
Avatar : Bloodbound Legacy

author's note: English is not my first language, I use deepl to help me with the translation. His life was a life decided by others, a predestined choreography in the shadows of others' desires. Gale, a bloodbender, found himself imprisoned by the expectations of a respected lineage. However, in a world where the presence of the Avatar is no longer considered essential, Gale embarks on a personal journey to forge his own convictions.

Dramaturgia · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

doubts of the path of blood

"As everyone knows, the Festival of Glacial Spirits will be in a few days, and the great leader Unalaq from the Northern Tribe will also be present," the teacher declared in an authoritative tone, gesturing amidst the students in the classroom.

Soon, the whole class buzzed with excitement, and cheers filled the air. Gale was no exception, but his enthusiasm was slightly subdued compared to the others.

Halfway through the festival day, he would accompany his father in his diplomacy with the North. Kael insisted that his son be there, learning from an early age the importance of diplomacy. Thinking about the words he would have to use and how to dress already gave him a headache.

"Quiet, all of you! I know it's an important date. Besides delicious food and toys, the festival means more than that. It's a way to connect our Southern Tribe with the Northern one. And, more than that, to maintain the connection with the spirits," the teacher said with a hint of sorrow on her face.

Hearing the last part of the teacher's words, a sad expression appeared on Gale's face: the spiritual connection. Many Southerners no longer cared about this connection, but his family did. His father came from a generation of counselors who were deeply connected to the spiritual matters of the tribe. Unfortunately, all that concern had been lost and forgotten by the inhabitants.

Kael made a point of teaching Gale about the importance of meditation and the connection with the spiritual world. Following his father's example, he began meditating at a very young age. However, unlike Kael, who could enter the spiritual world through meditation, Gale never could. This frustrated him, despite his father's encouraging words. Deep down, the disappointment in Kael's eyes was impossible to disguise.

Soon, the next topic invaded the classroom.

"Since all of you turned twelve this year, I'll start with one of the most controversial subjects involving waterbenders. Bloodbending, how harmful it is to society as a whole, and the taboo surrounding our bending," the teacher stated while seating herself at the table and reaching for some papers.

As she broached the topic of bloodbending, a silent tension permeated the classroom. As a taboo subject, few dared to discuss it, but the impact of the matter was undeniable. The heavy silence in the room indicated the gravity of the issue, and the attentive gazes of the students demonstrated the seriousness of the moment.

The teacher stood up from her chair, enveloping the room with her imposing presence. Her eyes scanned the room, capturing the attention of each student.

"Bloodbending is a complex and delicate topic in our waterbender society," she began, choosing her words carefully. "It's a rare skill and often considered a taboo among us."

She approached the blackboard, where she began drawing complex symbols, explaining the theory behind this unique form of bending. "Bloodbending allows a waterbender to influence the flow of blood in another person's body, taking extraordinary control over them. But, as many of you already know, the use of this technique is highly controversial."

The teacher spoke about the ethical and moral implications of this ability, citing historical examples and crucial events. "Bloodbending, as it is called, has been banned in many places, and rightly so. The potential for abuse is immense. Imagine the consequences if this ability fell into the wrong hands."

She paused, allowing the information to settle in the minds of the students. "Many consider bloodbending a violation of an individual's integrity and freedom. Furthermore, the practice of bloodbending poses a risk to the harmony we maintain among waterbenders."

Concluding her monologue, the teacher stared at the class. "While we can discuss theories and ethical implications here in the classroom, always remember that the practice of bloodbending is strictly prohibited in our society. Its use is considered a severe violation."

The students' looks revealed a mix of fascination, repulsion, and understanding in the face of this forbidden ability. The class would continue, but the weight of the teacher's words would linger on the conscience of each student, reminding them of the complexity of the waterbender world.

Gale left the classroom, his mind filled with thoughts about bloodbending. As he walked through the school corridors, the atmosphere around him seemed tense, the whispers of the students indicating that everyone was processing the controversial information they had just learned.

As he approached the exit, Gale made a decision. Perhaps bloodbending wasn't as bad as it seemed, he thought to himself. His mind was a whirlwind of questions, wondering if the taboo around this ability was rooted more in fear of the unknown than in concrete evidence of malevolence.

At the end of another school day, Gale chose to go straight home. His steps were decisive, but the turmoil in his mind did not dissipate. He considered addressing these doubts with his father, Kael, one of the respected elders of the tribe. After all, who better than his own father to shed light on the complexities involving bloodbending?

Upon entering his home, Gale was warmly welcomed by his mother and sister.

"Welcome back, my son," said Amara, planting a kiss on Gale's forehead.

"Hi, you troublemaker," teased Liora, sticking her tongue out playfully.

A smile formed on Gale's face as he realized that everything was normal, just as it should be.

"Where's Dad?" Gale asked, heading to the fridge to find something to eat.

"Your dad might be a little late today, so don't worry," Amara said with a soft voice. "Don't bother staying up waiting for him. It'll be quite late."

"Got it, Mom," replied Gale, with a piece of bread in his mouth, rushing towards his room.

"Nooo, come play with me, brother," Liora called, running toward her brother, who hurriedly headed to his room, closing the door.

Amara, who was observing everything, let out a laugh. She truly had the perfect family.