

Futian chere ihu n'oge nwata na ọnwụ dị omimi nke nna ya bụ onye isi nke mma agha ọbara, Big Brother onye njirimara ya ka bụkwa ihe omimi. Ejikọtara ya na

BrightBrain256 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 28: I JUST GUESSED!

The pain in Futian's hand was bearable after the self-defense mechanism of the lock managed to get him off guard. After the attack, Futian began playing cautious. It was better to be safe than sorry as the system did its magic.

<[ Three simple solutions found!]>

The system announced as Futian viewed an image display using his conscious.

" How confident are you in these solutions? Won't there be any problems?" Futian asked as he looked at how simple and rude the solutions looked.

<[ Replying to host: The complex simplicity system comes up with formulas and solutions that are a hundred percent efficient and void of any error. This guarantees total safety for the host during operations.]>

" Can you forge back the same lock after it has been solved?"

<[ System can copy and paste any piece of work in the world.]>

Can you please stop boasting for a second? It makes me sick you know.

After studying the image play for a few minutes, Futian followed the same procedures only to solve the puzzle. Before that, a key emerged from the hole asides it. He slowly placed the key in the lock and twisted it a little as the lock crumbled into pieces revealing a pink pill with a sweet aroma that made his soul shake a little in excitement.

<[ 6-tier Soul strengthening pill acquired!]>

Listening to the system's claim, Futian couldn't help but get stunned. A 6-tier pill was a treasure even Void Experts would go crazy for. Even the Imperial Family would have to spend a fortune to get hold of such a treasure. And yet here it was with Futian for just opening the lock.

" Are you certain that this is a 6-tier pill?"

<[ The aroma in a pill is a characteristic only 6-tier pills and above possess. The pink color is a characteristic possessed by 6-tier pills. Anything below that is always white! So what do you think of the analysis host?]>

" Analysis your head! " Futian couldn't help but curse upon seeing how the damn system was questioning him.

Unlike before, having confirmed that he indeed had gotten hold of a 6-tier pill, He stored it in his inventory without further notice.

With that, he picked up the puzzle pieces as he went to enter his residence only to get blocked by familiar faces. His seniors were blocking the way with Qin Yue at the side with a confused look.

" Junior Brother! I knew you could make it." Qian Lu said enthusiastically.

" How did you do it?" Yun Che asked impatiently.

" Do what?" Futian asked.

" The puzzle!" Jiang Chen replied.

" Oh! You mean this ?" Futian said as he pulled out a well-completed unsolved puzzle.

" You!.. You..!" Yun Che said as he pointed at the lock and Futian. The others too had a dumbfounded expressions. Looking at their expressions, Futian understood that they had to be talking about the lock.

Knowing how complicated the lock was, the four certainly had an idea of how complex the puzzle was. The problem lay in explaining how he had solved the complex puzzle. Thinking about the system, Futian found more of a headache. How was he supposed to tell them of something that could turn something complex into something simple? How was he supposed to answer how he had acquired it?

I met an old man who despised even gods and gave it to me when I was on the brim of death.

Why did he give it to you among all people? Who was he? If the gods have a similar status comparable to that of the heavens, then who is that that is above the heavens? You said it can solve problems? How about you show it to us?

Thinking about all those questions, Futian decided to come up with his excuses for the time being.

" Oh! I found this thing a little annoying. So I did some guesswork and managed to solve the puzzle."

" Guess what! I not only managed to guess the solution but also managed to draw out the blueprint. Cool right!"


Shameless! Everyone cursed inward on hearing Futian's words. Do you take us for fools? Guesswork your ass. If guessing was so easy then why would we have to spend our days sleeping in those wattle houses?

" Awesome of you Junior Brother!" Qian Lu caused almost everyone to choke on saliva.

Jiang Chen even felt his legs go weak from the statement.

Junior Sister! Your taste is surely different. Jiang Chen thought but never dared to say it out loud.

" Fairy Qian is surely sweet! How about you also try it!" Futian suggested as he handed the puzzle lock to Qian Lu.

" Sure! Why not?" Qian Lu said with a smile.

" Best of luck Seniors! I'll get going!"

" Why are you in such a hurry Junior Brother?" Qin Yue asked sweetly with a smile.

" You must be kidding senior sister. I have to cultivate and make it to the mid-Spirit Awakening Realm in two weeks. Remember?"

" Yes, of course, I remember! Cultivate well Junior Brother!" She replied hastily after being caught off guard by Futian's statement.

" See you, seniors!" Futian said as he hurriedly entered his residence without further delay.

" Junior Brother is quite interesting!" Jiang Chen said.

"... And mysterious." Yun Che added.

" ...and also free from chores." Qin Yue added.

" True!" the two replied only to redigest their words. On turning their heads, a sweet smile from Qin Yue was blooming.

" See you Senior Sister!" they said simultaneously as they took off their toes.

" Just wait you lousy brats." Qin Yue declared angrily.


On entering the palace, Futian found it quite luxurious. The place was spacious with a study room and a bedroom. Behind was a small garden and a pond that made the scene more of an earthly paradise.

Futian couldn't help but gulp hard on seeing how beautiful everything looked.


Willpower +50

A message popped out on the virtual screen in his consciousness.

" System where is this coming from? I have done my quest right?"

<[ Replying to host: This is an effect of entering the room.]>

" Was it some kind of reward?"

<[ Correct!]>

<[ Initiating Daily Quest.]>

Fuvk you! What exactly is wrong with you?