
Avatar : Bloodbound Legacy

author's note: English is not my first language, I use deepl to help me with the translation. His life was a life decided by others, a predestined choreography in the shadows of others' desires. Gale, a bloodbender, found himself imprisoned by the expectations of a respected lineage. However, in a world where the presence of the Avatar is no longer considered essential, Gale embarks on a personal journey to forge his own convictions.

Dramaturgia · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


"Isn't Mom going to be worried, Dad?" Gale questioned, advancing through the snowstorm.

"Don't worry, I left a letter for her and also for the council. We're going to have a fun day of hunting," Kael replied, continuing to walk.

"A fun day of hunting in the middle of the night," Gale reflected to himself.

As the two ventured away from the tribe, they reached a desolate area where tribe members used to hunt local animals. The icy landscape stood out.

"Let's camp here," Kael said, pointing in a suitable direction for the campsite.

After finally setting up the camp, father and son gathered near the campfire to warm up.

"Dad, it's probably three in the morning. Can I go to sleep?" Gale asked, casting a pitying look at his father.

"No, it's still a full moon. I need to show you something," Kael said, getting up. "Come, let's look for some nearby wolves."

Soon, the two arrived at a pack of white wolves.

"What are we going to do with these wolves, Dad?" Gale asked, fighting against sleep and fixing his eyes on Kael.

"Watch," Kael said as he extended his hands. Fluid and precise movements accompanied his words. "This, my son, is bloodbending."

The wolves, initially agitated, began to calm down and obey Kael's invisible commands. Gale watched, both scared and fascinated, as his father demonstrated extraordinary control over the pack. It was as if he could directly influence the flow of life within them, a disturbing connection between bloodbending and wild creatures.

"Come, I'll teach you," Kael said, staring at the wolves.

On that day forward, Kael taught Gale, every full moon, to control blood.