
Awakening in the Dragon Realm

I stumbled into another world and accidentally landed on Dragon Island. What? I actually have the bloodline of a divine dragon? Am I really part of the dragon clan? Oh my god! I can really transform into a divine dragon. Does that mean I'm not human anymore? Well, since the chieftain suggested it, I guess I'll become an elder of the dragon clan! Alright then! Watch me live a carefree and joyful life in this fantastical world.

idling · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Life on Dragon Island

Dragon Island is a vast island spanning thousands of miles in diameter. To the north, steep cliffs dominate, while narrow beaches stretch along its eastern and western sides. The island is home to thousands of adult dragons and hundreds of young ones.

In the southwest, near the cliffs where I fell from the sky, lies a forest known as the Dragon Forest among the dragonkind. This forest spans over a hundred miles and leads to a barren plain at its end, which serves as the dragons' graveyard, where all dragons find their final rest.

Within this graveyard, influenced by the essence of deceased dragons, no vegetation thrives. However, once sufficient essence is absorbed, peculiar grasses known as Dragon Soul Grass sprout—a plant coveted by all creatures on the continent.

Perched on the cliffs year-round are ten adult dragons, guarded by an elder dragon dedicated to protecting the dragons' graveyard. This guardianship is crucial not only for the Dragon Soul Grass but also to safeguard the dragons' corpses, prized for their potential to yield artifacts.

Due to the essence within the dragons' graveyard, the giant trees within the Dragon Forest have mutated into creatures akin to beasts, automatically attacking any non-dragon lifeforms. The closer to the dragons' graveyard, the more intense these attacks become. This is a significant reason why the dragonkind recognizes me as one of their own, as the trees in the Dragon Forest did not assail me.

Reflecting on how these giant trees saved me from certain death, I cannot help but sincerely appreciate this mysterious forest.

To the north and south lie magnificent mountain ranges, where most of the dragonkind reside. Adult dragons, known for their pride and laziness, spend most of their time slumbering, often atop piles of gold coins—a common dragon habit.

Unless important matters arise, dragons rarely move about amongst themselves, except for the young ones.

After the great war among the races millennia ago, which drastically reduced their numbers, all juvenile dragons are raised together in a valley located at the center of Dragon Island. Even the powerful dragons are vulnerable in their youth and can easily perish due to accidents.

Thus, the valley has become the most crucial location for the dragonkind.

Chief Kalle and the elders of the tribe usually reside in the valley and are always surrounded by more than fifty adult dragons, responsible for protecting the young ones.

The entire dragon valley resembles a massive castle. All houses are built with sturdy giant stones, serving as dwellings for the young dragons. It can be said that the entire castle is a playground for the juvenile dragons.

The castle is surrounded on three sides by mountains, with dragon lairs dotting the cliffs. The largest of these caves houses the dragons' temple and council chamber.

The council chamber lies several thousand meters into the cave, a vast hall towering over a kilometer in height, adorned with high-quality light elemental magic crystals at regular intervals on its ceiling.

Magic crystals are unique minerals on this continent, possessing different effects based on the magic elements they absorb. Staves embedded with magic crystals greatly aid magicians, and the effects of large magic crystals can rival those of magical cores of beasts.

Light elemental magic crystals serve as the best light source.

Inside the council chamber, over a thousand fist-sized light elemental magic crystals are embedded. This alone constitutes a vast fortune.

The entire floor is paved with obsidian stones. Obsidian is another expensive mineral with high physical and magical resistance.

Further inside the chamber lies the dragon temple.

I have never had the opportunity to enter because it is a forbidden area where Chief Kalle and the elders seek guidance from the dragon god.

In my view, the so-called dragon god is probably just a dragon older and more powerful than Chief Kalle.

To the east lies the beach, a favored hunting ground for the dragons.

Powerful magical barriers surround Dragon Island and its skies, with multiple layers of protection at critical points.

These magical barriers not only serve to repel but also conceal the entire island, making it virtually impossible for unfamiliar creatures to trace its whereabouts.

Only during the rare large tide events every few years do numerous sea beasts wander near the island with the rising tide.

For the dragonkind, who loves all things shiny, the cores of these beasts are highly coveted (beast cores are the foundation of beasts' magic abilities).

Therefore, during each rising tide, in addition to the dragon guards stationed near the beach, many dragons appear to hunt the emerging sea beasts.

In the blink of an eye, I have spent nearly a year living on Dragon Island.

Initially, due to severe injuries, I could relax comfortably. However, with Anna's daily healing magic of the light element, my heavy external wounds improved significantly in just three days, and even my internal injuries began to heal under the nourishment of light magic, astonishing me with its potent recovery effects.

I wasn't accustomed to living in caves, so I asked several adult dragons for help and cut down a few giant trees to build myself a wooden house.

Adult dragons build their residences according to their preferences. Most of them prefer living in caves, using their powerful claws to dig out huge caves from the mountain walls.

A few dragons build stone houses, living somewhat like humans, but no dragon has ever built houses from trees.

Dragon Princess Anna clearly found my first wooden house intriguing. Without hesitation, she kicked me out and immediately claimed my wooden house for herself.

Unfortunately, the hastily assembled wooden house couldn't compare to the stone houses built from solid rocks, and Anna couldn't control her strength well. As a divine young dragon (ordinary dragons must reach over a thousand years old to transform, while Anna is only over two hundred years old), she turned my wooden house into ruins in just the time it took to finish a meal.

However, this minor setback didn't faze clever Anna. She simply rolled her eyes and came up with a brilliant idea.

Thus, I suddenly had a forewoman beside me, dedicated to overseeing my efforts to build her a wooden house.

And so, for more than a month, every day before dawn, the adorable dragon princess would wake me up in her unique ways—today with a waterball, tomorrow with an iceball. Unfortunately, due to my weakened state, I couldn't detect her approach nor evade her magic, and I could only get hit time and again.

Then she would supervise me as I started building her wooden house.

Once completed, she would joyfully move in, only for the house to become a ruin again shortly afterward.

And from then on, she developed the habit of coming to bother me every day.

However, she would only pester me for half a day. In the afternoon, I could practice my Free Sword Technique in peace.

However, I noticed that humans here mostly used giant two-handed swords. These swords, as tall as a person, were not suitable for me to use. Furthermore, I couldn't find any suitable weapons in the dragons' treasures, so I continued to use branches instead.

In the eyes of the dragonkind, who had never seen Earth's sword techniques, they all thought I was playing with a twig. Only Chief Kalle saw the power of my swordsmanship when he used soul magic, so he always forbade anyone from disturbing me while practicing swordsmanship, including young Princess Anna.

Half a year later, my Free Sword Technique's inner power had already recovered by three layers.

Now I could spar with little Princess Anna and, most importantly, with the support of three layers of power, I could detect her approach within ten meters and run away without being caught by her in a short time.

That is to say, she couldn't sneak in every morning and wake me up with a magic wand.

However, she played for over six months, and her control strength had increased significantly.

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