
Avenging Angels

{Blurb} I would have to grovel to this family as long as they don't fire me. I would continue to suck up to them until I achieve my ultimate goal.  The destruction of the Bladderworts.  I would hide behind a mask of kind smiles, innocent looks, and vulnerability. I would use that mask to destroy each and every one of you who took away my childhood from me.  Your end is coming soon, Bladderworts.  You better watch your back.  I smirked and took a sip from the coffee as I took in a breath of the morning breeze.  ********************************** The warm smiles that were spilled on their faces will serve like masquerade disguise as they'll shake up the whole Bladderwort family.  The peace that once reigned within those cruelty shrieking castle walls was going to be cut bit by bit. Only one mission _ drag them back on the ground by destroying them. The Thornes had every reason to harbor terrifying hatred for the Bladderwort. The three girls were going to go through hell back and forth to acquire justice even if it requires committing every kind of sly sin. The Thorne sisters were going to take, break, destroy every single thing the Bladderwort worked for,  Watch as they wear a mask and plaster thick fabricated smiles on their faces and step into the lion's den bravely. Revenge like you've never seen it before. #Edited by @Aysel_Inara

QueenRani6 · Realistic
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196 Chs


Previously on Avenging Angels

Matilda was taken back to the nursing home by Rose without a hitch. During dinner, William storms unto the house very angrily. What is going on with him?


I dropped the coffee on the table for Mr. Bladderwort as usual. He gave me a subtle nod and I leave after that, not expecting more from him.

As I walked down the hall, I debate whether going to check on Willam or not. After last night, the house went into an unusual tension.

Everyone was anxious to know what made the ever cheerful Willam so angry that he locked himself inside his room all night long.

I tried calling Iris but she didn't pick up any of my calls, I left a few messages too but she didn't respond which made me even more curious about Willam.

Judging from the way Avalor was so composed about his situation, I could tell she knew something about it or worse, she was the reason behind it all.

I just hope that Iris isn't in some sort of danger or else, Avalor will be dead before sunset.

Unable to handle the anxiety building up inside me, I dial Lily's number and sent her a message.

'I need you to go to Iris's place'

It wasn't long before she replied.

'What's up? Is everything alright?'

'I can't say for now but Willam is acting weird and Iris isn't picking up her phone. Just check on her before you leave for school'

'OK, about to leave now. Later'

I tuck my phone into this pocket of my apron and walked down the hall. But before I could walk down the stairs, I heard a noise and whipped my head around to locate the sound.

It came from Willam's room.

I rushed to his door and knocked rapidly.

"William? Will?" I called several times but no answer was given from inside.

Okay, something isn't just right.

"William, it's Rose" I tried again.

Still no answer.

Guess I have only one option left.

I took the pin from my hair and started picking the doorknob as I watched for any intruder coming.

I knew it was an invasion of privacy but I had no other choice, I was too worried to just ignore it.

I heard the satisfying click and I opened the door.

I quietly stepped in and closed the door behind me.

The room was dark and I squinted my eyes for any movement in the dimly lit room.

"William?" I called as I carefully stepped forward.

As I walked further into the room, I hit an object with my foot which made me fall to the ground.

"Ow!!" I hissed as my elbow made harsh contact with the ground.

"Gosh!" I rubbed the burning spot.

I then used my hands to feel the object that was on the floor. I frowned as I felt the object.

It wasn't an object but actually, a person's foot.

Willam's foot.

I quickly stood up and opened the curtains. The bright light slightly hurting my eyes as I adjusted my gaze to the room.

"William!" I called and rushed to his side.

He was seated on the floor, still, in the suit he wore yesterday, his back was resting on his bed as one arm was propped on a knee.

His eyes were far off and his messy hair was evidence he had run his hands over it more than a few times.

"William" I shook his hand to get an answer.

He slowly lifted his head and our eyes met. I swallowed hard at the raw pain that filled his chocolate brown eyes.

"What do you want?" He murmured with a distant voice.

"I heard a noise and... are you okay?" I asked in concern as I looked around the room.

A phone was across the room, lying by the wall with its screen cracked. It was still on and a name was flashing on it.

My Love.

I didn't know how to stomach that.

"Do I look okay?" he scoffed.

"Um... Everyone is worried about you. You've been in this room since last night and..." I struggled for words.

"And what? You came to check if I was dead or not" He scowled grimly.

"What?! No, I-"

"I want to be alone. Please leave,"


"I said leave, Rose," he said sternly and I had to back down.

I sighed and stood up.

"Look, I don't know what's going on but it won't get any better if you behave like this. I'm always here if you need me" I sighed and walked away.

"She lied" his malicious tone stunned me to the bone.

"E-excuse me?" I stuttered.

"The woman I loved with all my heart lied to me" He repeated in the same tone and I shuddered as my head went whirling round and round.

No, God. Please, no.

Don't tell me he-he has found out about Iris's true identity. This is bad! Very bad.

This is awful.

"What...What did she lie about?" I walked back to his side and peered cautiously.

Anything, anything but please don't tell me you know the truth about us.

"She was in the arms of another man while I was waiting for her all night long" he spat and I had to breathe out in relief.

Dear God of heavens! Thank you! I shall never forget this favor.

But wait, what?!

"She what?!" I uttered with a stunned expression.

"I can see you are very shocked. I was speechless last night"

"B-but how?! Iri- I mean Janet loves you. How?!" I asked all in one breath.

"Oh, I thought she did. I thought her love for me was as great as mine for her but I was wrong, very wrong" He spat.

"I'm sure you must have been mistaken. It's... It's not possible"

"I am telling you I saw them with my own two eyes, cuddling in the middle of the road. It can't be her doppelganger, can it?"

"Umm...I don't know what to say" I mumbled.

There has to be a hidden story behind this.

Iris with another guy? No, that is as impossible as me turning into a man right this moment.

I can vouch with my life that Iris would never do such a thing.

"You don't need to say anything. I already broke everything with her. I was foolish to think that I could fall in love with a simple girl like her. My mother always warned me about her but I never listened, I had so much faith in her that I was oblivious to her shrewd acts" He got up suddenly and used his hands to wipe his wet face.

"You can't just end it like that. Did you let her explain-"

"Explain what?!!" he yelled and I jumped back from the shock I got.

"Explain what? So I could listen to more of her lies? No, I'm sorry but I will not be fooled twice" He took off his suit jacket and threw it on the bed.


"That is enough. Please leave, I need to get changed" he pointed towards the door with his back against me.

"Please" he added.

"Don't make such a foolish mistake because of rage" I said and walked out of the room.

I wonder how Iris is now, she must be so heartbroken that she couldn't even pick up her phone.

I don't know what's going on but there is one thing was sure about.

Avalor was behind this.

Hmmm, I wonder what happened?


Love from Queen.

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