
At the Mercy of the Future

Sometimes knowing yourself is more important!

DamianVoid · Video Games
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Oh... Sam, Your lucky. You'll be mine" Xu said in a sweet voice with a gentle smile on her face while I suddenly felt a little dizzy.


It went dark all over again.


I woke up startled. I remember those red eyes that saw through my soul like a piece of paper.

"Can I change the trial world please.... God?"

"What're you talking about honey" a pair of dark black eyes were looking at me. She was a beautiful girl but I'm not feeling like admiring her beauty. Right now I'm frightened to death.

I got a notification sound on my mind but I chose to first save my life. Xu xiaondie was lying beside me looking straight into my eyes. Her eyes which were once red has gone black. It hasn't dimmed her beauty though. It just makes her a little less frightening.

"I..I.. ah.. why am I here miss?" I asked without losing our eye contact. I feel like I'll die if I look elsewhere.

Xiaondie's lips curled upward to an innocent smile and she touch my cheek with her long fingers. We were lying on a bed with a heavy sheet covering us. This doesn't give an eerie feeling or whatsoever, it just feels like a home.

"Don't worry little one.. hehe.. You're gonna go back to your world sooner or later right?" I nodded for her confirmation and she continues "Here's the deal, since I'm demonic cultivator other people run away from me. Isn't that rude.. I don't even get to speak with anyone"

She's telling me her life story.. I didn't notice it at first but I can vaguely feel the loneliness in her voice.

"You have a demonic cultivation too right. It's even a soul cultivation technique. If you go out just remember all those heavenly cultivators will come after you." She says with a hint of seriousness in her eyes. I know she's not lying about it. But I can just buy a heavenly cultivation technique though I'm not gonna tell her about it.

"So are you telling me to stay with you and cultivate together until I go back to my world?" I finally asked realizing that she doesn't have any ill intentions toward me. I didn't let my guard down though. While I'm talking to her I started gathering energy inside my body, ready to enter the space domain.

"Smart boy, but don't you worry.. once you're strong enough I'll let you leave. Of course for that you need to be stronger than me." She tells me pleased with my quick understanding.

I fall into deep thought..

'She's right. This mountain is still full of space elements and is the best place cultivate my void physique. About demon soul, this place have some strong monsters too as far as I can sense. Also I know nothing about the outer world. All in all it's better for me stay here. That leaves me with finding a way to save myself from Xu xiaondie.'

"I can agree about this mountain being the best place for me to stay but I don't know you. How can I ensure my safety?" I decided to be direct and ask her bluntly.

She looks at me with supprised eyes with a smile on her eyes. " Isn't that simple. That's why I did this while you're unconscious."

Xu xiaondie took out my left hand from under the bed sheet. There's a pattern of rose in my wrist. It gives off a pleasant feeling that calms my mind. Supprisingly Xu xiaondie shows her hand too that has the same pattern on her right hand.

My eyes widened when the knowledge about it implant itself to my brain. Not because it hurts but because what it means.

I hurriedly call forward my status bar.


Trial world: 87496_583


Cultivation: Body refining realm

Cultivation technique: Void physique cultivation technique, Demon soul cultivation technique, Dual cultivation technique

Combat technique: Space domain,

Void martial arts,


Dao companion: Xu xiaondie

Special technique: Rose petal

Reward points: 1


"The f**.." I can't believe my eyes.. If I'm right Dao companion means she's my wife now right... When did that even happen.. and this.. this Dual cultivation technique is exactly what I think it is.... Where did that come from... and most of all....


Special technique: Rose petal

- mark your dao companion with a rose binding. If one dies, both does.


Even with that vague explanation I can see that right now our lives are tighed with each other. It's a technique that came with Dual cultivation technique.

I look at the girl lying beside me looking at my face with an innocent smile... I can't help but feel sorry for her. She has been alone for a lot of time and now she's even ready risk her life to keep me. Ofcourse this also stops me from killing her but I don't think I'll even stand a chance to dodge an attack from her.

"Miss Xu are you sure this? We are basically married right now." I ask her without blinking my eyes..

"It's alright, hehe.. I have already read your soul. I already know your just an innocent boy. Besides it's not like your gonna take my purity. not yet.. You have to be stronger than me to that?" She winks at me and get up from the bed.

"What the..." I can't help but curse. My face goes completely red. She was completely naked. She moves away from me swaying her naked buttocks to sides. I can't help but cover my lowerhalf with my hands.

She looks at me without turning back and let out a faint chuckle her cheeks red as roses.. " Although you can't take my purity.. My husband can still get this much hehe.." She vanishes into air..

'It might be some special technique.. But man.. Did I just get married to a hot girl all of a sudden... Ah....

Now I feel awful... If I have to leave after I die it means I'm gonna have to leave her here... If I live long enough until we both die that would take more than a few centuries. I can already feel my life span has expanded after breaking through..

Maybe I can cultivate my Void physique to a level that allows me to freely travel between worlds.. After all it's a kind of space power.

Well.. I'll leave it at that let's get up first...'

I crack my hands which has gone sour by not moving them for quite some time. I jump out of the wooden bed hoping to find something to eat but I get extremely embarrassed looking at myself.

I was naked... My heart thumps louder... I was naked in a bed with a naked hot girl under the same blanket... Wait does that mean.... No that can't be.. She said she's still pure. Sigh...What a disappointment I am...

I chose to believe her not because she's pretty but I can feel it through our connection that was established by rose binding technique. It's a pretty convenient skill to have if you want to have a faithful wife..

I look around trying to find something to cover myself. My clothes that I wore has gone damp from wearing for months and it looks like she has even washed my body that I can't smell any odor from myself.

"Husband... Let me help you... hehe" Xiaondie walks in dressed in a white gawn and holding another set of clothes which I think is for me. I quickly turn around covering my nakedness with my hands..

Xiaondie giggles lightly but doesn't say anything. I can see her cheeks as red as mine as she hands over the clothes to me.

I took but stare at them startled... I don't know how to wear this... How am I supposed to know...

"Oh.. let me.." She leans closer and take them back.


After and awkward moment of dressing up I follow her out of the wooden house. It's not that bad, a table, a bed, a few chairs, with three rooms which I assume a bathroom a living room and bedroom. I look around curiously more to avoid making eye contact with my wife who's cheeks are still red..

She guides me to the door and takes me outside....

It's a nice view.. The house is located in the top of the mountain where there's a plain flat area with beautiful flowers covering it as a bed..

'It looks like it isn't that bad being the husband of a demonic cultivator.' I thought as I look at my newly married wife who's starring at me with aa smile..

"Welcome home husband~~"