
Avatar : Bloodbound Legacy

author's note: English is not my first language, I use deepl to help me with the translation. His life was a life decided by others, a predestined choreography in the shadows of others' desires. Gale, a bloodbender, found himself imprisoned by the expectations of a respected lineage. However, in a world where the presence of the Avatar is no longer considered essential, Gale embarks on a personal journey to forge his own convictions.

Dramaturgia · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

The Day

Kael walked through the silent streets of the Southern Tribe, the moon illuminating his solitary path. The weight of the decisions made during the council meeting burdened his shoulders, a burden that seemed to grow with each step he took. His thoughts were like dancing shadows, reflecting the frustration and disappointment he felt toward the council's lack of determination to oppose the north.

"How can they be so blind?" he murmured to himself, the night wind carrying his words. "The Southern Tribe needs to stand strong, and they simply bow before the north."

The night was cold and quiet when Kael finally reached his home. Upon opening the door, he encountered the sleepy figure of Gale, who was waiting patiently.

"You're still awake, my son?" Kael asked, observing Gale's sleepy face.

Gale, rubbing his eyes, replied, "I wanted to wait for you, Dad. How was the meeting?"

Kael sighed deeply, reflecting on how to share with his son the complexities of politics and the tough decisions he faced.

"The meeting was tough, Gale. The council is not willing to oppose the north. They simply don't understand the threat we're facing," explained Kael, his gaze fixed on his son.

Gale, despite the tiredness, looked at his father with surprising seriousness. "What can we do, Dad? How can we protect our tribe?"

Touched by his son's fervent desire to protect the tribe, Kael smiled faintly. "There is still much to be done, my son. We need to be patient and persistent. Let's work together to strengthen the Southern Tribe, even if it means facing difficult challenges." A trace of bloodlust could be seen in Kael's eyes in the last sentence.

Turning back to his now drowsy son, Kael returned to the current situation.

"Do you want to discuss something with me?" Kael asked as he entered the house.

Summoning all his strength amid the fatigue, Gale spoke, "I'd like to talk to you about bloodbending, Dad. I learned about it today at school," with a sleepy and innocent face.

"Bloodbending?" Kael, who was walking, stopped abruptly and turned towards his son.

"So, the day has finally come," a smile formed on Kael's face, and he rushed towards his son.

"Come on, I have to show you something," grabbing Gale's arm, he led his son to the basement.

"Dad, it hurts," Gale said as his drowsiness faded with the pain.

Ignoring his son's murmur, they headed to the basement.

Upon reaching the basement, the last remnants of sleep in Gale were gone.

When his father opened the basement door, they were faced with a giant emblem of the Red Lotus.

As they entered the dimly lit room, with flickering lights, his father's next words would mark his life forever.

"I'm going to tell you the truth about the world, about Raava and Vaatu," Kael's voice contained an excitement that Gale had never heard.