
Average reincarnation

This is my first time writing so please give feedback. English is my first language so feel free to roast me in the comments if its bad. --------------- Your "average" guy is reincarnated into naruto with 2 interesting abilities. if you can't tell he is not average. I'm not going to directly tell you his backstory. I'm only going to give hints it's up to you to figure it out. Also I can't find the gamer tag so just so you know this has gamers mind and body. But it's definitely not your regular system. I didn't describe the mc looks. This is on purpose.

zero_tempest · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

[Status board]

Okay so I'm going to put the skills and status here I will be constantly updating it so if your on early chapters don't spoil your self.

Ch 9 info (yes this up to date with chapter 9)

[Name: Sora]

[Hp: 100%]

[Chakra: 25,990,400/25,990,400]

[Gender: male]

[Exp: 580/13,100]

[Level: 13]

[Chakra: 20]

[Body: 50]

[Mind: 24]

[Soul: 15]

[Stat points: 0]

[Gamers mind] lv max

Description: allows the user to think like a game character making them immune to all mental attacks and disorders.

[Gamers body] lv max

Description: allows the user to live life like a game. No longer age past adulthood. No need for food, water, and sleep. Heal completely upon rest....

[Adaptational rebirth] lv max

Description: when death occurs this skill will activate making the user immune to the thing that kills it. This process takes 30 minutes.

[Climbing] lv 3

Description: increases the speed and skill at which you climb by 40%.

[Chakra burst] lv 80

Description: by pushing mass amounts of Chakra out of your body you cause a Chakra explosion. Increases the force, speed, and controllability of the explosion by 6.04462908E+21%

Cost: 14 Chakra

[Swimming] lv 9

Description: increases the speed and skill at which you swim by 2,560%

[Parkour] lv 29

Description: increases the speed and finesse at which you move through an environment by 2,684,354,560%

[Stealth] lv 27

Description: actively decreases your presence and sound by 2,684,354,560%

Passively decreases your Chakra presence by 2,684,354,560%

[Dodge] lv 4

Description: increases your speed while dodging by 80%

[Flowing fist] lv 12

Description: embodies the movement of water. When in use, counters are 40,960% more efficient. Your blows become 40,960% stronger. Your every movement is passively 40,960% more graceful.

[Black leg style] lv 9

Description: affects how effective the users legs are in combat. The users is 2,560% more effective in this style.

[Focused punch] lv 5

Description: by focusing your energy into a punch it becomes 160% stronger.

[Fire release] lv 90

Description: improves the heat, effectiveness and control of any fire related skill by 3.09485010E+27%

[Fire release: aura] lv 90

Description: surrounding you in fire that is 1.62259278E+35 degrees Fahrenheit.

[Chakra sense] lv max

Description: the user can sense 1.26765060E+38 square meters in a perfect circle.

(Note the observable universe Is 4.2116034034395E+32 square meters)

[Mind reading] lv 8

Description: the user can decipher what the electrical impulses in your brain mean. Increases the users insight by 1,280%

[Multi shadow clone] lv 9

Description: allows you to make 768 clones at once

Cost: 8,000 Chakra

[Transformation jutsu] lv max

Description: allows the user to change their image to someone else with 6.33825300E+30% accuracy

Cost: 1 Chakra

[Substitution jutsu] lv max

Description: allows the user to switch places with an object that is relative In weight to the user up to 3.16912650E+30 meters away

Cost: 1 Chakra

[Clone jutsu] lv max

Description: the ability to make and control illusionary clones. Can make 6.33825304E+29 clone with life like controllability

Cost: 1 Chakra

[Body flicker jutsu] lv 13

Description: increases your speed by 12,288 times for a short duration

Cost: 20 Chakra

Chakra amount on average.

Civillian: 50

Academy student: 200

Gennin: 350

Chunin: 700

Tobetsu jonin: 1,000

Jonin: 2,000

Elite jonin: 6,000

Kage: 15,000

Super kage: 50,000

Bijuu: 100,000

So6p 1: 1,000,000 (Madara 10 tails)

So6p 2: 10,000,000 (hogaromo)

So6p 3: 100,000,000 (kaguya) no battle exp

So6p 4: 1,000,000,000

So6p 5: 10,000,000,000

So6p 6: 100,000,000,000

Current 27,389,725,600,643,942,239,436,800 mph

40,819,263,190,229,422 x speed of light

Lighting is 270,000 mph

Light is 671 million mph

His speed is taking his body Stat and skills into account.