
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

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Chapter 30: belly

Song Yang listened to the name on the phone, and after being stunned for a moment, he instantly woke up.

   "President Martin?!"

The person who called    turned out to be the founder and president of WPP Group, Martin Solo, known as the "King of Mergers and Acquisitions".

In a previous life, when Song Yang was an intern in an Internet factory, he heard that several Internet companies, such as Goose Factory, Goudong, and Ma Boss, even spent more than 10 billion US dollars in order to **** WPP's domestic media and advertising business. After fighting with knives, Song Yang learned about the reputation of WPP, the world's largest advertising group.

  's mind was spinning quickly, Song Yang thought about the purpose of Martin Solo's call, the call from this traditional media advertising industry was really beyond Song Yang's expectations.

  Martin's voice came from the phone, "Song, I know it's not appropriate to call at this time, but I think you must make this call, or you will make the fatal mistake of your life!"

  Martin's words are not overbearing, and even make people feel friendly, but the meaning of the words is very firm.

  Song Yang sat down beside the bed, the cold wind from the window made Song Yang calm down quickly, "President Martin is referring to the cooperation with Wang An Company?"

   "Whether it's Wang An or any Netscape or Telegraph Group, they don't understand the advertising industry at all, and it would be a disaster for DoubleClick to cooperate with them!"

  Martin's devaluation of Wang An and Netscape is useless, and Song Yang can't refute it. Martin, an old gun in the advertising industry, seems to have nothing wrong with it.

   "Song, I don't care who Joetus is or which guy I have promised you. The only company that DoubleClick can cooperate with is the WPP Group!" Martin said decisively and unquestionably.

  Song Yang looked out the window, Xiu Village was already in total darkness at this time, Song Yang's mind was spinning rapidly, "But President Martin, I have already reached a verbal agreement with Mr. Chotus..."

   "An agreement without a signature is just a piece of waste paper!"


   "$35 million, WPP Group is willing to make a valuation of 35 million for Double Click!"

  Song Yang swallowed his saliva. He now knows the reputation of the "King of M&A". It is no wonder that he was able to acquire Ogilvy & Mather, JWT and other established advertising giants.

   "It's not just how much money I get, I have already reached an agreement with Mr. Chotus, and Wang An will help Double-click to enter the global market!" Song Yang said with a final struggle.

   "Forty million dollars!"

   Song Yang exhaled, it wasn't because he lacked perseverance, but the enemy's sugar-coated cannonballs were really too fierce!

   "President Martin, I will mention this to Mr. Chotus tomorrow. I am willing to wait for the arrival of President Martin!"

This time, Song Yang really didn't mean to take Wang An's company and beat the WPP group. look.

Martin Solo on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, as if thinking of something, "Song, you should make the right choice instead of hesitating. I hope that when I go, it is the time to sign an agreement with you. !"

"WPP Group does not have to acquire all Double-click companies, but can also use another method. WPP Group is willing to invest 12 million US dollars to acquire 25% of the shares of Double-click Company. In addition, WPP Group will use Double-click Company as the core to form a global digital company. Advertising department, Song, you are the vice president of this new WPP department, managing the business of WPP's digital advertising department!"

  Martin seemed to say casually, but as if he saw through Song Yang's mind, he left Double Click Company to Song Yang, and let him serve as the vice president of WPP. Although it was only a vacant position, he gave Song Yang all the fame and fortune.

  Martin Soro's request for Double Click Company is definitely more than these, but the ones given now are enough for Song Yang to refuse!

"make a deal!"

   After a long silence, Song Yang still spoke to the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yang stood at the window. He couldn't sleep at all that night. Martin Solo was able to become the "King of Mergers and Acquisitions". He established WPP Group and acquired hundreds of companies in a short period of time. The ability to see people's hearts and seize opportunities is truly terrifying. He can often enter from the weakest point, making people unable to refuse.

   "What did you say, stop the negotiation?!"

   The atmosphere in the hotel room was a little depressing. Early in the morning, Song Yang waited alone at the hotel, and then told Jotus the news.

  Jotus looked at Song Yang sharply, obviously a little angry.

"Mr. Chotus, I'm sorry, but we still have opportunities for cooperation in the future!" Song Yang felt really good about Chotus, and Song Yang could clearly feel that Chotus really regarded him as wanting to recruit The "rookie", intends to guide Song Yang.

   sat down and rubbed Joetus' temple, he calmed down quickly, then looked at Song Yang and regained his calm.

   "Don't be sorry, there's a saying in America that business is business!"

   "Can you tell me who it is?" Joe Tus asked Song Yang, looking at him.

   "Martin Solo!"

  Jotus was obviously stunned for a moment. He had already thought about it. It might be the hands of IBM, Intel, Microsoft, etc., the former rivals of Wang An's company, but he didn't expect that the WPP Group would be killed halfway.

   "Can you tell me, what are the conditions?" Chotus finally asked reluctantly.

Seeing Joetus' expression, Song Yang knew that he had already quit, but he was a little unwilling. He wanted to know why he was out. Song Yang also directly said, "1200 US dollars for 25% of the equity, and WPP The Group will form a global digital business unit with Double-click as the main business!"

Joetus shook his head with a helpless look on his face. He couldn't help sighing in his heart. Jiang was still old and hot. Whether it was funds or conditions, WPP Group completely defeated Wang An Company. condition.

   "It's a wonderful but not very beautiful day!" Chotus got up and stretched out his hand to Song Yang, "I hope to have the opportunity to watch the Yankees baseball team with you in the future. You are indeed an excellent pitcher and never miss a shot!"

  Song Yang and Chotus shook hands, "Mr. Chotus, I don't want it for a long time, we will meet again, my cooperation with Wang An Company and Mr. Chotus will not stop here!"

  Jotus looked at Song Yang's serious expression and smiled, "I'm waiting for that day, but..."

   Seeing that the assistant had already packed up and was about to leave, Chotus threw a sentence at Song Yang, "It's time to practice your pitching. At this level, you won't be able to enter the Yankees baseball team's training camp!"

  Song Yang watched Joe Tus leave after teasing him with a dark face. He was sure, this guy is a black-bellied guy, and his revenge will not be overnight, and he will leave only in response to Song Yang's bad baseball skills.

After sending off Joetus and others, Gallo, Greck, Irene and others also rushed over. Hearing that Song Yang actually let Joetus and others leave, Gallo said with a little breakdown, "Song, where are you? What are you doing?!"

   "You rejected the Telephone and Telegraph Group, Netscape, and now Wang An Company. What are you going to do? That's $30 million!"

Gai Luo was like a concubine, which was even more uncomfortable than losing 30 million. He felt that Song Yang was wrong. He knew that he would go to 13th Street and invite the psychic over earlier, so it wouldn't be 30 million. Ducks can fly.

"To shut up!"

   Seeing everyone around the hotel entrance looking this way, Song Yang said to Gallo, who was talking nonsense, "Double-click is mine, I have the right to deal with it, get in the car!"

   After getting in the car, Song Yang said to the worried Greck and Irene, "I have reached an agreement with the new investor, and it will be signed in the next two days!"

Hearing that there was a new investor, and the price was as high as 12 million US dollars, as long as 25% of the equity, the double-click company was offered a valuation of as high as 48 million US dollars, Gallo was not uncomfortable, and his eyes were wide open. Looking at Song Yang lightly, there was only one thought in his mind, "Having made a fortune, the Bruno family will become a member of the multi-millionaires!"

"WPP Group?" Irene exclaimed. She didn't expect that the media giant would be involved. WPP is not only a leader in the advertising industry, but also a good player in the public relations industry. In Washington, D.C. Both sides have amazing influence, this is a real behemoth.

   Sitting in the car, Irene couldn't calm down for a long time. She thought that she entered the Double Click Company just to make her internship experience look more beautiful.

But now, such a start-up company has involved a group of giants, Netscape, Telephone and Telegraph Group, Wang An Company, and WPP Group. Just for such a company, Irene does not know what the Double Click Company will become. , looked back at Song Yang, who was sitting behind and whispering to Greg, Irene didn't know where Song Yang, the youngest millionaire in America who was about to be born, would go in the future!

When Song Yang and Greck returned to the Houston Harbor office, they found that something was wrong. As soon as they arrived at the elevator entrance where the office floor was located, there were two shirtless men with tattoos and flower arms, standing there looking provocatively. Along with Song Yang and his party.

   Song Yang looked at these two people, frowning slightly, Gree grabbed Song Yang and let him enter the office first.

   As soon as he entered the double-click company's office, Song Yang heard a familiar voice yelling.

   "Call that liar out!"

   "He's a thief who stole everything from me!"

   "I'm here today to get my things back, which I deserve!"

  Song Yang came to the middle of the office building and saw a man standing on the desk yelling, and beside him stood a tattooed man dressed in the same way as the stairs, but he was bigger.

   Seeing this person, Gallo couldn't help at first, "Jayden, are you crazy, do you know where this place is?!"