
Chapter 1 - Reincarnation

Death. My life doesn't matter. It's over so I shouldn't get hung up on it. A void as far as the eye can see. Endless void. Like the hyperbolic time chamber in one of my favourite anime. We'll I shouldn't get too hung up on it.

So my directions, North, South, East, or West. Only one option. To do nothing. Why? Because if I'm lost I should just stay put. Not to mention there's zero danger and the worst that happens is I di... nothing. To past the time i thought I should do some re-watching of my favourite show. The show being my life, cause trust me it was a trainwreck. With my death I gained the ability to see all my past. Every second. Maybe I'll write a mental record. Every 20 watches I'll log it down.

1st watch through results:

WOW. As a child I was as dumb as heck. Banging my head against a plaster board wall. At 2 yrs old. Trying to eat what I found under the bed. CRAWLING OUT THE WINDOW AND CROSSING THE ROAD. This explains a lot. Mostly why I was deemed special by my parents. While I was crawling around as a stint baby. My brother was a perfect little shit. Smug to be the favourite and gaining the attention...(Author: continue for a long time)

20th watch through results:

What's the point of life. Mine was useless. I died young apparently. Kinda forgetting what age though. Must be cause I'm dead. To think I wasted my life being in university, working my ass off just to get Trucked. I mean COME ON, that happens to anime characters and idiots. What truck moves 100 mph in a 30 zone. Bullshit, was this cause I embarrassed my brother his wedding weeks ago. Is the universe dishing out punishment?

40th watch through results:

Trump. Now that I look back on it I realise. He's hilarious. Also he was in Home alone 2. A funny film. The same film where my brother poked me in the eye. All because he thought my eyes look like christmas trees lights. At least that's what he told my parents. Wow, I'm really losing it, talking about Trump when I'm dead.

60th watch through results:

I hate my brother. Why did he get all the girls while I got excluded.. Because he stole my girl after causing a massive incident. Accused my of assaulting her. Which is bull cause I was at my parent's home at the time 50 miles away. Court case took months to be processed. In that time it was ruining my image. Just due to my brother trying to grind my face into the dirt . The more I shift through these memories the more I see my brother as the devil incarnate.

80th watch through results:

Okay, I'm starting to see my brother as a cosmic force put their too mess with me. Would try to screw me at every chance. Also the truck driver looks a lot like David(aka brother's toy). She would do anything for him. Even had a name change.

90th watch through result:

... Finally help arrives. Watching yourself really inspires you to cringe. Sadly I was halfway through my watch though before this doorway opened up. Meaning those reading these recoding will have to leave on a cliff hanger. Maybe I'll just show them the abridged version who knows. I definitely feel somebody spying on me. Or maybe I'm stir-crazy. Can't wait to get lost again.

"O Mystical entity, Silver Striking the Souless void. Would thou telleth why thy cometh. Also WTF is going on and will there be desert." I said, compelled to speak to the stranger in a noble voice.

"Goddess damn it, I finally found the guy but it looks like he's gone lost his mind. Mortal souls are too fragile. You leave them alone for five minu-" - Silver Knight

"I watched my life 90 time. It was not 5 minutes but 90 lifetimes. So why don't you take me to your lead. I assume it's a goddess." I retort

"For F@#$ sake. Why's it my job to catch strays. Whatever good night." - silver knight

Goddess POV

Where's that mortal. □□□□ (Author: refers to MC's name) was to arrive ages ago. My superior's gonna punish. No not again. That guys a pervert. Last time I had to play with a Kraken. His tentacles where so slimy.

"Listen to you light my knight's. I need you to bring back □□□□. Decide on who will go and gain my favour." I uttered

"We shall send the silver knight to do thine bidding. (Stupid goddess, all she does is laze around while we run things. So Unfitting )." said the knight clad in rainbow colour.

~5 minutes later~

"Welcome mortal. It seemed you got lost in the void of distorted time. No worries, I only waited 5 minutes. Be thankful for my mercy." - Stuck-up goddess


Wow, I thought my girlfriend was bad but jeez. Also what's this about me being late. Not my fault that I woke up in the time void thingy.

"Thanks for your mercy. I shall remember this honour" I say, eye twitching.

"Your most welcome, a being such as me would rarely grant mercy. But I Am the most merciful Goddess. Any who, you will be reincarnated. In the world of My Hero Academia. You got 3 wishes, however depending on the wish, it may be counted as two wishes. Or even impossible. This is to prevent people from being too overpowered." the Goddess continues with "For example, wishing to be a saiyan would be impossible due to the large difference in power. A child could raze the Earth. And you wounded be a restricted saiyan as that isn't what you wished for. Also try to be specific."

I ponder for a minute. So no saiyan in MHA. Pretty sure I read a fan-fic about that. Escanor's power (sunshine) would take up two of my wishes so that's a no. Maybe wishing for the creation ability would be good. If I do this then I could create dragon balls. No, would have to wait a while. Also if she falls for this and grants this op ability, she must be an airhead.

"My first wish it the creation ability, it allows me to make anything, for example clothing and simple gear." I state.

"Sure whatever motal. I grant you the creation ability (what a stupid wish)" The Goddess announced.

Wow she didn't even care. I should ask if I'll retain my memories. 2 wishes left.

"Mercifully Goddess, will I retain any of my memories." - MC

"No l, reincarnation means a brain scrub unless your wish is to retain any memories" - Airhead Goddess

"Can I retain all my memories but have it count as half a wish. It not fair that I waste a wish, so how about I half it." - MC


1 and a half wishes to go. I'm thinking of wishing for the avatar' s abilities. My reason for this is that it seems underpowered in turns of raw power. This Goddess being an idiot, wouldn't see it's potential. But I Am different. With the anime and manga I've seen I would have lots of imagination. Such as using water and lightning bending(branch of fire bending) to fry my enemie. Or energy bending to allow me to strengthen my body and attack explosively. Like one for all. Should ask for an adaptable body for the half wish.

"I wish for the the powers of the Avatar from The Last Air bender (chose this cause Korra messed up the avatar state that one time). This includes the four elements as well as energy bending. Compared to all Might's ability is kinda weak(at the beginning). Sounds good my Goddess(@#$% me)?" - MC in a flattering voice

The Goddess smiles with a shit eating grin and says "Well that sound great."

Wow, she's like a teenager. Complement her and she won't try to question you.

"Also can I have an adaptable body. Use the half wish for this. It'll allow me to get stronger after training and fighting. Even allows me to get accustomed to my powers." - MC

"Sure is that all if so enjoy your reincarnation." - Goddes

"My Goddess that I serve, I believe that this man is how the mortals say 'Screwing you over'. I believe that we should rethink his wishes." - Rainbow Knight

"LGBT knight, you get paid to stand guard SO STFU. She's a Goddess and knows what to do. Don't disrespect her judgement (only I can do that)!." shouts the MC. Thinking that the knight would be better in charge.

So this is how I live my next life. As one of the most powerful elementalist. I'll become Japan's, no the world's number one hero. Villains fear me. You shall despair.

Tell me how I can improve. Thanks.

The_Gamer_6818creators' thoughts
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