
Auxiliary Upgrade System Of Douluo Dalu

Traveling through the world of Douluo, at the beginning of the plot, Lin Feng awakens to assist in upgrading the system. As long as you do things that can enhance your own strength, you can get experience points! Even running a walk and sleeping can increase experience points! [Ding! I had a nightmare when I slept, dreaming that I became a personal soul master who had been practicing for two and a half years, my spiritual power increased slightly, and the experience value +100] [Ding! After a period of hard practice, the host has mastered the basic axe method, experience value +100]

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Chapter 310

In the spirit beast forest, the situation is urgent, of course Oscar will not make sausages on the spot.

He will make the sausages in advance, and then everyone will bring one!

Originally, his sausages could not be stored for that long, but since the spirit of martial arts evolved and the spirit power control became more proficient, his sausages could be stored for three days!

In this way, he only needs to update the sausages in everyone's hands every three days to keep everyone available at all times.

At this moment of crisis, everyone started to eat mushroom sausage.

And at the same time that Tang San issued the command, the Night Demon Lion had already charged towards Dai Mubai!

Before he even had time to eat Oscar's violent intestines, after being boosted by Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai met the claws of the Night Demon Lion!


With a muffled sound, in Dai Mubai's horrified eyes, his shield was directly covered with cracks.

At the same time, a huge force was transmitted to him, and he took a few steps back before standing still.

He hurriedly used his spirit power to repair the shield, but the Night Demon Lion was too fast, and another claw struck.


At this moment, the shield shattered directly, and then the claws that had lost most of their power also fell on Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai's reaction was also quick. As soon as his claws fell, he leaned forward, trying to put the Night Demon Lion down!

However, this was all in vain, and another claw came over, and Dai Mubai was swept away directly, vomiting blood in the air.

But at this time Tang San and the others had already eaten the mushroom sausages and could fly.

"No! Zhuqing, you and Ning Rongrong use the martial soul fusion technique to resist, otherwise Boss Dai has no time to eat mushroom sausage, and his life will be in danger. I will attract his attention first."

With that, Tang San's control-type spirit abilities were all thrown towards the Night Demon Lion.

Through the control of spirit power, the blue silver grass on these spirit skills seemed to have come alive, even if it was easily torn apart by the Night Demon Lion, it could last an extra second.

And this precious second was won for Zhu Zhuqing!

As a sensitive attack type spirit master, Zhu Zhuqing's speed is extremely fast, especially her martial soul and soul skills. At this time, after the martial soul fusion skills are deployed, she comes to the night demon lion in an instant through the shadow.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was much stronger than Dai Mubai, and the attack of the Night Demon Lion could not touch her at all.

On the other side, Oscar immediately came to Dai Mubai's side and fed him sausages.

They didn't expect that this night demon lion was so strong that Dai Mubai would be seriously injured as soon as the shield broke.

Fortunately, Tang San commanded calmly, and made the most correct judgment, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

With the strength of the Night Demon Lion, you can seriously wound them at will. Even if you just hesitated for a second, maybe some of them will die here!

After Dai Mubai successfully flew up, Tang San immediately shouted: "Zhu Qing came back and left here at speed. The roar just now was too loud, and other spirit beasts will come soon."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, the fourth spirit ring shining behind him.

The fourth spirit ability: ghost shadow clone!

Following Zhu Zhuqing's body trance, a total of three figures appeared on the spot.

Two of them were more illusory and rushed towards the Night Demon Lion as soon as they appeared, while the other one was more solid and flew into the sky after it appeared.

At this time, the seven quickly flew towards the opposite side of the stream, which was in the direction of the outer area, which was much safer.

In place, the Night Demon Lion also let out an unwilling roar.

In the next second, Lin Feng put away the clone.

Two people were seriously injured, and several others were also frightened. If he attacked this time, he still kept his hands.

Otherwise, it is a real 30,000-year-old Night Demon Lion, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu are already dead just now!

And with the two dead, even if Tang San ran away and killed the Night Demon Lion, the matter was irreversible.

This matter should be able to teach them a profound lesson.

On the road today, a few of them still bluntly said that there is nothing dangerous in the forest, and now they know how powerful it is.

Suddenly, Lin Feng turned his head and glanced behind him in surprise.

Fifty thousand years of **** night hunting spiders!

This is a super killer star, worthy of the name of Xueye, this spider is a super killer in the spirit master world at night, I don't know how many spirit masters died in its hands.

Lin Feng really didn't expect that there was such a powerful soul beast nearby. When he helped Dai Mubai find the Rock Tiger before, he didn't find it at all.

Now it seems that if it weren't for Lin Feng to scare them, Tang San and the others might still run into this guy, then it would be dangerous.

But now, this spider can't catch anything.

Lin Feng quickly disappeared in place, as if he had never appeared before.


Tang Sanqi flew for several kilometers, and only stopped after arriving at a hidden cave.

This time it was attacked, and finally everyone reacted. To say the responsibility, of course it was Ma Hongjun.

He was on duty, but he found no danger. If the Night Demon Lion attacked Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, someone would have died!

After all, except for Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, no one can teleport spirit abilities. Then Dai Mubai would be seriously injured by the attack, can Oscar resist? Ning Rongrong can resist?

"Why didn't you find it?" Tang San asked Ma Hongjun.

When he came all the way just now, Ma Hongjun had eaten several healing sausages, and his injuries were a little lighter than Dai Mubai's, so he could barely move.

"The lion walked through under the grass. It was very cunning. I didn't find it." Ma Hongjun gritted his teeth.

"It is impossible not to find out. Although the leaves of the grass are very large, it is not very dense. It can definitely be found in advance! And the lion is so big, even if it comes quietly, it is impossible not to touch the surrounding leaves. There was a sound." Tang San said affirmatively.

He chose the site very carefully. The side facing the creek was very empty. Basically, he didn't need to worry about it. As long as he was in the middle of the camp during the night watch, he could see the movement on three sides at the same time.

And the grass in the direction the Night Demon Lion was attacking was so close to their camp, Ma Hongjun was a soul sect, it was impossible not to hear the movement.

"Are you lazy?!" Tang San demanded.

"I didn't!" Ma Hongjun said quickly: "I ran to the top of the tree, so I can directly observe the surroundings!"

In fact, Ma Hongjun just wants to be lazy. Sitting on the ground is too boring. He needs to observe his surroundings and overhead from time to time.

On the tree, you only need to stare at the bottom, he can directly sense the danger on the tree, and there is wind blowing, which is much more comfortable than the bottom.

Ma Hongjun sacrificed a little vigilance just to make his vigil more comfortable.

What do you think, it is the loss of this vigilance that caused this situation.
