
Avatar : My Hero Acadamia Bender

Truck-kun, goddess, reincarnation, avatar powers, Kacchan, izuku, the might, trap, my hero academia. These word mean something. But I'm not sure what. This is my first novel published. And I have very little clue on what to do.

The_Gamer_6818 · Others
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14 Chs

Chapter 2 - Elements Incarnate

Well my birth was horrible. Imagine crawling through a wet slimy tunnel only to be spanked by a guy wearing all white. Now imagine that the tunnel's convulsing while also trying to suck you back in. The worst had was yet to come. When I first opened my eyes after a few hours, what I saw terrified me. Everything was out of focus and tripping me out. Things got better once I saw my mother's face. Smooth without a single blemish, cute, with a look of motherly care. My father looking down on me. He was a giant, at least 7'9 (around 2.36 meters). Handsome, with an imperial beard and a scar starting at the bridge of his nose to his right temple. His face showed a weary look. Guess he somewhat cares for me or his wife. But you never know. In anime, while the parents may look like a good couple in a stable marriage, they may be cruel and conniving. Waiting till their hidden from society to unleash their emotions. For all I know my father may beat my mother. That may be a problem. My parent's surname was Shiro (White in Japanese). My father's first name being Yama (Mountain) and my mother's Teichi (lowland). They named me Kawa (river. If you translate river into Spanish it means Rio). My new name is Shiro Kawa.

(Author : I'm not going to write out the complete Japanese names so when referring to my parents. So, MC's mother will be Teichi and my father Yama when referring to them. If there's people with similar names, I will write the full name. I'll also post a chapter with the names and nick names as well as quirk names. MC will go by Rio. Mostly to distinguish him as he's unique. Also, it's the name of a person I know.)

"Honey, she looks just like me, she has my eyes, ears, and nose. Even his mouth's a but feminine. She just like a mini me. Looks like we have a beautiful daughter, if we don't raise Rio right, she might become a heart-breaking maneater. Kawa is the perfect name. " Teichi said with a cutesy smile

Yama Smirked before retorting with, "Unless they forgot to cut off some of the umbilical, Kawa is a boy Honey."

The look on mothers face still didn't change. Why do I feel chills.

Casually my mother tilts her head I confusion before saying "As I said before, it looks like we have a beautiful don't we HONEY!"

"S-sure sugar bun, what every you say. W-we'll raise a fantastic daughter" stuttered Yama while thinking internally [I'm sorry my son, she's just too powerful].

All the while I'm think I just jumped out of the frying pan and into the heat. Well at least it beats the void and my past life. These two seem to really love me. But I really don't want to be a trap. If I'm not careful my Mom might turn me into something else.

~1 Month Later~

Well I was wrong, bad enough that I'm constantly being embarrassed my mother, all my father does is look from a distance with a look of pity in his eyes. At first, I thought 'wow, what a coward, can't even stick up to his wife. She's not even that frightening.' Or at least until I saw what she did to my father after playing with me until I threw up. Our family is loaded due to my parents being pro hero's. I figured out that my father's quirk allowed him to manipulate internal energy (imagine at Goku levels at Dragon Ball 23rd martial art's tournament or Piccolo Jr VS Goku). He could do Ki blast however only a few so he mainly focused on using Ki to strengthen his body. My mother however was a mystery. I knew she could control external energy to create pyro/hydro-kinesis. She was basically a water/fire bender. Well this would at least be a decent cover story for my quirk. I could claim that I had a mutated quirk.

Anyway, they went into the basement where there's a bunch of gym equipment, wooden swords and dulled weapons, even throwing stars. My mother being 4'9" or 1.4 meters would realistically be no match against my father. But funnily enough, the screams coming from the bedroom could be heard from the 2nd floor. My father returned to apologies to me covered in bruises, burns and sloping wet clothing and lacerations that looked to be caused by a whip. Later the police came to the house to investigate a possible murder. Until my mother explained that her husband was going through some 'punishment' obviously this wasn't the first-time police was called as they left immediately after that answer. Just who were my parents. Also, who apologise to a baby. Most babies are too stupid to reply. I must continue to research my situation, who my parents are, my location and whether I am as old as the Izuku Midoriya. Since my body is adaptable, I am already able to crawl as well as stand. Only a few days until I start walking. Then I can at least hide or escape from my Mom dressing me up as a princess every two second. She also made me wear her old baby clothes before the taking a photo with her phone. She's always a few steps ahead. Creating blackmail so that she as control over me.

Well this is the one month anniversary of the human incarnation of the elements. I will dominate all those in my way. I wonder if I have 'that' ability. Although i asked for pretty much all of the Avatar's abilities, I'm not too certain. Hopefully I won't ever find out. I must train to avoid it.

Shiro Teichi's POV

My little girl's so cute. The way she wiggles around in my old clothes really makes me smile. However, I'm still angry with my Yammy (Yama) for causing by precious to vomit. When Kawa's asleep I'll begin the real punishment.

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