
At the mercy of the future

Sometimes knowing yourself is more important!

DamianVoid · Video Games
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15 Chs


When Sam got up and started to leave away from the corpse he heard a loud sound.


I got up from the ground and ran towards Sara and Hannah. I can see a military jeep heading that way through the woods. It's not that packed with trees because this area is still not that far from the village but it still has to be a special vehicle to drive like that in this muddy road.

"Sara is that your father or should we hide?" I asked Sarah as soon as I came.

"It's him. Don't worry"


Mr.Hunter said the atmosphere is rather strange and they couldn't send helicopters. He also took the werewolf body and after we sayed to him about what we saw he took us with him to the military camp. We were completely silent all the way, even Sarah didn't say anything to her father.

It can't be helped though Mr.Hunter is a well build man like a big bear but has a kind face with some white hear and uncutted beard. He's usually an easygoing person but right now he has an serious expression that makes it a little harder to say anything to him.

'Hey Sasha..


A few hours later we arrived at a military camp, ir rather a building. It was a square shaped three story building in the city. Anyone else might think it's an abondoned building because how empty it looks but it's located at the far end of the city so no one's here to see anything.

"Kids, What I'm going to tell you is a national secret and as of this moment I need you all to promise me to join the military. It's not like you have anywhere else to go anyway, so what do you say?"

'It's understandable. If everyone knew that there are monsters in this world it won't be this peaceful.' with that though in mind I just chose to nod hoping not to interrupt his speech. So did the two girls.

"Good. As you have seen your selves there are monsters in this world. It's not exactly in this world though."

I was confused about what he's talking but what he said next is within the expectations I have to say.

"There are other worlds that we have encountered. As stupid as it sounds that's the truth. Your village was caught between a space rift between another world and ours. Which means the most likely scenario is that your village is teleported to another world."

With what the Sasha talled me on the way that's what has happened in the future too but she said that we were never able to find any survivors when we found the ruins of our village after ten ir so years. 'No matter what, this time I'll get stronger far faster and save my parents.'

"The monster you encountered is a werewolf as you have guessed and by the way Sam nice kill. It's a good thing I brought you along with our hunting trips. Hahaha"

"Yes, I won't have survived if it wasn't for your training. I'll train harder and find my parents" I said with clear goal in my mind.

"That's good son. That werewolf might have slipped through the spartial rift which means the villagers might be on the Red moon planet. It's planet of werewolves and vampires. If you want to go there your going to need to prove that you're as strong as them and don't be fooled. The werewolf you encountered is a weakest of it's kind and must have thought to find a planet with weaker creatures when it ran through the rift.

Usually the heads of most planets have a clear understanding to not to cross worlds through space rifts because they're random and dangerous. Ut doesn't mean we are good terms either. It's just for the sake of sharing resources and mutual growth. The moment we are of no use to them we will be attacked.

It's matter for another time because as if now both our worlds have equal combat strength."

"Wait does that mean we have people who can fight with them?" I asked even though Sasha has already tallled me I don't want anyone finding out about her and system.

"Yes. Vampires and werewolves are stronger by nature but we have something called trial ground on our world. It's just like it sounds we send people into the trial ground and they will be judged by the will of the world. In most cases people are sent to other worlds randomly with a system and a chance to acquire strength. When they die in that world or is strong enough to ask the will of the world to send him back home they will return with powers they acquired. So did I. I spent ten years in another world and am considered quite powerful among our forces.

The most powerful one has been on the trial for about hundred years and his strength is on par with Vampire king as of now. Red moon world is not an enemy it isn't a friend either. In any case that's only we humans has direct access to as far as other worlds go.

Right now I'm going to send you three to Trial ground and you will be on your own in different worlds and return with the strength you can acquire. Don't worry in this world you'll be only gone for a second or so.

Are you willing? I don't have enough time to stay away from the camp on the inter world boarder and I can't take ordinary people there either."

'It's just like Sasha said. I have another way to get stronger other than my system. I can use the will of the world to temporarily acquire a system and gain new abilities before coming to this world and keep getting stronger after I come back with my iwn system.'

"Alright, I'll go." I said with a hint of desire to get strong.

"Me too."

"So will I"

Both Sara and Hannah aggreed without thinking as well. I guess Hannah want to find her parents as well and Sara will go for sure anyway. I'm 100% sure she was planning to go there since childhood. Mr.Hunter has most likely told her about this before of course.

Mr.Hunter gave a gentle smile and noded. He took out three blue colored stones that's size of a palm.

"These are called Trial stones. Just hold it and say enter. It's better to experience it yourself than telling it."

We took a stone each and said in unison,
