
At the mercy of the future

Sometimes knowing yourself is more important!

DamianVoid · Video Games
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


'Sasha, why don't I have any MP?'

'The host first needs to reach level one to unlock MP. To that you need to consume monster blood. I advice the host to use the blood ring to that and to gather as much samples as possible to use blood disguise ability. It will help to level up the blood ring as well.'

As Sasha was talking I looked at the Blood red ring that's on my right index finger. It has a dark colored skull that has two shining red gems as it's eyes. It gives off a monstrous aura that looks black and red.

'Hey Sasha what's with the mist that's covering the ring. Will others be able to see it?'

'Eh... There's a aura around the ring?'

'Yeah... can't you see it? I thought you were some overpowered system spirit that knows everything from the future.'

'First, I know a lot about future and will help you overcome obstacles by giving you related quests.

Second, I don't think anyone other than you can see that aura'

'Eh... why's that? It's clearly giving an bad aura'

'Let me check that...'

<System analysis begin>


<Recognized. >

<Host has awakened anatural talent.>

<Talent data collected>

<Congratulations to the host for awakening your first natural talent>

<Talent name 'Mana manipulation'>

<Host has taken a new step towards being higher powerhouse>

<Column 'Cultivation' acquired>

<System is delighted with host's progress.>

<Hidden requirement achieved< em>>


Hidden quest: Acquire a natural talent from your own


- 10 attribute points

- blood storing ring level up


Sasha was both supprised and delighted ' Just like I thought when you fought with the werewolf it was a life and death battle. In the future many people will acquire natural talents when facing life and death situations.'

Sam was a little confused 'Sasha, isn't my talent called Sharp edge? Do I have two talents?'

'Don't get too cocky. It's natural when people go through battles they will acquire more talents. So will you. It's just you have bonus skills through system' Sasha answered imidiatly seeing Sam's smug smile.

Sam sighed ' Sasha can you explain about this acquiring talents topic a little?'

Sasha took a deep breath and prepared herself for a long lecture.

With a feeling of Sasha preparing for a long speech Sam was a little discouraged 'Wait, wait. Let's wait until we have more time if it takes too long .'

Sasha was irritated about being rejected but decided to hold it to herself.

'Status' seeing Sasha was ignoring him to get back at him Sam decided to check his status once again.





Name: Samuel Light

Age: 19

Lv: 0 [Progress 0%]

Cultivation: mortal

Title: Limitless Potential

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Stamina: 10

Spirit: 10

Constitution: 10

Free attributes: 20

Innate Talent:

-Sharp edge lv.1

Allows the user to cover himself in an aura that improves the combat power with a sharp weapon

Type: Passive

[Not usable]

-Mana manipulation lv.MAX

Allows the user to manipulate and cultivate mana easily.

Type: Passive


- Foresight

Allows the user to look into the future as long as enough MP is spend

Cost: 1MP per 1 second

-Blood Disguise

Allows the user to morph into anyone who he had consumed blood of.

Cost: 1MP per 1 minute


[Quests] [Monster Library] [Inventory] [Locked]...


'Oh... it's level is maxed out in the beginning.' Sam was not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. Luckily he has someone who knows it all.

'It's good. You will be able to cultivate faster with this. Wait till you get to the military camp. You'll get to know more.'

Hearing this Sam has a complicated feeling. 'It means the military knows more than I think. It means others can have talents and also cultivate. Does military keep this all a secret? How did they do it and how long?'

Sasha pondered a little ' Let it be for now. Let's consume the monster's blood first'

Sam facepalmed himself 'I got distracted with the new talent. Let's see what we have here '


Item: Blood storing ring Lv.1

- Can store 1L of blood with contact of dead bodies or blood

- Allows the wearer to directly consume the stored blood into their bodies


'This ring is much suited for a vampire than me' Sam couldn't but exclaim with a chuckle.

'That's true make sure to hide it from vampires'

Hearing Sasha's words Sam froze but quickly got himself together. He just killed a werewolf a day ago, so vampires won't be that out of the picture.

Sam got his thoughts together and ran towards the monster corpse.


Seeing a human sized wolf lying dead on the floor Sam had a strange expression on his face. He didn't get to see it's appearance last night. Now that he sees it, it isn't that different from TV shows.

'So I just touch the monster with the blood ring and say 'absotb' right.' Sam asked still doubting the reality.

'Yes just do it'

With Sasha's confirmation Sam let the skull of the ring in werewolf's chest and said,


<Monster blood absorbing started.>

<Monster blood absorbing 1L filled.>

Sam was dumbfounded.' Hey.. it didn't even take a second. Is it really over?'

'Ofcourse it is. That ring was an artifact from a vampire lord. Just because it's level 1 doesn't mean it's weak.' Sasha proudly exclaimed.

'So if I just say 'consume' I can consume the blood inside it.' Sam asked ignoring vampire lords because he knows that he's not strong enough to know so much right now.

'I'll consume it later. If I get suddenly too strong I might have to face more troubles sooner.'

Sam calmed his overbeating heart. He has a way to get stronger in his hands but right now he need to confront Mr.Hunter so he mustn't attract too much attention than necessary.

When Sam got up and started to leave away from the corpse he heard a loud sound.
