the bed. At this time, a piece of news in the technology industry was already spreading all over the sky.

  The photo of Song Yang and Joetus shaking hands at the door of the restaurant was first reported by the Houston Chronicle, and then began to be reprinted by the technology media, and even Wall Street newspapers began to report in the evening newspaper.

   After all, this news is too topical. Wang An Company, a once legendary company, suddenly appeared again. Meeting with Double Click Company, a new star who is quite famous recently on the Internet, naturally makes people imagine.

   All kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky, and there are many speculations about Wang An Company and Double Click Company, and some sky-high acquisitions and so on have begun to appear.

   Not long after falling asleep, Song Yang was suddenly awakened by a ringing phone. Song Yang, who was disturbed by his sleep, wanted to unplug the phone line.

   In the end, he held back and picked up the phone. Not many people knew about this phone. They only called when it was most important to make sure that Song Yang could be found.

  Song Yang answered the phone angrily, and an unfamiliar phone with a London accent came from the phone, "Song, I know this call is out of date, but it's very important to us now!"

   Hearing his name on the phone, Song Yang instantly woke up.