
Auxiliary Upgrade System Of Douluo Dalu

Traveling through the world of Douluo, at the beginning of the plot, Lin Feng awakens to assist in upgrading the system. As long as you do things that can enhance your own strength, you can get experience points! Even running a walk and sleeping can increase experience points! [Ding! I had a nightmare when I slept, dreaming that I became a personal soul master who had been practicing for two and a half years, my spiritual power increased slightly, and the experience value +100] [Ding! After a period of hard practice, the host has mastered the basic axe method, experience value +100]

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Chapter 309

I would like to mention a spirit ability with strong defensive power, which is very encouraging to everyone.

Because this means that if they participate in the competition in the future, even in the face of the Avengers' lightning storm tactics, they will have time to release their martial arts fusion skills!

"Brother, you are almost at level fifty, what do you want for this fifth spirit ring?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.

Tang San is now at level forty-eight, and his current cultivation speed is the fastest of all, it is estimated that he will reach level 50 soon after the start of the competition.

"My words, to control the spirit master, of course it is to control the spirit ring." Tang San said in deep thought.

"Brother Feng told me that my fourth spirit ring is of the ten thousand year level, and there are two spirit bones. This greatly enhances my physical fitness. I can obtain the fifth spirit ring for 25,000 years. The above should not be a big problem as long as it does not exceed 30,000 years."

"More than twenty-five thousand years?!" Everyone stared at the boss.

Especially Dai Mubai, his whole person was sour, he was very happy with a 14,000-year-old fifth spirit ring.

At this time, Tang San said that he could obtain a spirit ring of nearly 30,000 years, which was twice his, ah...

Although he had not formally discussed with Tang San, Dai Mubai knew very well that he was not Tang San's opponent.

As soon as this guy entered the Soul Sect, he was able to sling more than fifty-level Tainuo, and that Tainuo was not weak, even Dai Mubai was at the forty-sixth level at the time, and still had a spirit bone, it was just a match at best.

But Tang San was slinging, and the gap between the two was clear at a glance.

Oscar: "I envy the third brother, if my fifth spirit ring can last for 30,000 years, such a strong spirit ring will definitely improve me a lot, maybe I can also become a war spirit master."

Ma Hongjun attacked mercilessly: "Don't think about it, just your small body, and the 30,000-year spirit ring will directly burst you, and you will fight the spirit master."

"Can I think about it? I saw a special kind of spirit beast last time, called the mirror beast, which can replicate the strength of others. If I absorb the spirit ring of the mirror beast, maybe I can also absorb your strength. When the time comes, you will be the first to blow you fat fat guy!" Oscar and Ma Hongjun quarrel daily.

"You are so good at mirroring, wait for me to be level 50, I..."

The two didn't beep for long, and soon fell silent.

Today they had been looking for a spirit beast for a day, and they were already tired. At this time, after Dai Mubai had absorbed the spirit ring, the sun was about to set.

Tang San quickly led everyone to a clearing next to a creek, and they decided to spend the night here.

After searching for a day, the people's strength has been consumed a lot. At this time, they quickly finished dinner and sprinkled animal repellent powder and insect repellent powder around them, and they began to rest.

Of course it wasn't that the silly people rested together. The seven took turns to put the guards, and Tang San, as the captain, set the first guard.

Lin Feng is not in a hurry, he is waiting, waiting for the third post, Ma Hongjun.

This guy is a horse, and he will be a little more interesting when he is on guard.

Time passed quickly, after Lin Feng got up for a short nap, he threw out a clone and turned into a 30,000-year-old Night Demon Lion.

This is a lion that likes to hunt at night. It is very powerful and is slowly leaning towards Tang San and their camp.

But at this time, Ma Hongjun was also energetic when he was on guard.

After all, at this moment, everyone's safety is in his hands, and he knows the seriousness of the matter.

Even if he thinks this place is safe, he won't really feel indifferent.

It's just that others are lazy and sit directly on the trunk of the big tree on the side, so that you can directly see all the conditions around the camp, without having to concentrate on detailed observation below.

But there is a bad thing about this, that is, there are some details that you can't see.

Looking down from the tree, among those dense jungles, if there is a soul beast creeping forward, Ma Hongjun would not be able to find it.

And the night demon lion that Lin Feng's avatar changed, the whole body is extremely dark, blending with the night, slowly approaching Tang San and the others in this jungle.

About twenty meters, Lin Feng stopped.

Because there was a clearing in front of him, when he moved his hands, it was exposed.

This is also the reason why we are looking for an open space when camping in the wild. The area of ​​the open space in this place is not big. Tang San and the others have to clear it out manually when they want to use it as a campsite.

In this way, even if Ma Hongjun's eyes were bad and the soul beast was running in the open, it would still be easy to be spotted.

Soon, Lin Feng selected the target, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu who were sleeping on the outermost periphery.

Without hesitation, attack out!

The distance of 20 meters is only a few steps, and even when running at full capacity, the movement will be great.

People with stronger strengths like Tang San and Dai Mubai woke up all at once.

At the same time, as the Martial Spirit of Ma Hongjun above rushed down, he also shouted, "Attack by the devil lion in the night, defend!"

All of a sudden, everyone woke up.

But at this time, Lin Feng had already come to Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing, and patted them with a paw.

In fact, at this moment, if they do their best, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing will be shot to death.

However, Lin Feng deliberately took a slow shot, giving them time to react.

Xiao Wu teleported away directly, Zhu Zhuqing fell into the shadows, and the night was her home court.

At this time, Ma Hongjun's fourth spirit ring also shined, and the phoenix soared into the sky and released!

This is an extremely powerful attacking spirit ability, raising one's full attributes by 50%, and then a scream in his mouth, which can disrupt the spirit power of the enemy in front, and cannot release the spirit ability in a short time.

Ma Hongjun was thinking of scaring away this night demon lion directly, even if other spirit beasts would be attracted later, but they would leave here quickly, which was also a good choice.

However, in the next second, the Night Demon Lion also opened its mouth and let out a roar!

The lion king's roar was extremely terrifying, and Ma Hongjun's spirit skills were not only interrupted, but the whole person was also flew out and was seriously injured.

"It's a 30,000-year-old Night Demon Lion, enough to compare with the Soul Saint!" Tang San brought Ma Hongjun back with a blue silver grass, his expression solemn.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, other people came to Tang San one after another to join together, and Dai Mubai even released his shield and placed it in front of everyone.

The 30,000-year-old soul beast, even the soul sage, has to release the spirit body to be able to suppress it.

Now Ma Hongjun is seriously injured, Oscar hastened to feed a sausage, but his injury is too serious, he can not heal in a short time.

"Boss Dai block it, everyone eats mushroom sausages, ready to leave!" Tang San quickly commanded.

Ning Rongrong didn't need to be reminded at all, and immediately blessed Dai Mubai's increase, and the latter was also used by various spirit abilities.

In this way, even if the shield is broken, it can resist for a second or two.
