
At the Mercy of the Future

Sometimes knowing yourself is more important!

DamianVoid · Video Games
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Be mine

A black haired handsome youth was meditating in a peak of a mountain. Nobody knows how long has it been but Sam hasn't left the place he has arrived.

Right now He has a lot of space particles around him that makes him look like a demon prince surrounded by a black fog. He's at the end of refining the last of his skin.

Unknowing to him even with his space sense, a pair of red eyes were glistening behind him with monsters lying around in an odd manner.





Trial world: 87496_583


Cultivation: Body refining realm

Cultivation technique: Void physique cultivation technique

Combat technique: [Selectable]

Reward points: 8


"Great, I am now an cultivator. hmm.. Isn't this reward points too generous? I got 5 for breaking through which means I've spent 3 months in cultivation. Huh.. I didn't even eat anything for three months but it looks like I'm gonna have to eat a lot to catch up. I'll look for everything else another time " after all a hungry stomach is like an empty water bottle. It isn't if anyuse until it has something inside.

I got up from where I was meditating and felt my body has become too powerful. Like I can fight hundred werewolves at the same time now.

When I look around I found it rather frightening to see. There were monsters all around me. More accurately dead monsters off different kinds. Though they look a little powerful than the werewolf it's still frightening to know that I could've died when I was meditating. Which means someone has saved me.

I immediately took out my status board.


Combat technique: [Selectable]




Space domain

Void martial arts (passive)



With each technique requiring a reward point I decided to choose the 3 selectable ones. It looks like it can generate the techniques that better suits me.

Information about them started to flood my brain I decided take a little time to observe them since I can't feel anyone around me through space sense, something I developed through cultivation on my own.

Space domain alows me to enter an mirror dimension of sort which makes me invisible and untouchable. I can use it to run away for some amount of time. I can't keep using it for a long time due to low masyery.

Void martial arts is rather simple. It provided me with a fighting technique mych suited for my void physique that can absord and store space elements all over. Using space elements in my body I can use them to suddenly teleport my fists and legs when fighting to fool my opponent. It even gave me a besic understanding of fighting which I didn't have.

Slash is just like it sounds, a slash. Using space elements in the area like a blade to make slash in the air and thow it to injure enemies. It looks like a windslash from an anime.

Looking at my options I decided to upgrade them all to level two which allowed me to use the skills faster. Now I have 2 RPs and I'll keep them for the future.

Closing my eyes I allowed myself to get familiarized with my new techniques.

After a few minutes, feeling I have learnt everything I have with me and observing the bull and panther like monster corpses, I quickly ran away from where I was.


As I ran away I saw a tree with some squirrels on it. There were many trees with fruits but being cautious I decided to look for a clue about being edible.

Seeing the squirrels could eat without dying I decided to take some for myself and quickly plucked some fruits I could and ran away. Who knows maybe those squirrels could turn into big monsters... this is another world that people can cultivate after all.

I ran using my space sense, avoiding as much creatures as possible and usingy new space domain as possible I spent a few hours looking for a watersource.

After waiting for a bit to the antelope like creature to go away after drinking from the pond I reached it and tasted the water a little bit.

"Ah... Why does this water tastes like a sweet wine.. Hahaha... Maybe that's how it feels to drink after sleeping for three months and running for hours.."

I bitterly smiled at my reflection in the water and started eating the fruits I gathered using animals as an edible stamp after running for few hours.

It's pretty convenient that I have a one square meter box inside me with my spacial cultivation. I guess it's my handmade inventory since I didn't get the chance to use one that came for Survivor system.

Suddenly a voice came out neither loud nor whisper "Oh, you broke through."

I was startled and looked at the place the sound came from. There stood a delicate girl with deep clivage, red eyes, black hair, wearing a black ancient gawn with red flower patterns all over it that matches her face.

'She looks ho... Wait that's not the point I didn't even sense her with my space sense..'

"Ah~~ Don't worry young man. I'm the one who saved you while cultivating. I mean no harm" she said in a calm voice.

" Really,, you look like a princess made of wide jade who can't do anything without your maid" I blurted out without thinking and now I'm sweating buckets. Why did I even have a mouth.. She killed those monsters which means she's strong...WHY...??

She stared at me little and started laughing with a hand covering her mouth. ' Heh,, It's fine as long as she's happy~~ but man that smile..ah~~ she's killing me ~'

As if like she can read my mind she stopped laughing and sat down near me.

"I'm Xu xiaondie. What's your name?"

'Crap... They're using a different naming sense ... guess I'll just do with the truth'

"My name is Sam and I'm from another world. I don't really know about this world." I told her directly.

She looked at me with a serious expression.

"Sam huh... I'm a demonic cultivator and it's not like I kill humans to cultivate or anything. Ah.. don't worry there has been quite a few world travellers around so it's not that hard to believe. Just don't go around telling it. Hehe~~" She told while giggling a little.

"Haha.. I know.. it sounded a little strange for myself as well."

I said while secretly spending a RP to get the demon soul cultivation technique incase to gain her trust.

"Huh.. Sam.. you have a demonic cultivation technique?" She asked the moment I bought it.

"Ah.. Yes it's called demon soul cultivation technique." I said but I don't even know why I'm answering her. It looks like someone's telling me to answer her in my mind. I didn't even realize it until now.

"Oh... Sam, Your lucky. You'll be mine" Xu said in a sweet voice with a gentle smile on her face while I suddenly felt a little dizzy.


It went dark all over..
