
Auxiliary Upgrade System Of Douluo Dalu

Traveling through the world of Douluo, at the beginning of the plot, Lin Feng awakens to assist in upgrading the system. As long as you do things that can enhance your own strength, you can get experience points! Even running a walk and sleeping can increase experience points! [Ding! I had a nightmare when I slept, dreaming that I became a personal soul master who had been practicing for two and a half years, my spiritual power increased slightly, and the experience value +100] [Ding! After a period of hard practice, the host has mastered the basic axe method, experience value +100]

HappyKing · Book&Literature
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577 Chs

Chapter 311

"On the top of the tree?" Tang San looked ugly.

Then he scolded: "Fatty, it's not just me. When Brother Feng was in the Star Dou Great Forest, he said so many times that everyone was on guard and not allowed to go to the tree!"

"Although you can see the surroundings from the tree, you can't hear much of the information on the ground! And you are on a big tree, so far from the camp, how can you guarantee to remind us quickly?!"

"Why should the camp choose an open space close to the stream?! Because this place is safe, you can quickly escape when you are in danger. The trees above our heads are some distance away from us, even if we are attacked by spirit beasts, we can respond to them, even on the ground Always pay attention to the situation in the surrounding grass. As long as a person stands in the middle of the camp, he can prevent almost all dangers. Will you climb the tree for me?"

"Do you know that Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing almost died because of your negligence?! If the Night Demon Lion chooses Oscar or Ning Rongrong as the target, both of them will die?!"

"I...I..." Ma Hongjun looked at a loss, not knowing what to say.

He regrets it very much now, he shouldn't have gone to the tree, and if it weren't for his negligence, this kind of thing would not happen.

If he warned early enough, they might not get hurt at all.

Tang San has never been angry since entering school, but today, because of Ma Hongjun's negligence, Xiao Wu almost died, which touched Tang San's negative scale.

"Three brothers, Zhu Qing and I are fine." Xiao Wu ran over and pulled Tang San.

"You are lucky if you are okay. If the Night Demon Lion roared when it attacked you, none of your spirit abilities would be released!" Tang San became more afraid as he thought about it.

He could see that Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were really lucky.

That Night Demon Lion was just a 30,000-year-old soul beast, and its IQ was not high. If it were smarter.

Before the sneak attack, shout directly, all of their spirit powers will be confused for a few seconds, unable to release their spirit abilities.

And in this situation, the seven of them were in front of a powerful 30,000-year soul beast, which was simply fish on the cutting board.

It doesn't matter that their Seven Shrek Monsters are very strong and can slap Zao Wou-ki, but that is a combination technique that can only be used under certain circumstances.

If they were truly in an encounter, their overall strength would only be comparable to the appearance of the four soul emperors.

Unless they find an opportunity to release their martial arts fusion skills, six soul emperors who cooperate with each other can easily slap them.

Tang San is powerful, but fighting two soul emperors alone is already very good, and the other four soul emperors are enough to kill others!

"Fatty is too much this time!" Dai Mubai said solemnly.

He had personally experienced how strong the Night Demon Lion was. If he hadn't increased so much by himself, he could be killed with just one claw.

Ma Hongjun lowered his head, his face flushed, and he didn't know what to say.

He is very ashamed now, and regrets so much.

"It has happened. It's just that Boss Dai and Fatty were injured. This is already a very good result. It is no longer useful to shirk responsibility. The most important thing is that we must learn a lesson from this incident and not commit it again next time. "Zhu Zhuqing said softly.

Hearing this, Tang San also quickly calmed down.

That's right, it's useless to say these now, the most important thing is to learn a lesson.

At this time, Ma Hongjun hurriedly said: "I promise that this situation will never happen again next time."

At this moment, all the original pride, disdain for forest dangers, etc., disappeared.

After Ma Hongjun experienced this incident, his vigilance has increased a lot, and it may change for a long time, but at least for a short time, this incident will always remind him.

"You promise? What guarantee?!" It's okay for Ma Hongjun not to speak, and Tang San is angry again when he speaks.

This reminded him again of the panicked expression on Xiao Wu's face just now after teleporting.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's situation is better, he is still in shock. After all, he has walked from the line of death, who can be in no mood?

"I...I..." Ma Hongjun didn't let out a fart after I had been for a long time.

Seeing this, Tang San quickly calmed down, "Now it's useless to say this, but fortunately Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing are fine."

This result is the best for everyone, at least everyone is still there.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly said, "Didn't it mean that someone secretly protected us? I think there is no one to protect us. Now, for the seven of us, we can only rely on ourselves!"

If there was one thought in everyone's minds before, it would be that people would not really die. If the crisis comes, someone will save them.

But now it seems that there is no one to protect them. Just now, as long as they react slowly for a second, someone will definitely die!

Hearing this, Tang San nodded and said, "Yes, no one is secretly protecting us at all. The training the master gave us is the most authentic. We can only rely on ourselves now!"

"Boss Dai and Fatty hurry up to recover from their injuries, I will watch tonight!"

Now, Ma Hongjun's head lowered deeper.

Everyone is thinking the same now, and all they can rely on is themselves.

If someone protects it, it would definitely take action in the dangerous environment just now, but it didn't.

No one would have thought that this soul beast was Lin Feng's clone, and the things encountered before were also done by Lin Feng's clone.

No one has this idea, because they have never encountered such a thing.

Tang San didn't sleep all night, and the other people didn't really sleep well, their sleep state wasn't much better, some just meditated all night.

Although this effect is far inferior to sleeping, it is better than being tortured and unable to sleep.

After a night of sausage healing, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun both recovered a lot, especially Dai Mubai, who recovered very quickly. By this time, they were already well.

Everyone did not rush to set off,

Taking advantage of the dawn, after a little peace of mind, several people rested for several hours before setting off.

"Shall we go back to the middle area now? Will it be too dangerous?" Ning Rongrong said with some worry.

In the past, Ma Hongjun must have asked this first, but now he has become taciturn.

"En! There are still eleven days to train, and we must go back! We can't shrink from danger, so we will never become stronger!" Tang San said solemnly.

Being strong is not only physical, but the most important thing is to sharpen your own character.

The heart of the strong is actually the most precious thing of a soul master!

And how can we have the heart of the strong?

The more you have experienced, and the more you know, you will naturally have a strong heart.

This training is a transformation for them!
