
At the mercy of the future

Sometimes knowing yourself is more important!

DamianVoid · Video Games
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15 Chs

Too simple

"These are called Trial stones. Just hold it and say enter. It's better to experience it yourself than telling it."

We took a stone each and said in unison,



I woke up and found my head feeling really dizzy for some reason. I couldn't help it so I threw up a little.


I looked around to find my friends but found no luck.

"I guess he's right. I'm alone in this world. Sasha, you there..."


"Well.. Even my system wasn't an exception. 'Status'"


Trial world: 87496_583


Cultivation: Mortal

Cultivation technique: [Selectable]

Combat technique: [Selectable]

Reward points: 1 (monthly reward)


"Oh..... Looks like I'm in a cultivation world... hehe.. that's awesome. I'm gonna begin my journey to immortality.. Hahaha "

"..but, isn't this system too simple. It's nothing like my system. I guess that's public system vs private system for you."

When I was checking my status I looked around and found out I'm in a remote mountain peak. Which means I'm in a perfect place for cultivation. Thank you will of the world.

"Hmm.. So I can use Reward points to either learn new technique or upgrade an existing one. I get a reward point every month and can earn more by cultivation. "

I knew them because somehow those instructions has imprinted to my brain. I guess that's mother world's doing. She really is like a mother isn't she?

"I'll select a cultivation technique first then. What's use of having combat technique without power to use them. "

I opened my status panel and chose [select] in cultivation technique.


Cultivation technique: [ Select ]

- Void physique cultivation technique

- Heaven lotus cultivation technique

- Divine fire cultivation technique

- Demon soul cultivation technique


After seeing them the information about these techniques started to gather in my mind.

"So I can choose more cultivation techniques in the future huh. If I choose Heaven lotus or Divine fire I'm gonna have to follow the gods of this world and Demon soul literally turns me into a demon in the future. That leaves Void physique. It's pretty convenient regarding I'm gonna need a space power to find my parents in another world and this technique use space element to cultivate. It just doesn't have much offensive power.

In any case I'll choose it for now and and find a useful combat technique in the future."


Cultivation technique: Void physique cultivation technique


After I chose Void physique technique I could feel some black particles coming towards me in a hurrying manner.

I chose to imitate the novels I've read and sat down in a meditating position and started to cultivate.

I looked around through my mind, I can feel every cell of my body being combined with space particles. It's literally turning my body one with space. As it turns out since I came out from a spacial rift, this place is full of space element. I'm glad I chose that technique.

If I've chosen Heaven lotus I'll be cultivating earth and wood elements and it would be my next best choice since I'm in a mountain full of plants. Divine fire cultivation makes me want to cultivate at least in a volcano. To get better results I might need Divine fires that exists in this world. Demon soul is the easiest out of these, it requires me to kill living beings like monsters and even humans if you want. But with my current mortal body even though I still have enhanced physique from survivor system I'm not confident with killing monsters in a cultivation world.

All in all right now this is the best choice of cultivation.

While I'm thinking about this my body has stopped absorbing space element, which means my body is now suited to cultivate Void physique.

I took a deep breath and started to gather space element in my body and force them to bones. Yes, this cultivation technique requires one to insert the space element to every single cell starting from bones to skin. It gives me the ability to use the space in myself like a pocket dimension, to heal my self by absorbing space elements, to enter the space while not moving like being invisible and enhancing my body in the process in strength vise.

During this cultivation process other than the feeling of your bones being crushed and the pain of it really happening there isn't much discomfort. I don't know how long I've been cultivating it feels like a moment but I can sense day and nights being passed on. It's another benefit of void physique: space sense. I can sense my surroundings through space. It's nice that I don't feel hungry or anything, it looks like cultivation is enough for body though I know my mind might go numb doing this for a long time.

I finished refining my bones with space element and because I don't feel exhausted and rather feel refreshed I decided to keep going from bones to blood vessels and so on.

I was so immersed in cultivation and I'm not going to stop until I'm done with the first step of refining my whole body with space element.


Meanwhile in a little village

"Senior sister look, isn't that Dark mountain?" a young beautiful girl with blonde hair wearing something like a blue ancient clothes from martial art worlds asked.

"It is indeed. Looks like someone's having a breakthrough there. Which fool choose to cultivate in a devils mouth." another lovely but expressionless girl said to her friend. She's wearing a green and black martial art gawn and has dark brown short hair up to her collar bones. They're both looking at a mountain peak that's far away from the village.

The girl in the blue gawn has a confused expression "Senior sister, aren't we going there as well. Why do you call it a devils mouth?"

Looking at her foolish sister the girl in the black gawn smiles a little " That place is home to a demon cultivator. We will be alright since we're weaker than him. That person only attacks the ones who are stronger or at the same level."

"Then Senior sister,it's alright as long as someone doesn't surpass her cultivation right "

" Yes, but who knows those demon cultivators are psychopaths to begin with. Just make sure to keep your hand on the talisman I gave you "

"You mean the one that mother gave you. It looks like it can hold off against a spirit endowment level attack huh. who should we fear for.. haha"

"Don't get tok smug little one. There will always be hidden masters."

"Huh.. What can they do? I am a core creation level expart while I have you too. Let's see what that demon cultivator can do?"

"Haha.. Let's see let's see... Enough of that, let's find a carriage to hire. I don't think yiu can walk that far "

" Ofcourse I can who do you think I am.. It's just little far but let's find a carriage I don't want to dirty my clothes "


While two sisters were laughing, A black haired handsome youth was meditating in a peak of a mountain. Nobody knows how long has it been but Sam hasn't left the place he has arrived.

Right now He has a lot of space particles around him that makes him look like a demon prince surrounded by a black fog. He's at the end of refining the last of his skin.

Unknowing to him even with his space sense a pair of red eyes were glistening behind him with monsters lying around in an odd manner.