
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

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Chapter 28: rookie

Hearing that Wang An's company wanted to send someone to double-click the company, Song Yang felt a little confused.

  For the technology industry, Wang An and the company he established are absolutely insane, capable of competing with IBM, and even pressing the other side.

  Wang An Company has enough legends, but what can be remembered is often a tragedy. The final outcome of Wang An Company was a tragedy, which suddenly rose like a comet, but fell like a meteor.

   The rumors about Wang An's company that Song Yang heard in his previous life, as well as the media reports, most of them were that in his later years, Wang An was stubborn and used himself, and he was unwilling to let Wang An's company localize in America, and there was a major error in his judgment on personal computers.

Of course, what was regretted by countless people was that Wang An insisted on making Wang An's company a family company and handing Wang An's company to the Wang family instead of professional managers. This led to the final bankruptcy of Wang An's company, so that Wang An I The famous name has also disappeared. This incident seems to have become a proof that the family business is unsustainable!

   Suddenly, I heard the name of Wang An's company again. How could Song Yang not suspect that Wang An had filed for bankruptcy a few years ago, and it was rumored all over the world at that time.

   "Wang An computer company founded by Wang An?" Song Yang asked Irene uncertainly.

Irene nodded affirmatively, but her face was full of surprise. After all, she was at the Houston Business School, and she also learned the classic MBA case of Wang An Company, which has always been regarded as a failure model, but now Wang An Company has It suddenly appeared again, and Irene was surprised.

   "Now Wang An Computer has changed its name to Wang An Ball, and the president is Joe Tus. Now Wang An has more than 20,000 employees worldwide, and its annual revenue has exceeded 3.5 billion US dollars..."

Irene told Song Yang about the information she had collected, not to mention Song Yang was stunned, even Irene was a little stunned. This Wang An company, as reported by the media, was bankrupt and Wang An was simply heaven and earth. The difference, completely subverted Erin's imagination.

  Song Yang took the information in Irene's hand, even if it was only a temporary collection, but it was shocking enough.

It took more than half an hour for Song Yang to read through the thin pages of information, but his heart was difficult to calm down. The media reports were all selective, or they only reported the news that they wanted to report, and what happened after that. , but do not want to report, or do not care.

If you think about it, you can see that Wang An's company collapsed. The speed was too fast. Countless people were sighing. Wang An should not have handed over the company to his son. As a result, decades of hard work were destroyed. But what happened after that? ?

After Wang An's company filed for bankruptcy, where did the Wang family go? Are the Wang family who succeeded Wang An really so unbearable? The thin camel is bigger than the horse, and the broken boat still has three pounds of iron, not to mention that it was as famous as the Rockefeller family and ranked among the Ami The Wang family of the top ten richest people in Liga is gone. Even if it goes bankrupt, the Wang family still controls amazing wealth, but it completely disappears.

None of these media reported anything, but only reported that the company under Wang An's management collapsed due to the bad habits of the family system, but only three years after bankruptcy, Wang An's company has stood up again in another way. However, it did not return to the public eye, and there was no media coverage, which made Song Yang's impression of Wang An's company still before bankruptcy.


   Song Yang looked at the profile of the current president of Wang An Company, Joe Tus, and could not help but sigh, this is a real genius.

Chotus was ordered in a crisis. As soon as he took over the position of president of Wang An Company, he encountered Wang An Company that could not continue to play. In order to protect the remaining capital of Wang An Company, Joe Tus directly applied for bankruptcy. , and then began to rebuild Wang An in the ruins.

Now, Wang An has not sold computers for a long time, but has transformed into a network technology service company by relying on the computer word processing and email automation technologies left over from Wang An's computer period, mainly selling software and providing technical services. It has been prosperous, with an annual revenue of 3.5 billion US dollars. Even if it has not reached the peak of Wang An Computer, it is still amazing enough, but it is much more low-key now than before.

   "Contact Wang An's company for me!" Song Yang is now a little more interested in Wang An's company, and wants to know what this company that once shined in the global technology industry wants to do.

  Wang An's company responded very quickly, and was obviously very positive about the cooperation with Double-click Company this time.

Song Yang originally thought that this time Wang An's company would send an executive to talk with Double Click Company, but what he didn't expect was that Joetus actually arrived in Houston himself, which made Song Yang eat it all. startled.

   Chotus did not meet Song Yang in the office building, but chose a private baseball stadium.

Song Yang, Gallo, Gleek, and Irene drove to the wealthy area of ​​Houston. Compared with the middle-class community where Gleick lived, the wealthy area basically consisted of single-family villas with gardens, swimming pools, and even There are also several estates of amazing size.

Of course, the wealthy area naturally has its own unique community resources, such as bars, high-end restaurants, museums, theaters, hospitals, health centers, golf courses, etc., as well as one of the best private schools in Houston, and most importantly, here Safe enough!

  The entire wealthy area is almost a city of its own. You can enjoy the best resources in Houston and even America without leaving the community.

   Gallo, who was driving, saw the community in the wealthy area, and his lips began to tremble again, "Song, if you hadn't rejected the 20 million, we would be able to live here today!"

  Gallo, who was so talkative, made Song Yang's forehead hurt a little when he heard it. He didn't know how many times he had nagged at this, "Shut up, sooner or later, you will live here, drive your car now!"

   murmured a few words in a low voice, and seeing Song Yang who looked a little unkind, Gallo still drove the car honestly.

The car came all the way to a private gymnasium. There are many huge buildings here. Golf courses, horse farms and other high-end sports venues are all available. Only in the wealthy area can a stadium of this size be provided. Chotus chose that A baseball field is also in this stadium.

After entering the stadium, Song Yang and the others were taken to a baseball stadium. At this moment, several stadium staff were practicing with him. A middle-aged man was waving a baseball bat. There were several people in suits and leather shoes standing around the stadium. They should be Wang. The people from the company also turned their attention to Song Yang at this moment.

   There were middle-aged people on the court. They found Song Yang and the others present. They waved to Song Yang. Song Yang said to Greck and Irene, "You guys stay here and wait for me!"

   "I heard that you came from a baseball team?" Upon meeting, Chotus was so interested that he asked about Song Yang's baseball team.

  Song Yang looked at Joe Tus in front of him. He was tall and looked a little unsmiling. His words were flat but his expression showed a confident look. It was true that if he was not confident, how would he dare to take over the messed up Wang An Company.

   "Pitcher, the best pitcher in the entire Houston High School!" Song Yang said directly. Anyway, he has already retired from the baseball team. No one can refute whether he is the strongest.

  Jotus couldn't help laughing. From the side of the stadium staff, he took the equipment and threw it to Song Yang, "Play a few **** with me!"

Song Yang twisted his neck and put on his training uniform. At first, Joetus confronted him. Joetus was already middle-aged. Song Yang thought that he would be captured by his hands, but the real fight made Song Yang feel a little bit. It was uncomfortable. Although Qiaotus was not very flexible, he was strong and obviously experienced. Song Yang felt that he had encountered a tough situation.

After a few rounds of   , Song Yang was already sweating, and Joe Tus was not much better, but Song Yang finally relied on his youth and barely scored more than Joe Tus.

   "Have you practiced baseball?" Song Yang couldn't help asking Joetus after taking off his protective gear.

   Chotus, who has not been so cheerful for a long time, heard Song Yang's words with a smile on his face, "I once entered the training camp of the New York Yankees baseball team and received an invitation from the American Minor League Baseball!"

Song Yang's face began to darken when he heard it, and he couldn't help but secretly scold that this fellow Joe Tus was not a good bird. He even pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger. Not about martial arts.

Joetus took off his gloves, sat down with Song Yang under the umbrella, pushed a glass of wine in front of Song Yang, and then looked at Song Yang suspiciously, "Song, you are allowed now. Drink a bar?"

   Listening to Jotus making fun of his age, Song Yang knew that this fellow was a black-bellied man.

   Seeing Song Yang's slightly depressed look, Joe Tus laughed again and pushed the wine glass in front of Song Yang, "Song, you are curious, why am I here?"

   Outside the stadium, Gallo, Greck, and Irene were all looking at the two sitting under the umbrellas, and seeing Jotus laughing from time to time, it seemed that the two of them were having a good conversation.

  Song Yang did not deny it, nodded and said, "I was really surprised to hear the call from Wang An's company!"

  Jotus also sighed. Anyone who mentioned Wang An Company would probably sigh.

   "Wang An Company has now changed, and all hardware industries have been withdrawn."

   "Song, you also play baseball, do you know how to rebuild a baseball team?!" Perhaps because of playing baseball together, Chotus, who has always been taciturn, had many rare words in the face of Song Yang.

   was suddenly pulled by Joetus onto the baseball, and Song Yang didn't react for a while.

Seeing Song Yang's expression, Joe Tus imparted his experience to Song Yang, "When you are airborne to a team, become the owner of a team, and rebuild a team, the best way is to buy a team that has just emerged. The "rookie player", so that since it makes up for the team's weaknesses, there is room for appreciation!"

"So, the double-click company is the "rookie"?" Song Yang thought about it, Joetus took Song Yang to another field, he is no longer a "player", but a "team owner", even if this ball The team is very weak, but in the eyes of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, Netscape's Jim, Joe Tus and others, Song Yang is a "rookie" in the industry.

  Jotus snapped his fingers and asked Song Yang, "So, is Double Click Company willing to join the team of Wang An Company?!"