
Back To 1995

In America in 1995, the flame of the Internet had just been ignited, mobile phones were still bricks, and Hollywood movies had not yet entered the era of special effects. All these will enter another era due to the appearance of Song Yang. Some media exclaimed that he is a new generation of Howard Hughes, just like what Hughes did back then, leading the trend and making countless people crazy, and Song Yang was worse than the original Hughes, he changed. an era. But for the media’s comments, Song Yang just left a sentence, “I’m just me, history will give the answer!”

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50 Chs

Chapter 25: Jiang Taigong fishing

When asked about Song Yang's words, Gleick couldn't help feeling excited and timid, which was something Gleick had never experienced before.

He was originally just a small lawyer, he understood the basic things, but this kind of high-end stuff involving capital operation is not something that Gleick can play with, not to mention Gleick, even if he is the biggest lawyer in his law firm, Joe Saiya, I haven't had much contact with him either.

But Gleek still understands basic common sense. Now that the company is double-click, accepting investment is a must, and there may be multiple rounds of investment in the future. Otherwise, this baton game of burning US knives may not go on. .

It is acceptable to invest, but it is not a casual thing. I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs running. This thing is a bit like opening a blind box. No one knows what the investors who are introduced are. Luck is like Microsoft, Netscape, etc., Investors and founders are embarrassed to cut leeks, no, they are jointly sending the company to the market, so that more investors can enjoy the benefits of development...

   If you are out of luck, ask the Cisco couple, who have already entered the retirement state ahead of schedule, how it feels to be kicked out of Cisco, and how it feels to Gang Leader Qiao, who is secretly competing with the Apple board of directors.

The same is true for   Double-click. If the investors brought in can get along with Song Yang and are willing to support the Double-click advertising company, then Double-click may be able to soar into the sky, otherwise, it is estimated that it is time to fight in the nest.

   "It's about time!"

Song Yang was sitting there, and he was not much better. He had never experienced this in his previous life. When he entered university, those big Internet and technology companies had already developed, and all he had heard were the founders and companies. Legend has it that Ali received tens of millions of investment from SoftBank in a few minutes, and so on.

   Now that Song Yang is facing those investors, he can't help but feel a little nervous, but it must be done.

"You heard what Ryan said just now. Double-click company needs to advertise. Chris Jain also called to ask about finance. He won't give Double-click company too much time!" Song Yang said to Greg, " In addition, we have to guard against the appearance of competitors!"

  Greck also knew that what Song Yang said was the truth, so to double-click the company's current financial situation, it will last two or three months at most.

   "Which investment company are you going to accept?" Glick asked Song Yang when he got up and left, choosing a different investor means that there will be no way to go.

  Song Yang shook his head. He didn't feel anything about venture capital companies. Without this industry, the Internet industry would not have developed so quickly, but to say how good this industry is would be bullshit.

   "Let's release the news first, and see how the outside world reacts!" Song Yang was going to release the news first, to see how the Silicon Valley venture capital and Wall Street investment banks reacted to DoubleClick.

The investors in these two places are all talented people, and their eyes are very vicious. The valuation made by Double-click is basically the most accurate. How much money can be obtained from investors depends on Double-click. How much is it worth to them.

   To start looking for the news of the first round of financing, it began to spread quietly within the Double-click Company, and this is a special news for those who newly joined the Double-click Company.

  Double-click the ordinary staff of the company. It's okay to say that although they have expectations, they don't have much hope, but for directors such as Ryan and Wesley, this may also change their fate.

Compared with traditional industries, companies in the Internet industry are very fast-paced. Just half a year after they were established, they began to raise funds and then began to find ways to go public. This is unimaginable in traditional industries. Of course, this also means that the money is very fast. It took five or even ten years to cut leeks on the market. Now, it only takes two years, one year, or even one year...

  Through the slightly rudimentary office glass, you can see the busy people outside, and the double-click company has begun to slowly enter the right track.

  The digital advertising business is still developing continuously. Netscape and Yahoo are carrying the banner of digital advertising, and even Netscape is suspected of being stole the limelight by Yahoo in this regard.

Although Netscape's slogan is loud, it is not particularly active in digital advertising. In cooperation with Double-click advertising company, the advertisements of Netscape must be big brands. Digital advertisements are mostly used by Netscape to promote them. high value.

   But Yahoo is different, Yahoo is really open to anyone, no matter what advertisement, as long as you give money, Yahoo can get on it, because it is really short of money!

Yahoo, which received Sequoia investment, started promotion and publicity. Sequoia Investment not only gave Yahoo $5 million, but also introduced a professional manager to Yahoo, who is also a Stanford alumnus of Yang Zhiyuan and Ferro Kuger, said: It is to help the two manage Yahoo, and in fact watch it, so that they don't make trouble.

  The first thing Cooger did after he entered Yahoo was to "make Yahoo appear to be making money". Naturally, he introduced advertisements crazily.

  The money Yahoo, in order to attract more users to sell advertisements, constantly increase various information for users to browse, hot news, stocks, ball games, etc. all appear on the Yahoo website, Yahoo already has the prototype of the portal website.

In addition to its development, Yahoo, which is dominated by Sequoia, already has the idea of ​​​​going public. In addition to its crazy development, it has also started the same routine as Netscape, "creating gods". Compared with its dull personality, it is unwilling to accept the media. For the interviews with Ferro, Yang Zhiyuan is going to be more photogenic.

  Yahoo began to continuously promote Yahoo and Yang Zhiyuan on major TV stations and newspapers, and even directly invested in several tabloids and magazines, and began to continuously promote Yahoo and Yang Zhiyuan. Yang Zhiyuan also began to be touted as the "Global Internet Chief".

Compared with DoubleClick advertising company, Yahoo can spend more money faster. Those millions of dollars are not enough. When Song Yang started looking for investment for DoubleClick, Yahoo also started the second round of financing. The speed is simply amazing.

But less than three months later, when Yahoo's second round of financing, Yahoo's market value soared again, the introduction of digital advertising, Yahoo, which seems to be "very profitable", this time has been favored by many venture capital companies. For the first time Softbank, which is killing the Internet industry, also made an investment in Yahoo, and it is rumored that it is a huge investment!

  In Song Yang in Houston, when he saw the news of Yahoo, Song Yang couldn't help shaking his head, feeling that Silicon Valley is indeed the center of the global Internet now, which is simply crazy.

A few months ago, Yahoo, begged grandpa to tell grandma, and finally managed to get an investment of five million dollars. As a result, a few months later, the shotgun changed. Although the media has not reported it yet, Softbank and Sun Zhengyi are going to Yahoo! How much is invested, but it is obviously a staggering number that can be reported by the media.

Looking at Netscape's billion-dollar valuation, and then looking at Yahoo, which is being pursued by Softbank for investment, Song Yang couldn't help but double-click the company. Now he is barely the promoter of these two companies. Come, it's impossible to mention, Song Yang couldn't help but speculate for a while, could it be that Gada in Xiucun is not very good in feng shui?

  While Song Yang was still thinking about whether to go to Chinatown and invite a Feng Shui master to set up the formation, Irene, with an excited expression, hurried into the office.

   "Bartley, the manager of the Telegraph Group, called. He seems to be talking about investment!"

Erin Doherty looked at Song Yang. She didn't know if the Double-click company was really valuable, or if Song Yang was lucky. As soon as the news was released, a company came to ask for the price, and it was a giant like Telegram, but it was the first time. Encountering such a big investment, Irene can't help but feel a little excited.

  Song Yang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the first person who came to the door was actually the Telephone and Telegraph Group.

   After hearing the news, Greck and the others also rushed to the office, and a lot of people gathered in Song Yang's office for a while.

   "Call in!" Song Yang took a deep breath and said to Irene.

   As soon as the phone was connected, Bartley's voice came quickly, but unlike last time, Bartley's attitude towards Song Yang was completely different this time.

  In the New York Telephone and Telegraph Company, Bartley sat in the conference room, and across from him sat the company's president, members of the board of directors, chief financial officer, head of the investment department and other members.

  Bartley already knew what he was doing with this call. Thinking of what the big bosses of the Telephone and Telegraph Group said to him just now, Bartley's mood has not calmed down yet.

To this day, Bartley can still remember the look on Song Yang's face when he first asked to see him. At that time, Song Yang was still a poor boy who came to the door to ask for cooperation from the telephone and telegraph company, and even he was Bartley's help. Not to let Song Yang return without success.

But now, Bartley shook his head, as long as the person on the other end of the phone agreed, maybe a millionaire was about to be born. Thinking about Song Yang's age, an eighteen-year-old self-made millionaire Rich, how much is the whole of America?

"Manager Bartley, I'm glad to receive your call!" After the call was connected, Song Yang said to Bartley, "I have always wanted to visit Manager Bartley again. Thank you Manager Bartley and the Telephone and Telegraph Company for their Double click company support!"

As soon as    came up, Song Yang touted Bartley, threatening that the Double-Click Company could not be today without Bartley's insight.

  Whether it's true or not, this little flattery made Bartley feel comfortable, especially in front of the bigwigs of the Telephone and Telegraph Group, which highlighted Bartley's ability.

   "Telegram Group is also very satisfied with the cooperation of Double-click Company. The company has decided that in the next quarter, it will increase its cooperation with Double-click Company, and will invest more advertising funds to Double-click Company!"

   Bartley talked, and when he saw the director of the investment department, he winked at him impatiently. Bartley coughed, "I heard that Double Click Company needs funds recently?"