
Avengers earths mightiest heroes: Prime

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Just more for trouble.

" Things have been on edge since the fight at the chemical plant. The heroes for hire are hunting down Black hats who are ducking bail. And you want to let them come into our base?"

Clark asked Steve as he allowed the Heroes for hire to enter the resistances new secret base.

" I trust Misty and Colleen. I have no problem throwing the rest of them a beating if things ain't what they appear to be."

Luke cage said to the man.

" Oh, boy. Let's hope this doesn't blow up in our face."

Clark sighed into his hand.

" I should'a known."

Misty said as she spotted Luke.

" Luke!"

Colleen yelled out as she and misty ran up to the man and hugged him.

" Hello, ladies."

Luke said to the girls as he hugged them.

" It's good to see you."

Misty said to the man.

" How's Jessica and the baby?"

Luke asked the women.

" They're good."

Colleen said to the man.

" You wanted to talk Misty, start talking."

Steve ordered the woman.

" It's... Sir... It's an honor."

Humbugg said as he saluted Captain America.

" Settle down, Humbugg and lose the salute."

Black cat said to the man.

" Well? Why are you all here?"

Clark asked.

" Oh, you're Superman. I heard about the beating you gave Marvel. Is fighting the only thing those hands are good for?"

Black cat asked.

" I'm not called the man of steel for nothing. But trust me, you wouldn't be able to keep up."

Clark said to the woman.

" Are you saying I'm lacking something Shulkie isn't?"

Felicia asked.

" Yeah, durability. Imagine a shot gun blast inside."

Clark joked to the feline heroine.

" Oh my."

Felicia cooed.

" Okay, moving on. With all due respect sir, we want you all to come in out of the cold."

Misty said to Steve.

" That's disappointing, I had hoped you wanted to help our cause."

Steve replied.

" We're not big on causes. If you want to fight the registration act and you want people to empathize with your position... You can't act in a way that makes people think you're a criminal."

Colleen explained to the man.

" Why is it I have to explain this again and again to people who should understand it already. Here, let me do it again since none of you big girls can think. And to make things easier I'll use cage and peter parker for examples. Luke and Jessica, they could register and be relatively fine. Why? Because they can shrug off bullets. Luke and I we can walk through bullets. Peter can't walk through bullets. Mar Jane can't dodge bullets. And I don't think I need to explain Aunt May. The second we register it's over. There is no going back! You, your families, your friends. Everyone you know and love will be hunted! Who wants their daughter or son spending the rest of their lives looking over their shoulder wondering is this a guy my dad put in jail? Who wants their kids to go through that? Registration, it sounds good. But people are looking at the here and now and are not looking at the later. We don't want to fight. We want to do what we do without being forced to adhere to one government. Which if my earlier argument doesn't cause you to look the other way that should."

Clark explained to the heroes for hire.

" We just want to bring this Civil war to a peaceful resolution. We don't want to bury any more of our friends."

Shang-Chi said to the man.

" We didn't start this. Stark and his shield agents did. We want a peaceful solution just as you do. But as long as we're being forced to register or go to jail then we aren't giving up. None of us are. Now, I'm done talking, you all need to get out and we need to change bases."

Clark said to the group.

" Luke."

Colleen called out to the man.

" I don't know about you. But I don't want to live in a world where there's a superhuman cop floating outside every window."

Cage said to the woman.

" Nobody wants that."

Felicia said to the man.

Off in the corner while the others were talking, Clark noticed Paladin was acting shifty and watched as the man pushed a button on his device.

" Not smart."

Clark said to the man as he appeared behind him.

" What the?"

paladin asked in shock as Superman appeared behind him.

" Warning unauthorized transmission beacon activated within safe house walls. Tracing signal to nearby shield helicarrier.

" You set us up!"

Steve yelled in anger.

" Misty, how could you?"

Luke asked in anger.

" She didn't do it."

Clark said as he grabbed paladin's arm.

" He did."

Clark said as he broke it.

" AH!!!!"

Paladin fell to the floor in pain as Clark continued breaking the same arm until he reached the man's shoulder. He placed his hand firmly on the man's wrist and pulled dislocating the man's shoulder.

" Great, Shields close."

Clark said as he looked through the walls of the base.

" Ah! You bastard."

Paladin yelled as he threw his whole satchel of gas bombs onto the ground.

Clark took a deep and blew the gas away before knocking Paladin out cold.

" We need to move."

Clark said to the three men.

" Wait!"

Humbugg called out to the men.

" May I say something?"

Humbugg asked.

" Make it quick."

Luke said to the man.

" Oh god, Humbuggs gonna get emotional again, break out the tissue."

Felicia joked.

" Please... All I'm saying is I've taken a few wrong turns in my life, but I've always looked up to you cap. You're the best a person can be, a true hero, but here you are running and hiding, and it just doesn't seem right. People are going to think you're a criminal all of you."

Humbugg said to the men.

" Humbugg, heroism is not a product of your situation, your opportunities."

Steve explained to the man.

" Or having superpowers. Even before mine came in the one thing I could never stand was a bully. I always tried to solve my problems with words and compromise. The truth behind being a hero for the people is hard to swallow. The people love heroes. But there is one thing they love more than heroes. To see a hero, fail, fall, die trying. They love us at first but eventually almost all of them grow to hate us. I mean look at the X-Men. But the one thing that makes a hero, the thing that keeps us going. Are the people we save. Knowing that at the end of the day innocent people are safe that's all that matters."

Clark finished explaining to the man.

" Good Man!"

Steve said as he pat Clark on the back.

" All of you need to ask yourselves what you're committed to as a group and individually."

Steve said to the group.

" And on that note, it's time to roll."

Luke said to the men.

" Don't let them catch you ridin dirty."

Misty said to Steve as she shook his hand.

" Excuse me?"

Steve asked in confusion.

" Luke will explain it to you. Just do us a favor and bring this to a peaceful resolution. I don't want to bury any more of my friends."

Misty said to the men before she and the rest of the heroes for hire left the building.