
The diamond

Athena's pov

I was frantically pacing around the room; my thoughts had become agonizing and I didn't know whether I should listen to my grandmother or not. She had become a peculiar person.

Asher had gone further and I needed to wait for a few minutes before I could do anything.

The view from the window was splendid as always. I was admiring the beauty of nature when I heard Liam's footsteps coming near me slowly. I turned to look behind to see what he was up to. "Why did you look back? I was close to scaring you," he said while sighing. "Maybe next time" he added.

Then he noticed that I was pensive about something. "Why do you look distressed? Did something happen?" he asked out of curiosity

"Nothing, everything is fine don't worry" I gave a reassuring smile.

Suddenly my bedroom door opened. Alisha? What was she doing here?

"I knew you weren't going to follow the plan so I had to come here" as she shot something which made Liam unconscious.

"Are you just going to stare or are you going to help to do your work?"

She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the garage. We turned off the power to the house but as soon as we opened the garage door, we walked into the living room and by the looks of it, we weren't alone as Asher was sitting there on the sofa smirking.

"You really thought you could make me seem like a clod, my dear sister?" he asked while grinning mockingly.

"Did you think I was that incoherent to keep the back door open? Be shrewd, Alisha, not moronic and insolent like the last time" He gave a smile and spoke.

"don't ever test my patience" he said while kicking the table, which made it break into pieces. The pieces were now scattered around the floor. Asher came closer trying to get a hold of me but Athena took her gun out and shot him.

I could feel tears streaming down my eyes. When he fell down, I held him and put his head on my lap. "I'm so sorry, I swear I wasn't going to follow this" I hugged him tight. Before he shut his eyes he whispered "I love you Athena and don't worry, I will get you out of this mess".

Alisha yanked me up and dragged me upstairs while pulling my hand. "We need to get this over with Athena"

When we were upstairs. We hurriedly ran towards the office "do we have to do this? I don't feel right about this"

"It's now or never. We have to take the diamond and flee from here before we get stuck. Lily is outside waiting in the car"

As we tried to open the door, it was locked. We were undeniably dead now. She sighed and banged the door hard in frustration while looking down. "We need to get out of here before somebody comes," she said frantically and held my arm to run.

We turned towards the right and ran but on the stairway, we found him leaning on the wall, lighting up a cigarette. "you guys really thought I was naïve?" he started laughing.

"You need to act smart, not doltish" he casually spoke while smoking his cigar.

We turned around and saw two men were already standing behind us so we headed to the closest room and locked it. We were unsure if this door could stay closed for a longer period of time. Alisha then got an idea and started pushing the shelf to make a barricade but wasn't able to move it. Then she said, "Stop staring and help", I stood beside her and helped her to push the shelf.

After that, she put her bag hurriedly on the bed and took out a rope. She then tied the rope around the chair handle and tossed it outside the window. The door would've been broken open if we had not made a barricade but oh boy was I wrong! They broke the door open but we managed to slide down fast.

We ran as fast as we can without looking behind. When we went out the gate there were two people holding Lily captive. Alisha took out her gun, while the guy took his out and pointed towards Lily. "Put the gun down and we wont harm her". Alisha then slowly put her gun down and raised her hands up and so did I. When he slowly kept his gun, Alisha went a bit ahead of me and then I noticed that she had a gun behind her so I took it and shot both of them in their arms.

We hurriedly sat in the car and drove off.

"It seems like we have a problem," she said while pointing behind.

Alisha opened the windows of the back seat and Lily threw a gun toward me.

"I don't know how to use it" I practically yelled.

"It doesn't matter, just target the tires and it's more than enough"

Both of us sat at the window and began shooting. A guy got out of the window to shoot, but it was too late as the fast-moving car abruptly stopped on its track while the car behind them crashed.

"That was hilarious," Lily said as we sat back in our seats.

"Shit! In a hurry, Alisha said, "There are two more cars behind us, and one is driven by Asher." Alisha drove at a faster speed.

Lily got up to shoot again but one of the guys from Asher's car got up to shoot our vehicle as well. "Lily sits back down" Alisha instructed as he shot the back of the car at the glass, causing it to shatter into pieces.

Alisha drove in the same manner as Zinc Zac.

We were still in the middle of the forest and had to cross the bridge before reaching the city.

Good for us we reached the bridge but at the same time, there were two cars at the end of the bridge.

"He is an extremely clever guy" I muttered. Alisha wasn't planning to stop the car, she just sped it up more. When she reached maximum speed, she took a right turn and we fell right into the water stream.

As our car crashed down, we escaped through the open windows but Lily's leg got stuck. I swam towards her and took her leg out with force. She didn't know how to swim so I had to hold her and take her out of the water.

"Ah! Finally some air" But we didn't realize we were in a moving stream.

"I will take care of Lily," Alisha said and took her by the arm. As we were reaching the end of the river, somebody held my hand. I looked back and saw Asher. Why did he jump after me? He held my hand firmly.

"Athena don't do this, let me explain myself once please?" he was holding a tree branch "do you know how dangerous this is?" I groaned and kicked him from underwater. I went down the stream but he came with me and hugged me tight as we fell down.

When we were reaching down, accidentally a rock hit my head and I zoned out. "Athena? Athena? Wake up please" I heard this before my eyes shut.


As I gained my vision, I was able to see the bedroom clearly but I rushed towards the door, trying to open it but it wouldn't budge. I tried all of my strength but it wasn't working and then I noticed that someone had changed me.

"Nothing is going to work dear" I heard a familiar voice coming from behind. I turned around to see Asher sitting on the chair sipping wine.

"I'm going to kill you someday I swear to god" he looked taken aback by my response.

"How can a person change in a few hours?" he asked sarcastically while getting up. He started moving towards me but I just went behind and sat on the bed. I kept looking down as I didn't want to see his face.

"Stay back, I'm not a menacing person like you"

"Who said I was menacing?" He asked confused.

I completely ignored his question and looked at the left side as I didn't want to see his face.

"Where are they?"

"We never got them as they ran away, Miss Bennett," he said while pacing the room.

"How did you know that?"

"I know your grandmother dear and I also know such a manipulative liar she is. I don't know what crap she fed you but I know how selfish she is".

"You didn't answer my question" he lifted up my chin to look at me. Why do people always have to make eye contact to speak?