

Futian chere ihu n'oge nwata na ọnwụ dị omimi nke nna ya bụ onye isi nke mma agha ọbara, Big Brother onye njirimara ya ka bụkwa ihe omimi. Ejikọtara ya na

BrightBrain256 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


The spar had left Jiang Chen in shock. One thing was certain, his junior brother was a caliber beyond what he expected.

Wait! What did Junior's sister just call him? Futian...! Wait! The fresher who defeated his seniors upon admission. Broke the martial root orb during the examination, and survived the ordeal of the forbidden ground. The first name Ju-Hui called out was Ye Futian. Junior brother Futian? Wait who else could have the privilege to seat with Senior sister if it isn't Ye Futian?

If I could just make him my friend, then meeting Ju-Hui would pass to be a problem. Right? How couldn't I have thought of that? Jiang Chen said as he hit his forehead.

Without further delay, Jiang Chen sprinted off his toes as he took the direction the two had left.

" Junior Brother, wait for me!"


An axle kick kissed his face before he could even reach his goal.

" Stop causing trouble. You have a lot of things to do here. Listen to me, go do your chores, or else I'll have to put off everything I have and fight you." Qian Lu roared angrily and she held her hips.

Futian couldn't help but swallow hard seeing how pitiful Jiang Chen looked. As for Jiang Chen, he couldn't help but curse out internally.

Why is my luck so bad? I just want to apologize okay? Am not here to call trouble. Do chores your head, l am your senior brother. Senior brother! Get me right! I said, senior brother! Show some respect for once. When did it turn out that seniority is nothing but just a joke?

" Junior brother let's go." Qian Lu said as she turned her back and dragged Futian away.

" Here we are!" Qian Lu said enthusiastically.


Before they were palace residences a bit different from the other six. It was simple with a pagoda architecture. Its environment was serene and calm giving the comfort of a home.

" How is it?"

" Extraordinary!"Futian replied in awe.

" True! Master constructed it last among all the residences and specifically stated that it would be for his last disciple."

" Palace master Ounyu did it himself!"

" Yeah! The way you address Master is awkward." Qian Lu stated the fact with a hint of displeasure.

" Sorry! How long did master take?"

" Apology accepted!" Futian could tell that Palace master Ounyu meant a lot to the students of the cottage just like Big Brother meant to him.

" It took him seven months to complete. He said that Junior Brother's path would take a harder path of life compared to any of us!" Futian suddenly kept silent on hearing the words.

It seemed things were any easy as they appeared to be.

" Junior Brother Futian, cultivate properly!" Qian Lu said as she turned to leave.

" Thank you, Fairy Qian!"

Qian Lu turned back towards Futian and gave him an assuring sweet captivating smile before turning back.

Sixth Senior is indeed cute and is surely a fairy. Too bad that she dwells with the wrong company. Only if I had been born earlier!


Futian shook his head with a bitter smile as he made his way into his palace. At the doorway was a lock inform of a Rubix cube.

<[Low-tier puzzle lock ]>

<[Low-tier puzzle lock has two hundred and seven complex combinations with an axillary self-defense mechanism for every combination solved. The host may incur injury or even death when solving it naturally.]>

F*c*! Futian couldn't help but curse inwards upon listening to the information the system had compiled. How could someone normal have time to design something like this? Are you certain that this thing is just a low tier? Futian couldn't help but doubt the system's words.

Futian ignored the system's words as he headed towards the lock and began placing the pieces together. The puzzle didn't seem too complicated as he finished the first step in about one hour. But before that, pricks developed on the body of the lock as they found their way into his flesh.


"Fu** you ! where did these needles come from?"

<[ Replying to host! The low-tier puzzle lock has a self-defense mechanism for every level solved!]>

That again! Can't you say something better compared to that? Always trying to prove your points. Shameless...

" Does the system have any solution to this?"

[ System initiating possible combinations to find solutions! ]>

At a distance were two girls and two boys as they watched the events going on as they had expected. Every student of the cottage had passed through such a scenario before. There was nothing like free lunch at the cottage. Whether food or accommodation, a certain price escorted it.

The palace master gave his students difficult yet awkward tests to his students. But one thing proved to be certain, the awkward tests had played a big role in the cultivation of his students. They had not only improved their willpower but also combat and soul strength.

" How long do you think Junior Brother will take before breaking the code?" Jiang Chen asked.

" It is said that the first Brother, the most talented disciple of the cottage took a month before entering his cultivation palace. Junior Brother's talent may not be any weaker. I think Junior Brother can make it." Yun Che said polished in confidence.

" Junior Brother will surely make it!" Qian Lu assured.

Qin Yue simply smiled but didn't add anything to that.

" Let's wait and see!"

" Aaaah! Are my eyes seeing well or am I turning blind?" Jiang Chen screamed in shock upon dressing in weird glasses.

Soon the other three, uncontrollably had their lower jaws dropped. What they had just seen was beyond human explanation and justification.

The lock had been decoded. How many days had it taken? Or rather should the word be used by hours?

One Hour? Two hours? Thirty minutes? No one could reply.

" Monster!"

" Impossible!"

" Devil!"

Even the calm Qin Yue lost her cool before she strongly and loudly cursed.

" F**k!"