

Futian chere ihu n'oge nwata na ọnwụ dị omimi nke nna ya bụ onye isi nke mma agha ọbara, Big Brother onye njirimara ya ka bụkwa ihe omimi. Ejikọtara ya na

BrightBrain256 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


" Well that's okay! i am getting more interested in Junior Brother!" Second sister said with a smile. As for Jiang Chen, he couldn't help but tremble as though he was smelling some gun powder in due time.

" Little Punny!" Second sister called Jiang Chen sweetly causing him to grow goose pimples allover his body.

" Yes senior sister!"

" Thank you for your information! it must have made Junior Brother have some bit of breath." She said as she looked at Futian to find any sort of abnormal reaction. Alas! There was a neutral reaction that left her a bit disappointed.

" Aaaah!"

" From today onwards you have to make sure that Junior Brother is safe. And all he has to do from now onwards is cultivate diligently so as he doesn't stumble behind in his cultivation."

" Yes senior sister!"

" Alright! Show Junior Brother to his place of residence."

" Yes senior sister!" Jiang Chen replied with deep respect.

" Junior Brother can you make it to the mid Spirit Awakening realm is about a month?"

" I'll try my best!" Futian said calmly as he turned to leave.

" You are being too modest!" Qin Yue said with a smile.

" Little Punny, take care of Junior Brother!"

" Yes Senior sister!"

" Junior Brother! Let's go!" Jiang Chen said as he quickly took the lead only to stumble at the door way and fall to the ground. But this didn't seem to bother him as he quickly got up and left the room.

Watching Jiang Chen departure made everyone who stayed behind burst out into laughter. It was pretty cute and hilarious moment to watch.

On stepping out of the building, Futian found Jiang Chen waiting for him by the side. His face was covered with a thrilled expression that left Futian slightly flabbergasted.

How can a person who just face look this excited! Is he going insane from the fall? Am I really in the right place? Should this place filled with lunatics be called 'THE ASYLUM' instead of using the cover name 'THE COTTAGE '. This world must be truly going insane. Wait and see! You will soon find this chubby fatty looking for a fight.

" Here you are Junior Brother!"

" Mmmm!"

" How about I offer you some pointers?"

Come on! I never really meant it when I said you would be asking for a fight! I was joking bro. Why are you making it a little personal and serious. Are some kind of mind reader or something.

" You must be joking Senior Brother, Right?" Futian cried!

" How can I joke on such matters Junior Brother? I must know how much you have learnt! Don't worry! I'll level my cultivation to peak 9-dan Fighter just like you!"

" Junior Brother! Little Punny won't hurt you! It's just a little spar!" Qin Yue's voice came from the building.

" Okay!" Futian could only adhere to the circumstances at hand. His senior sister must have been curious about his skill at the moment. Not daring to go to the bad side of the devil, Futian accepted the invite.

" Junior Brother! Attack me with all your strength!" Futian accomplied with his request as he initiated a command in the system.

" Initiate all the Combat siill I have with me!"

<[ Does host want to initiate an all go out attack?]>

" Affirmative!"

<[ All Go Out Mode initiating...]>

<[ A.G.O.M initiated!]>

Futian could fill his body at its brim! His strength was ten folds greater than he had ever felt. it just felt like his could could crush anything that came his way.

" Senior Brother, here I come! Be careful!" Futian said. Qin Yue slightly frowned followed by a look of surprise. Jiang Chen could feel a great change in Futian's aura. A sense of crisis developed within him as he drove his Spirit energy till he reached the peak of Spirit Awakening Realm!

He too threw a punch to counter the in coming attack. A loud bang echoed throughout the cottage as two bodies flew apart from the impact.

Jiang Chen flew two metres away while Futian flew four metres aways and stopped after slamming into the wall.

" Pfft "

The two couldn't help but simultaneously puke a mouthful of blood each!

Jiang Chen quickly drew out a pill and immediately swallowed it only to regain color of his pale face buried behind his dark face.

His expression was aghast as something that he could not believe had happened.

I just wanted to show who the senior is among us? How did it turn out that I was forced to raise my cultivation to overcome such an attack! How come I failed to even defeat a fresher? Brother? Are you sure that you are just a 9-dan fighter realm not a hidden monster? This world is going insane! When did seniority turn out to be such a joke.

" J. I. A. N. G. C. H. E. N!" A loud shout broke him from his thoughts.

" Aaaah!" Before him was the look of angry Qian Lu nursing Futian with a pill.

<[ Host administered with a 4 tier Recovery pill!]>

" You were offering pointers not trying to kill. Raising you cultivation to peak Spirit Awakening Realm is just more than cheating!"

" But..." Jiang Chen was speechless with no words. What could he say? That the blow was too much for him to block against as a senior?Or was he supposed to say ' I was too weak to defend against Junior Brother's attack. '

I am the Senior Brother okay? I just wanted to show some superiority and that's all.

" He was just offering me pointers as a senior. Don't take it to heart Senior sister Qian!" Futian's weak voice sounded as his face regained some colour.

" Hmph! I'll let you off on behalf of Junior Brother's request but Senior sister is different!"

Qian Lu smirked.

Jiang Chen really wanted to cry on seeing on how the situation was turning up.

"Junior brother Futian, let's leave this place." Qian Lu carried off Futian not waiting for his response.

As for Futian, she could only abide by the commands at hand. One thing he had grown certain of was the fact that he had been enrolled into a mental asylum of a school.