
Awakening in the Dragon Realm

I stumbled into another world and accidentally landed on Dragon Island. What? I actually have the bloodline of a divine dragon? Am I really part of the dragon clan? Oh my god! I can really transform into a divine dragon. Does that mean I'm not human anymore? Well, since the chieftain suggested it, I guess I'll become an elder of the dragon clan! Alright then! Watch me live a carefree and joyful life in this fantastical world.

idling · Fantasy
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66 Chs

The Dialogue with the Dragon Clan

Several transformed adult dragons patiently waited on the side, occasionally whispering and exchanging remarks.

What intrigued me was that none of them showed any hostility towards me. However, the history of the continent clearly indicated that dragons harbored no fondness for humans. Unable to fathom the reason behind their current attitude, I decided to set aside that question. Nevertheless, their benign disposition towards me was a positive development.

By now, I had gained some understanding of the dragon race. Regrettably, the content passed on by Clan Chief Karle lacked substantial information about humans. I only learned about the various titles for professions among humans.

Unlike on Earth, this world was saturated with energy molecules known as magical elements, enabling nearly all creatures on the continent to utilize some form of magic to manipulate these elements.

Among humans, those who specialized in practicing magic were called mages. Based on their proficiency, they could be classified as Apprentice Mage, Junior Mage, Intermediate Mage, Senior Mage, Magus, Archmagus, Grand Archmagus, and eventually, Law Mage or Mage God.

The titles above Senior Mage were further divided into three tiers. The first eight titles could be obtained through tests conducted by the Mage Guild, while the title of Mage God required recognition from both the king of the country and the cardinal of the church.

Similarly, on the continent, there were professions such as Swordsman, Knight, Thief, and Archer, each with corresponding guilds that evaluated and conferred professional titles. These guilds were originally established to research and develop the skills of their respective professions, but they had since grown into powerful entities surpassing national boundaries.

Over the millennia, the continent has undergone numerous divisions and unions, resulting in the emergence of over a hundred small and large countries. Most of these smaller nations rely on the existence of the five most powerful empires, which themselves remain in constant turmoil.

Although there have been no major battles for centuries, and direct conflicts between the five empires are rare, disputes over vassal states do occasionally arise. However, due to the constraints imposed by the major guilds and the church, these conflicts rarely escalate openly, maintaining overall stability.

The five empires are the Gus Empire, the Os Empire, the Rasat Empire, the Nicholas Empire, and the Olat Empire. Across the Idara Mountains, the orcs have established their own Orc Empire.

Every few years, orc armies desperate for food attempt to cross the Idara Mountains and raid towns below. However, each attempt has been thwarted by the natural defenses of the Lazart Pass.

Despite the orc's bravery and martial prowess, their lack of strategy prevents them from breaching Lazart.

Whenever the orcs attack, the five empires unite to repel the orc armies. This unity is the only time the five empires cooperate wholeheartedly.

This collective defense against the orcs prevents direct wars between the five empires, thus maintaining peace for centuries.

Soon, I reviewed all the knowledge that had just entered my mind. However, I was particularly curious about the hierarchical system on the continent. I wondered what titles I could have achieved with my strength before I was injured.

Yet, I understood that titles might not always reflect true capabilities. Each person has strengths and weaknesses, and the outcome of a real battle is never certain until the final moment.

Nevertheless, after tens of thousands of years of civilization without technological advancement, the martial and magical arts on this continent must have reached a high level of development.

Sure, here's the translation:

Thinking about it, this might just be a world where magic and martial arts coexist, where swords are drawn against each other. I can't help but feel a surge of excitement.

What I've always dreamt of is the chance to demonstrate my skills, to have worthy opponents to contend with, evenly matched.

Only through intense battles on the edge of life and death can martial skills truly progress. Even if far from my homeland, I doubt I'll ever be bored.

In my past life, I was one of the top international agents. Now, here on this continent, what kind of horizon awaits me?

Even though I am severely injured now, with the miraculous inner power of the "Carefree Art," I can quickly recover my strength.

By then, I'll be able to travel across the continent, experiencing firsthand the martial arts and magic that have developed over thousands of years. How exhilarating it will be!

Thinking of this, I feel a wave of relief, as if a heavy burden has finally been lifted from my heart. At the same time, as I emerge from deep contemplation, everything around me becomes vivid and alive. I understand that my state of mind has truly reached the seventh level.

I recall when I descended from the mountain, my master said nothing but wrote "Carefree" on the ground. Finally, I understand why, after two years since leaving the mountain, my martial arts have not improved. It's because during these years, my heart has never truly been carefree. I was only focused on advancing my martial skills through deliberate killings, which allowed my inner demons to grow stronger, ultimately leading me astray.

If not for the mesmerizing allure of the Golden Dragon, which had immersed my entire being in the natural world, and the coincidental depletion of my internal energy, I wouldn't have had the chance to elevate my state of mind, stepping into the seventh level of enlightenment for the first time.

Now that I've finally shed my burdens completely, a true sense of ease has set in, allowing me to stabilize this new level of attainment. This marks my genuine arrival at the seventh tier.

One must understand that in the martial arts path, increasing one's power is relatively straightforward, but elevating one's state of mind is an immensely challenging endeavor.

Rare and exotic fruits, though scarce, can still be found. If one is fortunate enough to obtain them, enhancing one's power is not a difficult task.

However, no matter how much one consumes, without the proper state of mind, one cannot become a true master.

Conversely, once one's state of mind has elevated, training to enhance power becomes significantly more effective.

Thus, even though I've lost all my internal energy now, I'm not particularly worried. As long as I can repair my meridians, I can quickly restore my energy and soon achieve the unprecedented seventh level of power.

Reflecting on this, I couldn't help but laugh. But then, realizing that I would never see the old man again, and that he wouldn't witness my breakthrough to the sixth level, tears began to flow uncontrollably.

In the midst of my mixed emotions, completely absorbed in my thoughts, the voice of the small dragon snapped me back to reality.

"Was that sound just now coming from you? Why were you laughing one moment and crying the next? Could it be that you're the legendary fool?"

I almost fainted. Quickly turning my head, I found a dragon's face mere inches from mine. Its pair of pure, large eyes were staring right at me—indeed, it was the small dragon. Seeing the innocent expression in her eyes, I couldn't help but feel both amused and exasperated.

"Why do you call me a fool? I was just a bit overwhelmed for a moment."

The little dragon shook her big head and said, "Ah! Poor guy, you really are a fool! Only a fool would ask why someone calls them a fool. I saw you there, laughing and crying all by yourself. What else could you be but a fool? No matter how excited you are, you shouldn't act like that."

I was speechless once again. Although I'm not known for being particularly eloquent, this was the first time I had been called a fool so bluntly by what was clearly a child-like dragon. Looking at the people around me, they were already laughing heartily on the side, their teasing gazes making me wish I could disappear into the ground.

Fortunately, the beautiful lady came to my rescue, though what she said left me even more exasperated: "Anna, don't be so mischievous. Even if he is a fool, you shouldn't be so blunt about it. Otherwise, you might hurt his feelings."

The little dragon, Anna, nodded earnestly, which only made the other dragons laugh even harder.

I was utterly speechless. It seems my initial impressions were far from accurate. I had thought she was a gentle goddess, unaware that she also had a little devil's tail.

But I was deeply moved. If she weren't friendly towards me, she would never have teased me like that. This made me feel a sense of camaraderie with them, even though it was our first meeting. The initial sense of strangeness had completely vanished, and I now saw them as friends.

However, this only deepened my curiosity. Why were the dragons so friendly to me? There must be reasons I don't yet understand.

At this moment, the dragon clan leader finally stepped in to ease my discomfort:

"I suppose you have many questions that need answers. But first, we should introduce ourselves. I am Karle Anslasagus, the leader of the dragon clan,"

He pointed to the stunningly beautiful lady and the little dragon, "This is my wife, Elena Anslasagus, the Elder of the Golden Holy Dragons, and my daughter, Anna Anslasagus."

Then he gestured towards the other three individuals, "These three are Blaze, the Fire Dragon Elder, Andre, the Earth Dragon Elder, and Weideka, the Wind Dragon Elder."

I was still too weak to move, so I could only acknowledge them with my eyes. I noticed that the transformed dragons were easy to distinguish by their attire and hair.

Blaze, the Fire Dragon Elder, had a fiery red appearance. Andre, the Earth Dragon Elder, was dressed in earth-toned colors. Weideka, the Wind Dragon Elder, had a light, breezy look, while the Golden Holy Dragons, of course, radiated a golden hue.

Blaze, in his human form, appeared as a robust and fierce middle-aged man, with bristling red whiskers like steel needles and eyes that glared with an imposing intensity.

Weideka, on the other hand, was the most graceful of the three, with a flowing physique and long, flowing hair that seemed to perpetually sway as if in a gentle breeze.

In contrast, Andre appeared quite ordinary, with a plain build and average features. Yet, the sharp gleam in his eyes made it impossible to ignore his presence.