
Avatar : Bloodbound Legacy

author's note: English is not my first language, I use deepl to help me with the translation. His life was a life decided by others, a predestined choreography in the shadows of others' desires. Gale, a bloodbender, found himself imprisoned by the expectations of a respected lineage. However, in a world where the presence of the Avatar is no longer considered essential, Gale embarks on a personal journey to forge his own convictions.

Dramaturgia · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

The arrival of unalaq

After two days, Gale and Kael finally returned home after a successful hunting expedition, bringing with them some white wolves as a symbol of their success.

During this period, Kael dedicated himself to instructing Gale in the fundamentals of bloodbending, emphasizing the imbalance caused by the Avatar in the world and narrating how he closed the portals connecting to the spirit realm.

Kael pressed the young man to absorb all the knowledge he possessed, manipulating information and establishing the rules he wanted Gale to follow.

"Wake up, Gale. Today is the day of the festival," exclaimed Liora as she hurried through the corridors of the residence.

Gale awoke to Liora's call, his thoughts still foggy. "The festival..." he murmured to himself, aware that the day would demand his participation.

As he rose from bed, his tired eyes met the mirror. "Two intense days..." he reflected, observing the deep dark circles marking his face. The shower water flowed, but the exhaustion persisted.

In the reflection, he noticed the tension in his shoulders and the fatigued expression. "I need to maintain appearances," he thought, forcing a smile as he opened the door.

Heading to the breakfast room, where his mother warmly greeted him with a kiss on the forehead. The aroma of fresh coffee mingled with the tension that still lingered in his thoughts.

Liora was already at the table, focused on her morning meal. His father, absorbed in documents, gave him only a quick glance over the papers. The gesture made Gale shudder, reviving memories of the two intense days of training.

As he sat down, Kael, noticing his son's fatigued expression, gave him a sharp look, subtly testing his ability to maintain composure. With a voice carrying more challenge than concern, he asked, "Everything okay, son?"

The question hung in the air, laden with unspoken meanings, as Gale, meeting his father's gaze, struggled to hide fatigue behind a forced smile.

"Everything's fine, Dad," he replied, aware of the implicit test, while the aroma of coffee filled the room, creating an atmosphere of restrained tension.

"Great, because the day promises to be busy. Enjoy your breakfast and join me. The leader of the Northern Tribe and his troop are on their way to the festival, and it's crucial that we receive them," declared Kael, his eyes still fixed on the clock adorning the wall.


As they concluded the family farewells, with Liora's voice echoing her request for Gale to stay, they left the house, entering the street where a deadly silence settled.

"Behave as I taught you, alright? It's crucial to make a good impression on Unalaq and his children," instructed Kael, a smile shaping his lips as he waved to the residents.

"Yes, father," replied Gale, forcing a smile and also greeting the residents.

Upon reaching the pier, Kael and Gale encountered other council members and their children, all awaiting the arrival of Unalaq and his fleet. Greetings were exchanged, and soon, they all stood waiting for the imposing ships approaching.

The arrival of Unalaq and his fleet was a majestic spectacle. Three imposing warships cut through the waters, their sails stretched like eagle wings over the sea. Each ship's ornate bow displayed the symbol of the Northern Tribe, a visual statement of power and authority.

The setting sun reflected on the waves, creating a golden glow that enveloped the ships. With every advance, the gentle sound of water being cut by the hulls echoed, announcing the imminent arrival. Unalaq stood at the bow of the main ship, his gaze serious and focused, as the fleet approached the dock.

As they approached, the council members, lined up respectfully on the shore, opened wide smiles, greeting the leader and his fleet. The children, capturing the festive atmosphere, followed their parents' example, their faces lit up with expressions of admiration and respect.

The ships, now securely anchored, stood out as imposing metallic colossi.

As the hatches opened, Unalaq descended from the ships accompanied by his twin children. Desna and Eska, almost indistinguishable, advanced towards the eagerly waiting council members. Behind them, the soldiers of the North and the people of the kingdom followed in disciplined formation.

Kael advanced decisively, extending his arms warmly towards Unalaq, an old acquaintance of decades. In this friendly gesture, a hint of envy could be seen in the eyes of the other council members.

Soon, the two were engaged in a hug.

"My old friend Kael, how are you?" Unalaq inquired as the hug broke, a distance establishing between them.

"I'm great, Unalaq. You seem older since our last meeting, haha," Kael replied with a broad smile. "Allow me to introduce my son; perhaps you don't remember him."

Gale took the lead, taking advantage of the opportunity provided by his father.

"It's a pleasure to greet you, sir. Meeting you is an honor," expressed Gale, bowing in a respectful gesture. "Greetings also to both Desna and Eska." Turning to the siblings, he requested permission to kiss Eska's hand. A smile lit up his face, giving him the cue to proceed.

A smile played on Unalaq's face.

"A gallant and a gentlemen like his father, haha," remarked Unalaq, his smile brightening the conversation. "Great to see you, Gale. Last time we met, you were in your mother's belly, kicking."

A wave of laughter filled the air, leaving Gale somewhat embarrassed but standing firm.

"I think we've concluded the introductions. How about we head to the tribe's palace to discuss some matters?" Unalaq proposed, his smile fading and giving way to a serious expression.

"Of course, my great friend. Follow me," replied Kael, opening his arms towards the palace in the city center. "Gale, accompany Unalaq's children and show them the beauty of the Southern Tribe."

"Yes, father," Gale affirmed with respect in his voice.