
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

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Chapter 27: Uninvited guests

Gallo didn't compare his expertise with Erin, but just asked Erin, "If there is no other investment company willing to offer a higher price, can you sustain the loss?"

  Irene was at a loss for words for a while. She has professional knowledge, but not much experience. Irene is indeed a little selfish. Of course, she wants to let Double-click Company be able to raise a larger sum of money.

   But there are other ideas. If she can come up with a big news, then her career will have a brilliant start!

   But in case of failure, Irene's heart trembled for a while, it was nearly 20 million US dollars, how could she afford it.


  Song Yang glared at Gallo. At this time, he had already rejected the acquisition of the Telephone and Telegraph Group. It would be of no use to regret it. Even if he turned back to the other party now, he would only lose his worth.

   "I believe Eileen's judgment and let out the news that the Telegraph Group wants to invest in Double Click!"

  Song Yang decided to lead the snake out of the hole. Using the name of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, he pulled the tiger's skin and pulled the banner to promote the Double-click Company. Even the Telephone and Telegraph Group was interested in the Double-click Company. What are other companies waiting for?

   Gallo was still a little dissatisfied, but he was grabbed by Gray, and after glaring at Irene, he left the office, and Irene, Ryan and others also left one after another.

   After everyone left, Song Yang also leaned back on the chair. If he wanted to talk about what it would feel like to push away the 18 million dollar knife, Song Yang could feel it.

   But worrying is useless now, just to see if there are any big money owners, in order to double-click the company, they will charge a higher price.

  As one of the richest and most influential giants in America, there is no doubt about the influence of the Telephone and Telegraph Group. When the news of wanting to acquire Double-click Company came out, it immediately attracted the attention of Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

At this time, the venture capital firms that originally had their eyes on Silicon Valley began to set their sights on the companies behind Netscape and Yahoo. The news that the Telegraph and Telegraph Group had bid $18 million for the Double-click company made the Those who heard less were surprised.

Now the Internet market is very hot, and everyone can feel it, but a company that has just been established for less than half a year, just under the concept of digital advertising business, and has not exceeded one million in revenue, has actually been worth nearly 20 million US dollars. The knife still makes many people speechless.

   Using the telephone and telegram group as a tool person, the popularity of the double-click advertising company will naturally increase rapidly.

   On Song Yang's side, he didn't wait much, and soon received another call, and it was from an old acquaintance.

   "Song, I saw the news, double-clicked the company, it seems that I'm in trouble?!"

   Jim Clark's voice came from the phone. Although he seemed to be worried about Double-click Company, Song Yang always felt a sense of gloating, and he didn't seem like a good person who called.

  Song Yang does not agree with Jim Clark's words, "Double-click company is not in trouble, but needs to use funds to develop the market. Don't forget, Double-click company will complete the performance plan of Netscape's 10 million digital advertising revenue next year!"

   "Come on, Song, everyone is their own people, so don't tell me these words, tell me, how much does the double-click company cost?" Jim Clark pointed out directly.

   Song Yang has no resistance to cooperating with Netscape. At this stage, he still has to hug Netscape's thigh and rely on Netscape's name to fool people.

   "Five million dollars. Double-click is willing to give up 10% of the equity to Netscape!" Jim asked Song Yang to make an offer, and Song Yang spoke directly without the slightest politeness.

   When he heard this, Jim Clark couldn't help but scolded, "Song, I'm not one of those Silicon Valley VCs who take advantage of me. Do you think DoubleClick is worth $50 million now?"

  Song Yang directly raised the double-click company to a valuation of 50 million US dollars, and Jim Clark yelled in anger, feeling that Song Yang was taking Netscape and the Silicon Valley investors as fools.

   "10 million, Netscape wants to get a 50% stake in DoubleClick!"

  Jim Clark will double-click the company's valuation and increase it by another two million, officially reaching the point of $20 million!

"Song, let me tell you, choosing Netscape is good for you and Double-click Company. I am "my own person" and I will abide by the rules of this industry. I have experienced everything you are going through now. Choosing Netscape, You can go all the way smoothly like Anderson, without worrying about being kicked out one day!"

   Jim Clark spoke in a deep tone, and told Song Yang with a bit of warning that if he chooses another investor, there is no guarantee that Song Yang will not be expelled from the Double-click company that he single-handedly established.

   In this regard, Jim Clark, but he has profound experience, was kicked out of SGI, which was established by himself, and it is impossible for a layman to invest in an expert to not interfere with the operation of Double Click Company.

Netscape Investment does not have this problem at all. Of course, it is not ruled out that Song Yang and Jim will fall out in the future, but on the whole, choosing Netscape is a good choice, although Jim Clark is also very dark-hearted. Take away half of the equity of Double-click Company and invest a few more times in the future, and you will be able to directly control Double-click Company.

   "I'll consider it!" The telephone and telegraph company Song Yang refused, and it was not bad for Netscape to increase the price by 2 million, but this time Song Yang did not completely refuse.

Jim didn't care about this result either, he was just chasing rabbits today, by the way, "One day, you will understand that Netscape is the best choice, my proposal has always been valid, you know my Telephone!"

After    hung up the phone, Jim Clark didn't take it too seriously, he thought Song Yang would call him back sooner or later.

  The price of 20 million is the evaluation of Double-click by the Silicon Valley side. Whether Netscape or other venture capitalists, they will not give too much price, at most, the difference of one or two million.

As for whether there will be other swindlers who will come out to cut the belly, Jim is not quite sure, but he also thinks it is unlikely. After all, you can't always encounter the neurosis of Softbank. With 100 million US dollars, you can rush to invest. For some reason, Jim feels a little guilty for some reason when he thinks of Yahoo.

  Telegram Group and Netscape's successive phone calls made Song Yang, Greck, Irene and others have a rough impression of DoubleClick's market positioning, which is basically around 20 million.

   After Jim Clark's call, for several days, there were not many calls from investment companies, only a few calls from the double-click company, but the asking price did not exceed the call from Netscape.

This made Song Yang anxious for a while. He wondered if he should go to Netscape to start a conversation. At this moment, Irene entered Song Yang's office again and brought him some unexpected news. .

   "You mean, Wang An's company is going to send someone over to talk?" Song Yang had a feeling that time and space were confused. In his impression, Wang An went bankrupt at this time? !