
Awakening in the Dragon Realm

I stumbled into another world and accidentally landed on Dragon Island. What? I actually have the bloodline of a divine dragon? Am I really part of the dragon clan? Oh my god! I can really transform into a divine dragon. Does that mean I'm not human anymore? Well, since the chieftain suggested it, I guess I'll become an elder of the dragon clan! Alright then! Watch me live a carefree and joyful life in this fantastical world.

idling · Fantasy
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76 Chs

What? I’m a dragon too?!

"I'm a human named Edmund Douglas from Earth. I'm curious why you, as dragons, are being so friendly to a human like me. From the memories I just recalled, I know dragons are usually not this welcoming to humans, especially considering that I've technically invaded your sacred land."

I decided not to speculate any further. It's clear that until I get to the bottom of this, I won't be able to sleep easy.

"You may be human. However, anyone who can breach the sky barrier of our dragon territory and fall into the forbidden land is considered a friend of the dragons, even if they're human. Moreover, you carry a strong dragon aura, which is something that cannot be faked," responded the chieftain, Kalle, leaving me utterly astonished.

"I don't know anything about how I breached the barrier and landed in this forbidden area. So, if you're basing your judgment on my ability to cross the barrier, there could be a significant misunderstanding."

Landing in a foreign place and immediately being welcomed by such a powerful race as the dragons, I felt both honored and confused.

Because of this, I felt compelled to be honest with them. I didn't want our friendship to be based on a misunderstanding. My pride wouldn't allow me to accept such a friendship under false pretenses.

"The fact that you're sharing this with us reassures us that we made the right choice," said the golden dragon Eldruna.

"In fact, we sensed your arrival the moment you tore through the sky. The immense spatial energy you released was quite noticeable," added Elder Vydkar.

"The barrier didn't resist your passage at all. This only happens when encountering a dragon with a pure heart and spirit," explained Elder Vileon, though his tone carried a hint of envy.

"Ha! That stupid fire dragon, the last time he returned to Dragon Island, completely ignored the barrier's presence and ended up crashing headlong into it. It was hilarious," said Elder Andrel with a laugh, helping me piece together the mystery.

"Unfortunately, the incident happened so suddenly that we couldn't catch you in time. Luckily, you possess a physique comparable to our own, so we didn't disturb you while you were unconscious. We needed to determine if you were friend or foe before acting," said Kalle.

"That's why I requested to access your memories. Only by using soul magic can we see the most genuine memories. Now that we've confirmed my judgment, I officially welcome you as a member of the dragon clan. You are now granted the right to live and reside on Dragon Island," declared Kalle. This decision clearly surprised the other dragon elders, but no one voiced any objections.

While I didn't fully grasp the significance of his words, I was intrigued by the mention of magic.

"Wasn't the magic you used on me just to teach me the common language and some basic knowledge about this world?" I asked.

"Uh, that was only part of the reason," Kalle replied evasively.

"Great Kalle, can you explain why it caused such intense pain?" I pressed, now feeling more at ease after confirming our friendship.

I had a strong sense that something was off. The pain from the soul magic was not something an ordinary person could endure. If it weren't for my advanced internal martial arts, I might not have survived it. I suspected that someone had secretly played a trick on me.

"Soul magic is a forbidden art among the gods. Even I only know a little about it. So, it's hard to predict the side effects when using it," Kalle explained seriously.

Realizing that I had been a guinea pig for their magical experiment, I decided not to press the matter further. But there was another issue I couldn't ignore:

"Then, great Kalle, what was that massive gale when you first appeared?" I inquired.

"Oh, that was just a momentary lapse. Yes, a lapse. You see, after thousands of years of a monotonous life, something new happening can make one lose control a bit," Kalle answered, wiping away a bit of sweat. It was clear he had tried to pull a fast one on me.

I was speechless for a moment. Given Kalle's thousands of years of age, it made sense that he could act like a mischievous old man.

In the past, the oldest person I'd ever encountered was my master, who was just over a hundred years old. Even he didn't care much for rules and formalities. With Kalle's age, it was understandable. As the saying goes, "the older, the younger."

I decided to chalk up my grievances as a form of respect for the elderly.

Unknowingly, I had started to regard Kalle much like my old master. During the sixteen years I spent on the mountain with my master, we always engaged in playful banter.

Seeing that I was no longer questioning him, Kalle breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and noticed the young dragon, Anna, sticking out her tongue at him. Smiling, he ignored his daughter's mockery and said seriously:

"Alright, now that we've settled everything, Anna will assist Edmund with his recovery. This will also be a good opportunity for her to practice her light magic. From now on, while you're on Dragon Island, Anna will be responsible for taking care of you," Kalle decreed.

I almost fainted. It seemed like not only would I be Anna's magic experiment now, but I might also have to become her babysitter.

"By the way, how old is this little dragon?" I asked, concerned.

"Anna is still quite young. She's only 220 years old, but she's much older than you," Kalle replied.

"That doesn't really compare. Dragons might live for tens of thousands of years, but I can only live for a little over a hundred. Two hundred years old is still a child for dragons, but at twenty, I'm already an adult. How can she take care of me?" I argued.

"Because all the adult dragons are busy, and we don't have time to look after a carefree fellow like you," Kalle shot back, leaving me speechless.

Turning to look at Anna, I saw her tilting her head, looking displeased. She seemed annoyed by our discussion about her age. It was unclear if she was upset with me or with Kalle. Regardless, it looked like I was stuck with being her babysitter.

However, the abundant natural energy on Dragon Island was beneficial for my internal cultivation. I had planned to stay and train here until I recovered my strength before exploring the continent.

Anna seemed mischievous, so I figured taking care of her would be like looking after a naughty little sister. For someone who had never experienced familial bonds, this might be a good opportunity.

Besides, ever since I reached the fifth level of my internal art, my energy could circulate on its own. Although my strength was currently depleted, my level of mastery remained. Thus, retraining would be as easy as eating a meal for me. All I needed was time.

Unfortunately, I didn't notice the relieved expressions on Kalle and the other elders' faces, except for the beautiful Eldruna. Nor did I hear Anna muttering to herself:

"Hmph! Those two annoying guys dared to push around such a beautiful and lovely me. Just wait and see. Dad's few remaining dragon whiskers are as good as gone, and as for that little guy who called me a child, he's in for a rough time. Making me look after him? I'll make sure he understands the power of Anna, the genius dragon girl."

And so, my life on Dragon Island began.