
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

Sundayig · Realistic
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50 Chs

Chapter 26: Volunteers take the bait

Grek on the other end of the phone and the others, after hearing Bartley's words, couldn't help but look at Song Yang.

Hearing Bartley's words, Song Yang knew that he was about to get to the point, "Manager Bartley is really well-informed, Double-click Company needs some funds to open up more markets, you know, Double-click Company is now an online company. King, Yahoo's digital advertising agency!"

   Regarding financing, although Song Yang is not an experienced veteran, he still knows the rules of selling things, that is, Wang Po sells melons and brags about it.

According to the meaning of Song Yang's words, that is the double-click company. Now it is not because of lack of money to raise funds, but because the market is booming. In order to better develop the double-click company, it is "compelled" to raise funds. Finally, I did not forget to move out of Netscape. , Yahoo, these two backers.

   Bartley said to Song Yang at the instruction of the investment department of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, "Of course, the Telephone and Telegraph Group also supports the Double-click Company, otherwise the first digital advertisement would not have been handed over to Double-click Company!"

   "For better cooperation between the two sides, the Telephone and Telegraph Group is willing to lend a helping hand to Double Click Company. If Song is willing, you can come to New York and sign this agreement. I believe you will be surprised."

Bartley looked at the note handed over by the investment department and continued to speak to the phone, "Song, I would like to congratulate you in advance, America's new generation of multimillionaires, the Telephone and Telegraph Group is willing to invest eight million dollars in Double Click Company, In exchange for a 51% stake!"

The voice coming from the phone made everyone in Song Yang's office look a little dazed. Needless to say, Gallo almost jumped up when he heard Bartley say eight million dollars, rubbing his hands nervously. looked at Song Yang.

   This is eight million dollars, a figure that an ordinary person in America cannot earn in two lifetimes!

Greg was not much better, his breath was short, the biggest amount he had ever dealt with was a divorce case involving 400,000 dollars, but now 8 million appeared in front of him, as long as Song Yang said a word, he could touch it. and.

  Kavi Lane, Wesley, and Irene all looked at Song Yang with their hearts racing, and Irene was the first to react.

  Irene held back her excitement, took a deep breath to calm herself down, and then whispered to Song Yang, who looked a little dazed, "Telephone and Telegram Group, this is to acquire Double Click Company!"

After being reminded by Irene, Song Yang began to slowly regain his composure. To say that there are eight million dollars in front of him, if he doesn't move, is absolutely bullshit. This is eight million dollars in 1995, which is enough in China. The country Yanjing has bought a dozen courtyard houses, and I am afraid it will only cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a palace garden.

Even in Song Yang's previous life, this is an amazing wealth. In two lifetimes, Song Yang has never encountered such a large amount of wealth. This is not money borrowed from Comerica Bank, but as long as Song Yang Yang nodded, and it belonged to him completely!

  Irene's reminder made Song Yang slowly come back to his senses. He remembered the condition that Bartley put forward, the Telephone and Telegraph Group, which was preparing to acquire it in one fell swoop and get the controlling stake of Double Click Company.

For a time, Song Yang was in a struggle. He told Song Yang rationally that the valuation of Double-click company should not be limited to 16 million US dollars. Backed by Netscape, Yahoo, and even luck, if it could go public, Selling more than half of the shares today will become one of the most expensive investments in the history of the Internet. Maybe Song Yang will be ridiculed for his lack of vision.

   But now Double-click Company is really short of money. If you miss this store, there will be no next village, and no new investors are willing to invest in Double-click Company. I am afraid it will really be a waste of money.

  In Song Yang's office, seeing Irene's words, Song Yang never answered, Gallo couldn't help but glared at Irene, thinking that Irene was deliberately blocking and preventing the Bruno family from entering the multimillionaire club.

  Irene ignored Gallo's anger and just looked at Song Yang. Whether or not to sell Double Click Company was entirely up to Song Yang's decision. At this moment, Irene suddenly had more expectations for this rabble company.

   It's not that he has expectations for others, but Song Yang. Whether Song Yang is willing to sell Double Click Company and make a high-value apartment, or pursue more things, depends on this moment.

  Battley was also waiting anxiously. He and the Telegraph Group and the others heard the noisy voice on the other end of the phone just now. Think about it, how tempting a young man is for eight million dollars in cash?

   Anyway, Bartley knew that if it was him, he would never be able to refuse such a temptation, but after a slight noise on the other end of the phone, it suddenly fell into silence.


Bartley called out to Song Yang tentatively, "I think you should think about it carefully, the Telephone and Telegraph Group will not easily make an offer for a person, but if you miss it, the Telephone and Telegraph Group will withdraw the order, and there will be no second place. Second-rate!"

Listening to Bartley's words, Song Yang instead strengthened his beliefs and took a deep breath, "Thanks to the Telephone and Telegraph Group and Manager Bartley for their kindness, but I need to think about this matter, I need to double-click the company and the Bruno family, all of them. people's opinion!"

   Although Song Yang said it euphemistically, he still firmly rejected the acquisition proposal of the Telephone and Telegraph Group. Hearing Song Yang's rejection, Gallo hugged his head in pain, and kept saying "madman!"

It was too exciting to gain eight million and lose it again, which made Greg feel a little dazed. Ryan and Wesley also sighed. Although they couldn't get the eight million, it was their distance from eight million dollars. the most recent.

Irene looked straight at Song Yang, Irene suddenly felt that this boss, who was younger than her, seemed not only to have good looks, but also an indescribable feeling that he could refuse the temptation of eight million dollars. , it means that he has a bigger goal, which has a fatal attraction for a career-type woman like Irene. At a certain moment, Irene looked at Song Yang and suddenly felt her heart beat fiercely.

Bartley did not expect that Song Yang would reject the acquisition proposal. There was a noise in the conference room of the Telephone and Telegraph Group for a while. After the investment department whispered a few words to the big bosses of the Telephone and Telegraph, they handed Bartley another one. Note, looking at the things on the note, Bartley finally couldn't help it and took a breath.

   "I regret your choice, Song," Bartley said to Song Yang, "but I hope to facilitate the cooperation between Double Click Company and the Telegram Group. I want to see you Song in the Telegram Group!"

"If you are willing to join the Telephone and Telegraph Group, the Telephone and Telegraph Group is willing to acquire the entire equity of Double-click Company at a price of 18 million US dollars. After the acquisition is completed, Song You can still stay in Double-click Company, and the Telephone and Telegraph Group is willing to serve you Song. A member of the Bruno family, providing a suitable location!"

It is worthy of being the most profitable company this year. The telephone and telegram are really aggressive. In the blink of an eye, they even raised the purchase price of two million dollars. Even Gleick couldn't help it, not only for the acquisition, but also for the The Bruno family offers positions, and the conditions are already quite generous.

  Under the gaze of Irene, Song Yang had already made up his mind, and once again rejected Bartley's proposal, "I'm looking forward to cooperating with Manager Bartley, but I need to think about it!"

   "This kid actually refused the acquisition. Did another acquirer appear?"

   "You don't have to buy DoubleClick, my God, it's crazy to buy a company that is not profitable at all for 20 million dollars. There are companies like Silicon Valley!"

   "But there is only one Double-click company. Do you know Martley's Law? No matter how many digital advertising companies there are, only a few Double-click companies will be able to win orders in this industry in the future!"

   In the conference room of the Telegraph Group, when Bartley put down the phone, the chief financial officer and the manager of the investment department immediately started talking.

   In any company, there is a conflict of interests, not to mention inside a giant like the Telephone and Telegraph Group.

  The financial department of the Telephone and Telegraph Group did not want to pay for the acquisition. In case of buying it back, the company would go bankrupt in the future. It would be the financial department's fault, but it has nothing to do with the financial department in its development.

As for the investment department, it is different. When you see an opportunity, you will reach out to the financial department to ask for money to buy it. If it can become a torch, they can see through the fog of the investment market. The bonus is indispensable, and the position can be promoted. Lesson, after all investing is risky…

   "It's hard to say whether the digital advertising industry exists or not. It's too early to say this now!" The chief financial officer sneered at the manager of the investment department.

   The manager in charge of the investment department of the Telephone and Telegraph Group immediately sneered, "Then you think that SoftBank's plan to invest 100 million US dollars in Yahoo is as crazy as you?!

   As the general digital advertising agency of Netscape and Yahoo, two companies valued at hundreds of millions of dollars, isn't Double-click worth 20 million dollars? ! "

Bartley was stunned there. He now understands why the Telephone and Telegraph Group suddenly invested in Double-click. It turned out to be rumored that Softbank would invest 100 million US dollars in Yahoo. Bartley didn't know if the world was too crazy, or if He is behind.

   Not only is the phone and telegram group quarreling, but the double-click company is arguing.

   "You crazy woman, do you know what you did, that's 18 million dollars!"

   Gallo hurriedly circled around the office, talked to Irene, and complained to Song Yang, "Song, how can you believe this crazy woman, she shouldn't have come in in the first place."

   "I learned in business school that when a prey appears, it can attract more than a lone wolf!"

Irene glanced at Gallo coldly, and mocked his IQ secretly. She was sure that the prey of Double-click Company would not be the lone wolf of the Telephone and Telegraph Company. I don't know what other beasts were hiding in the forest. .

   "Then you promise, other companies will definitely be able to pay more than the telephone and telegraph company?!"