
Avatar : Bloodbound Legacy

author's note: English is not my first language, I use deepl to help me with the translation. His life was a life decided by others, a predestined choreography in the shadows of others' desires. Gale, a bloodbender, found himself imprisoned by the expectations of a respected lineage. However, in a world where the presence of the Avatar is no longer considered essential, Gale embarks on a personal journey to forge his own convictions.

Dramaturgia · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


Turning on a dim light, Kael began to unveil the hidden history of the Red Lotus, a faction that emerged from the ashes of the White Lotus Order after the Hundred Year War.

His intense gaze and serious expression conveyed unwavering determination. "The Red Lotus was born out of the founders' dissatisfaction with the White Lotus. They believed that the order's servitude to the Avatar deviated from its original purpose."

As Kael unfolded the group's objectives, Gale absorbed the words, feeling a chill run down his spine. "Their goal is to break down the sociopolitical barriers between nations, letting chaos reign, like the natural law shaping relationships and power."

The names of the members echoed in the basement as Kael listed, "Zaheer, P'li, Ghazan, Ming-Hua. Criminals who, to some, are visionaries. They are scattered across the world, imprisoned in different locations we don't know. Except for P'li; I know where she is."

Kael's eyes gleamed with a dark fanaticism as he conveyed this information. His face reflected a mix of conviction and obsession, as if he were possessed by the Red Lotus ideology.

With eyes sparkling with fervor, Kael continued his narrative almost maniacally. His gestures were intense, each word spoken loaded with distorted conviction.

"But they were wrong!" proclaimed Kael, forcefully pounding his chest, as if trying to hammer his words into Gale's mind. His fixed gaze conveyed an almost obsessive determination. "Breaking down the barriers means nothing! What we need is a new world leader, someone who understands the truth, who understands the vision I hold. Unalaq is wrong in wanting to be the Dark Avatar. They all are!"

In the midst of his words, Kael began to gesture frantically, as if trying to materialize the intensity of his beliefs in the space around him. A manic smile danced on his lips, revealing a disturbing facet of his mind. "Only I know the truth, Gale. I know the path that will lead to true liberation!"

The melancholic sound echoed in the basement, accompanied by Kael's twisted laughter, which seemed to blend with the dancing shadows on the walls. It was a dark and unsettling scene, echoing the words of a man lost in his own distorted convictions.

"You understand, don't you, my son?" Kael inquired, his voice filled with anticipation as he sought approval.

Trembling with fear before his father's sinister figure, Gale quickly agreed. "Yes, I understand, Dad. I know the truth now," he said, trying to sound convincing to quell the fear enveloping him.

Upon receiving his son's approval, Kael seemed momentarily satisfied. "So, I taught you well. That's good, I'm glad," murmured Kael, averting his gaze to the basement ceiling, as if seeking solace in the shadows surrounding him.

However, the calm atmosphere was abruptly shattered when Kael, with determined eyes fixed on Gale, uttered words loaded with urgency and gravity. "Because I'm dying, and you need to complete this mission."