
Avengers earths mightiest heroes: Prime

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Not so Amazing Spiderman.

" I trusted you peter! I took you under my wing! Is this how you repay me?"

Tony asked in anger as he stood over Spiderman.

" No... This is!"

Peter yelled as he punched tony in his face sending him flying across the street.

" And if you liked that, there's even more where that came from."

Peter said as he lunged at tony.

" Emergency override. Password Omega epsilon nine."

Tony said getting peter's suit to shut down.

" I'm a technocrat, peter. And what kind of techie would I be to hand over a suit as powerful as that one without building in safeguards to make sure it couldn't be used against me?"

Tony asked as he got to his feet.

" For what it's worth, Peter. You don't have to run. You're registered now. If you'll come with me, we'll forget about the damage you've..."

Tony said to the man before Peter cut him off.

" passcode surprise."

Peter whispered.

" What was that, Peter?"

Tony asked as he leaned down to the man.

" I said... Passcode SURPRISE!"

Peter yelled as a web shot into Tony's face.

" And what kind of techie would I be, not to figure out you'd built in an override... BOSS!"

Peter said to the man as he punched him in the face.

Peter then turned and jumped into the sewers to escape from tony.

Across the world at the new resistance Hq.

Superman was away from his fellow resistance fighters. Choosing to stand outside and watch the stars as he contemplated his life.

" What the hell is wrong the world these days? Is this what being a hero is? Damn it all to hell. I guess... Wait a minute."

Clark suddenly stopped his thinking as he picked up a particular sound across the globe. Clark could hear the sound of Peter being attacked viciously.

" Guess, I better get over there and pull the guy out of the fire."

Clark said as he left the base in a hurry.

Clark crossed the world and arrived just outside of Stark tower in a matter of seconds.

' Where are ya kid?'

Clark asked himself as he searched the area with his X-Ray vision to find Peter.

" Well, well, well. If it isn't little peter spider-man. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of the law, parker? How does it feel to see the Jester wearing a sheriffs badge?"

Jester asked.

" Jack o Lantern?"

Peter called out to the man in shock.

" Oh, Baby! This is just too awesome for words!"

Jester said as he hit peter with a bomb sending him crashing into a wall.

" You want fries with that honey?"

Jester asked as he loomed over peter hitting him in the back with another bomb

" This gig seemed like such a bum deal at first. Working for shield. Forced to do what they said."

Jack o Lantern complained as he held peter up.

" But when word from the top says kick the crap outta spiderman well. What can we do? We're only obeying orders, right?"

Jester joked as he got out of the water.

" I just wanted to do the right thing... Did you know my girlfriend died of a broken neck>"

Peter asked as he was held up.

Suddenly two bullets pierced through the heads of Jester and Jack O Lanter killing them and saving Peter.

Just as the man grabbed Peter and was ready to Leave Superman caught up to the man.

" Hold on now. Where do you think you're going?"

Clark asked the man as he moved in front of him.

Clark used his vision to get a look at the man's face through the ski mask and sighed when he saw who it was.

" Frank Castle. A.K.A. The Punisher. What happened to Peter?"

Clark asked the man as he knew Punisher wouldn't be the one to attack Peter for no good reason.

" He was under attack by shields New L.E.O. Supervillains. I'm getting him to the resistance base."

Frank told the man as he knew Clark was a key member of the resistance.

" Alright, hold on tight."

Clark said to the man as he grabbed onto Frank and Peter both, before flying straight out of the tunnel and off into the distance.

" Oh, boy am I going to have some explaining to do when I get back."

Clark sighed to himself as he flew.

At Base.

" Take it easy guys it's only Johnny and Sue back from a mission."

Linda said to the group of heroes as Johnny and Susan walked in.

" Did you hear about Cloak and Dagger?"

Luke asked the group.

" No, what happened?"

Johnny asked.

" Busted over in Queens, along with Wiccan. Which means our Baxter Building Raid needs to be revised because I was counting on Cloak for his teleportation skills."

Steve explained to the group.

" Why don't you just have Superman bust in there and take it?"

Hulkling asked.

" Because he's been handling other missions. And we can't risk losing him before the raid."

Steve explained

" Speaking of Superman, where is he?"

Sue asked.

" Get a medic! NOW!"

Superman yelled as he walked into the room carrying Spiderman in his arms with Punisher right behind him.

" The punisher? Superman what the hell?!"

Luke asked in anger.

" Linda! Jane! Get over here now!"

Steve yelled to the two doctors.

" Oh, dear god. What happened to him?"

Jane asked as Superman placed Peter down on a stretcher.

" Multiple fractures and serious blood loss, thanks to Tony Stark and his buddies, Doctor foster. He seems to have ingested some kind of hallucinogenic. "

Frank explained to the woman.

" Ironman? I thought Spidey was so far up his butt you couldn't see his feet anymore."

Ultra-Girl asked sarcastically.

" Yeah, well, he's on our side now Ultra-Girl."

Frank said to the woman.

" Our side? Since when have you been on this team, Punisher?"

Falcon asked.

" Since the other guys started enlisting known thieves and multiple killers."

Frank said to the man in anger.

" Am I the only one laughing my guts out at the Irony here?"

Misty asked.

" Who do you think's been running around in a ski mask and covering your backs these past few weeks? Way I see it, you people need all the help you can get."

Frank explained to the group.

" Great, why don't we just ask Hannibal Lecter? See if he's available."

Johnny said to the man sarcastically.

" Because Hannibal Lecter hasn't got the black ops training to get you into the Baxter Building."

Frank said to the man.

" Listen, I get you might not like it. But the facts are real. We don't have many people. And if we want to get our men and women out of the Negative Zone, we need someone who can get us into the Baxter Building. So, whether or not you like it. Whether or not it's the right choice. It is the choice we have to make right now. Welcome to the resistance Punisher.