
The immaculate strategy

Athena's pov

"You sure you want to do this? It's not safe for you Athena" he protested but I was more than fine to go over there and get this over with. I could see through his worried eyes that he was agitated.

"Asher I will keep letting you know that I'm alright, don't worry" I said while ruffling his hair. He seemed ecstatic after that.

"You better do that and keep giving me updates, please? Or else I will come to you and lift you up, taking you in my car. Your adventure will end there if something happens to you, Athena. I'm not "Fooling around" okay?" he explained this in a stern tone.

He was about to talk but it seemed like he remembered something and rushed outside of the room. After some time he came back with an exquisite pearl necklace which had a petite heart in the middle which gave an elegant look to the necklace.

"Inside the heart, there is a tracker and an emergency button. Whenever you feel perilous just click the button which is inside the heart"

I nodded in agreement while he put the necklace on me. "It looks heavenly on you" he expressed while hugging me from behind.

I could still see uneasiness and concern on his face. "Athena, are you- "

"I'm sure Ash, it's alright. Let's look on the bright side, it's not mandatory that I'm going to fail"

He nodded while biting his lips, still unsure but he gave me a genuine smile.

I sighed "A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. You know this saying?"

"I do know it"

"Let's go by that saying, alright?"


"Take her, she is of no use to us," Asher said in a stern tone while on the phone which was making Liam giggle softly. I just glared at him and he stopped laughing immediately. It was a terrible idea to bring him along.

My hands and legs were tied to make it more realistic.

Then later, instead of throwing me on the road like in the movies, Asher lifted as I was bundled up and placed outside the gate. I felt like I was in harry potter as harry was also placed outside a house.

Jokes aside, I was genuinely terrified as we had to make it realistic.

After Alisha and Lily arrived, they drove off. Alisha untied me and Lily kept bombarding me with questions like "Are you alright? How did you spend your day yesterday? Did they do something? What happened there? Hope you have not hurt anywhere" I could see Alisha getting disgruntled because of the questions.

"Lily I will answer all of your questions when we are in a safe space okay?" she nodded in agreement and Alisha helped me walk. When we reached the door. Grandma opened it and hugged me.

"Oh, my poor child! I'm glad you are safe and not hurt"

"They didn't hurt you, right sweetie?"

"No, but they did cage me in a room and were bombarding me with questions. I was not able to answer them. They thought I was useless. Hence, they brought me back home"

"Oh gosh, I'm glad you are safe sweetie, take some rest. You and a few others have a flight to Barcelona tomorrow as one of the pieces is over there.

Alisha will explain everything during the flight. Take a break now and I will send Lily to help pack your bag later"

"Okay Grandma" I muttered.

"Lily please guide her to the room she will be settling in" Lily linked her arm with mine "it's upstairs" she yelled and then held my hand and took me upstairs.

My room was on the first floor to the right. When we opened the door, the room was enormous and there was a view of the forest and the waterfall, even the desk was organized. It had a king-sized bed along with a walk-in closet and a tidy bathroom. I was overwhelmed by seeing this.

"Wow" I gasped in excitement. I couldn't stop gawking.

"You can do anything you want now; I will help pack the bag at 5 am as we need it for 7 a.m.," Lily remarked, her eyes sparkling.

She started jumping up and down, clapping her hands. At the same time Alisha came in, pulled Lily by the hand and took her outside while shutting the door.

After that, I rushed to the shower as I smelled awful.

While showered I noticed my scars had become to disappear as I was taking care of it now. Some scars wouldn't go but I didn't complain about it. Having a belly, scars, acne or anything doesn't make you ugly. We let our intrusive thoughts take control reality. I hope people will start noticing the beauty they have because beauty is diverse and every one is unique in their own way.

I was done showering and was walking to the closet to search for a night dress as I heard my phone vibrate. I quickly went to pick it up and guess who it was. My one and only sweet Asher.

"Dear, are you alright? You know we can pick you when you feel uneasy, right? Please be careful"

"Yes, Asher I will be fine, I'm grateful for your concern but I will be alright"

I could hear him groan in frustration "You are making me crazy I swear to God"

I laid on my bed "positively or negatively"

"If it's you then it's always positive, my love"

I heard footsteps coming towards my door. "Asher, I need to go" and I cut the call immediately. I found this cute pastel yellow night dress and I quickly wore it. Then I found a book and randomly opened a page.

The door slightly opened and Lily's head popped in. "I just wanted to ask if you were hungry. And sorry I forgot to knock on the door before coming" she laughed it off.

"Seriously though, are you hungry?"

"No, I'm not hungry, I'm just exhausted"

"Alright then! Have fun sleeping"

"I will, thank you and goodnight"

"Goodnight!" she practically screamed and closed the door.


"Athena! It's time to wake up! We need to pack your bag!"

I immediately woke up because of the loud lily and the utensils she was holding.

"A spatula and a pan? Seriously, Lily?" I looked at her half annoyed but I hurriedly woke and saw her glaring at me.


"You are disrespecting my spatula and pan. They have feelings too you know"

"I'm sorry, Lily's utensils" I sighed while heading to the bathroom but I couldn't stop laughing anymore and started laughing along with Lily.

An annoyed Alisha came into the room glaring at both of us. "Can you guys

shut up and get ready?" We didn't want to annoy her so we agreed.

I headed to the bathroom to freshen up. I heard Lily. packing my bag as I was showering. After I was done showering and getting ready. I came to see lily had packed three suitcases for me but where was she? I then found Her sitting on the sofa in the corner holding my phone. She didn't say a word until she saw me.

"Asher called" while looking down.

"Lily I can explain-"

"There is no need for you to explain, I had the same plan as you but I was alone that time and didn't think I could do it. I'm glad we have the same mindset" she beamed

"Take me through your plan. I will be more than glad to help you" she added.

"How can I trust you?"

"Uhm true"

I laughed it off and decided to trust her. I told her everything and she loved the idea.

"If you have any questions, you can ask-"

Alisha opened the door "ask what?"

I didn't know what to say, so I just gulped "Lily and I were talking about the Disney movies we had seen so far. Lily nodded in agreement.

"Be there down in 10 minutes" Alisha rolled her eyes and walked off.

Lily and I took the suitcases and went down.

When we looked down there were four more people excluding Alisha and grandma.

"Oh sweetie, how are you feeling?" she asked in a concerned tone. She was indeed manipulating.

I just nodded in response.

"This is Royce, Christopher, Gabriel and Harper," she said while pointing.

I had to remember the names now. Royce was the person with jet-black hair and blue eyes, Christopher had blonde hair with brown eyes, Meanwhile Gabriel had long, ginger hair and hazel eyes. Harper had a brunette hair and emerald-coloured eyes.

"Shall we leave now? We have to arrive there by 7" Harper said as he picked up his bags.

"We won't disappoint you, Mrs. Amara"

I was about to pick up my bag when Gabriel and Royce came and helped me carry it.

"Hello! we just want to help you with these if you don't mind" Gabriel said in an excited tone.

She was really sweet but I wasn't able to speak anything because of my terrible social anxiety.

Let's see what this chapter of my story has to offer.