
Average reincarnation

This is my first time writing so please give feedback. English is my first language so feel free to roast me in the comments if its bad. --------------- Your "average" guy is reincarnated into naruto with 2 interesting abilities. if you can't tell he is not average. I'm not going to directly tell you his backstory. I'm only going to give hints it's up to you to figure it out. Also I can't find the gamer tag so just so you know this has gamers mind and body. But it's definitely not your regular system. I didn't describe the mc looks. This is on purpose.

zero_tempest · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs



This is not exactly what I expected. I mean I knew it was a possibility. But given the massive amounts of religions I assumed there was some truth to it. But nonetheless this infinite void of nothing was a little unexpected. The void is nothing, not black nothing. Like my eyeballs have stopped transmitting information to my brain. But I have confirmed I can see. My see-through body is the main contributing evidence.

[Interesting, you haven't lost your mind. You don't even appear to be perturbed.]

"And what would freaking out help me with. Ahh yes, let's scream into the void and test out if there are planet sized creatures." I state my voice laced with sarcasm.

[Hmm you seem entertaining enough state 2 wishes and I'll boot you to a random dimension.]

"I'll just say my questions then. Do I keep my memories? What are the limits to the wishes? What exactly are you? In what state am I existing in right now? How d..."

[Enough. Yes you keep your memories. Yes there are limits. nothing planetary level at the start. It can grow beyond that. I'm not answering anything else.]

"Kinda rude but alright." I say curbing my curiosity. "My first wish is an exponential system. You can read my memories for the specifics. My second wish is doomsday adaptation. Can you change it so I keep a human form?" My wishes were thought out enough from my standpoint.

[These are acceptable. Now leave]


(Entity POV)

*Finally that thing is gone. If I hadn't....* I think with a shudder. *mercy to wherever that thing ends up.*


(Mc POV)

I blink and I'm somewhere else. *Now then where am I? All I see is forest. System.*

[Status] [Storage] [Skills]

*Hmm status first. I want to see if it's as I expected.*

[Name: 000]

[Age: 10]

[Hp: 100%]

[Chakra: 50/50]

[Gender: male]

[Exp: 0/100]

[Level: 1]

[Chakra: 1]

[Body: 1]

[Mind: 1]

[Soul: 1]

[Stat points: 5]

*Good now then onto skills. Also Chakra means I'm in naruto. Annoying but I can deal with it.*

(An: the mc will not be breaking the fourth wall so I ze author will explain things. First the 1 in his stats means average human. Second the system is exponential meaning 2 is double 1, 3 is double 2, and 4 is double 3. If this was represented in a normal system it would go 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. Now back to ze story.)


[Gamers mind] lv max

[Gamers body] lv max

[Adaptational rebirth] lv max

Description: when death occurs this skill will activate making the user immune to the thing that kills it. This process takes 30 minutes.

(An: you already know those 2 skills. And also the skills will be exponential as well. So a level 2 skill is twice as effective as a level 1.)

*good everything seems to be in order. Now to figure out where I am location wise* I put all my stat points into my body and easily scale a nearby tree.

[You have received the skill climbing]

*okay safety has been confirmed for the minute time to sort things out. First I don't have a name, why?... oh right this system isn't conscious. I'll just name myself… sora.*

[You now have a name. You are rewarded with 5 [Stat points] and 1 [5x skill upgrade].]

*nice, now then let's try something.* I get out of the tree. Once I'm on the ground I push Chakra into the bottom of my foot which sends me flying off the ground. I catch myself on a low branch.

[You have received the skill [Chakra burst]. It is recommended not to blow yourself up.]

*Well no shit. Anyways skills.*

[Gamers mind] lv max

[Gamers body] lv max

[Adaptational rebirth] lv max

[Climbing] lv 1

Description: increases the speed and skill at which you climb by 10%.

[Chakra burst] lv 1

Description: by pushing mass amounts of Chakra out of your body you cause a Chakra explosion. Increases the force, speed, and controllability of the explosion by 10%

Cost: 30 Chakra

*Ah, so it used over half my Chakra. I don't even feel tired, it's probably because of Gamer's body.* I put all 5 Stat points into Chakra and call out my status.

[Name: Sora]

[Age: 10

[Hp: 100%]

[Chakra: 1,600/1,600]

[Gender: male]

[Exp: 0/100]

[Level: 1]

[Chakra: 6]

[Body: 6]

[Mind: 1]

[Soul: 1]

[Stat points: 0]

*I love this system. I should probably save that skill ticket for later. Skills are the only thing I can upgrade through myself after all. Although it is tempting… no bad sora.* I look at the sky and see it's early morning. I listen for nearby noises and hear flowing water and I immediately dash toward it. Using Chakra burst to assist my speed and directional changes.

(A/n Screw it mc is gonna be breaking the 4th wall.)

/ time skip 5 min \

*I finally see the river.. well waterfall. I wasn't even close. I'm sure I covered over 20 miles. It would have been a shorter time if it weren't for all the trees.*

(A/n It was exactly 37 miles away. He heard the waterfall 37 miles away. And if it was a straight shot he would have covered that distance in a couple seconds under 4 mins. It would have been exactly 3 mins and 48 seconds. This number was taken from the average run speed of a person then multiplied by 32.)

[[Chakra burst] has leveled up x2]

*Nice, I can check that later first I need some shelter. Which is why I went towards water. I don't need food, water or sleep. I just need a home and exp. I'll get all my stats to 10 then I'll find civilization.*

/ time skip 3 days \

*okay I finally got to level 7 which puts all my stats at 10. Status.*

[Name: Sora]

[Age: 10]

[Hp: 100%]

[Chakra: 25,600/25,600]

[Gender: male]

[Exp: 0/1,150]

[Level: 7]

[Chakra: 10]

[Body: 10]

[Mind: 10]

[Soul: 10]

[Stat points: 4]

*And just to show you here are my skills. Stealth Is broken.*

[Gamers mind] lv max

[Gamers body] lv max

[Adaptational rebirth] lv max

Description: when death occurs this skill will activate making the user immune to the thing that kills it. This process takes 30 minutes.

[Climbing] lv 3

Description: increases the speed and skill at which you climb by 40%.

[Chakra burst] lv 7

Description: by pushing mass amounts of Chakra out of your body you cause a Chakra explosion. Increases the force, speed, and controllability of the explosion by 640%

Cost: 29 Chakra

[Swimming] lv 9

Description: increases the speed and skill at which you swim by 2,560%

[Parkour] lv 12

Description: passively increases the speed and finesse at which you move through an environment by 20,480%

[Stealth] lv 14

Description: actively decreases your presence and sound by 327,680%

Passively decreases your Chakra presence by 327,680%

[Dodge] lv 1

Description: increases your speed while dodging by 10%

As I was admiring my skills I felt a massive spike in Chakra. *Is that the kyubi?* I immediately take off in its direction traveling well over the speed of lightning. Coming to a stop I see a massive rabbit/fox charging a tailed beast bomb at a mountain. *okay so I'm before naruto. And today is the day Minato dies right. I don't know if there's much I can do to help with that part. But I can be creepy and watch.* Activating Stealth I head to where the kyuubi is. Seeing a couple of people about to be crushed I overload a Chakra burst sending a punch at the ninetails chest… sending It flying. *How? Oh wait duh most ninja are speed I've got strength directly corresponding to my speed.* seeing most the ninja confused at how the ninetails went flying. I shrug and keep it from charging another tailed beast bomb by punching it in the chin every now and then. Some ninja just stare in shock. I smack one on the head to get them out of their daze. They look sheepish for a second, then turn serious and get the others' attention. They start to help evacuate civilians. Seeing the nine tails is dealt with. Although they still don't know how. Seeing minato show up I turn off the active version of stealth. To tell you the look on the shinobis faces as a 10 year old kid appeared out of nowhere was hilarious was an understatement. "hey minato I kept it busy. So do your thing."

Minato looks at me weirdly for a second then nods seriously and teleports away with the ninetails. "rude he didn't even say anything." I look back at the ninja, and see the ninja along with the 3rd giving me weird looks. "what, well don't just stare at me I'm sure you all have things to do." I say in mock annoyance. Then activate stealth and disappear from their view. I see a couple ninja glance at each other to confirm they're not in genjutsu. The third then takes charge, hands out orders and heads to where minato had set up a barrier with the ninetails. I start running around the village. Saving people as I go. The confusion is hilarious. I'm not saving out of honor or anything, it's just funny to see their faces as they get plopped in a safe location.

/ 2 hours later \

[For being heroic and fighting the 9 tails you get 15 Stat points and a martial art skill of your choosing.]

[[Stealth] has leveled up x13]

[You have received the skill [focused punch]]

[[Focused punch] has leveled up x5]

*Nice, I chose the martial art water stream rock smashing fist.*

[You have received the skill [flowing fist]]

[Flowing fist] lv 1

Description: embodies the movement of water. When in use counters are 20% more efficient. Your blows become 20% stronger. Your every movement is passively 20% more graceful.

[Focused punch] lv 5

Description: by focusing your energy into a punch it becomes 160% stronger.

(A/n: I kinda spammed system stuff to get you used to the way it works. Only thing I'll really show from now on is stats. If you ask for further explanation in the comments i'll provide it.)