
Aswong Man

Dangerous creatures called aswongs roam the streets of Tokyo. They look like humans, talk like humans but they have to devour human flesh to survive. Kaito Yoshiori, human orphan who despises these nasty creatures, becomes one and discovers that they aren’t the monsters people say…

Nathan2O7 · Horror
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Chapter 8: Today

Kaito was walking on the street taking a walk until it hit him, he became starving that it hurt, it felt like getting gutted alive.

Kaito - "AHH!!"

The people around him looked at him confused and curious.

Kaito - "Ghh…"

People starting circling around him trying to figure what was happening, they whispered to themselves

People - "Huh? Is he hurt? Is he okay? Does he need help? Let's go… Do we need to take him to a hospital?"

Kaito started running away and he enters an alley. He was sweating in pain and he was trying to find a way back home. His Kuragaze eye (A kuragaze is an supplementary organ behind the eye that aswongs have and it makes the pupils become red and the rest of the eye, black. The eyes also have a vertical slit which is the pupil.) activates. in the alley, he finds a bunch of guardians together. Some had a white cloak around them.

Guardian - "Guardian Yagami told that a hybrid was here with another aswong and that they killed a man here."

Kaito realises that this was the place where he first talked to Shino and where she killed the man. A guardian went apart from the group and walked to the direction of Kaito, he didnt see Kaito. He takes out a packet of cigarettes from his pockets and takes out a lighter with it. He puts the cigarette to his mouth and lights it up. He smokes it and looks around, he sees Kaito and his Kuragaze eye. Kaito hides behind the wall hoping that the guardian didn't see him. The guardian looks back to the group and then looks back to where Kaito was.

Guardian - "Guys! We got a guest here."

The group walk up to the guardian.

Guardian 2 - "Is it an aswong?"

The guardian smiles and he points to where Kaito was.

Guardian - "Not just any aswong… It's the hybrid!!"

The group gasp and they walk up to the place where Kaito was.

Guardian 3 - "Did you see what he looked like?"

Guardian - "no… but i saw his eye and he only had one activated! And only a hybrid can do that!"

Kaito was running for his life trying not to get captured by the guardians, he was still in big pain because of the hunger and he thought he would lose control.

The guardians were still trying to look for him but Kaito was too fast. As soon as Kaito knew that he lost them, he falls to the ground and holds his stomach in pain, he rolls his body on the ground.

Kaito - "ahh… Ahh!!"

He looks at the ground and he sees a shadow of 3 aswong men standing in front of him. Kaito looks up and he sees a man that's at least 2 times the height of Kaito, he was buff and had tattoos on his arms. He had a buzz cut and a weird beard. The 2 others looked like his henchmen, they both had white suits, white masks, black gloves, and black tie. The tall dude was called Mamoru, one of the henchmen is called Koro and the other one is Taoki. Mamoru looks down at Kaito with a menacing grin. His voice was low and menacing.

Mamoru - "Look at what we got here, boys!"

Koro & Taoki laugh and Mamoru chuckles. Mamoru crosses his arms.

Mamoru - "Let's take him to "The Cannibal"

Kaito's eyes widen and he gasps.

Kaito - "the- the- the what?"

Mamoru - "Shut up."

Mamoru kicks Kaito in the face and it makes him pass out.

Yagami and Aoki look at the 3 Shadow's in shock.

Yagami - "Did he just… DID HE JUST MULTIPLY HIMSELF!!!"

Aoki spits out blood from his mouth and he holds his abdomen in pain. A pool of blood is under Aoki and he falls to his knees. Yagami looks at Aoki and his eyes widen.

Yagami - "AOKI!!!"

He runs towards Aoki and he puts his hand on Aoki's back.

Yagami - "Are you okay?"

Aoki spits out blood again and he slowly loses unconsciousness. Aoki had blood on his chin, forehead, cheeks, neck, abdomen and legs.

Aoki - "Kill… him… for me…"

Yagami's sad face goes back to cold as he looks back to the Shadow's.

Shadow - "Aww… this is so emotional… 2 little humans about to die."

Yagami looks at the Shadow's in rage. Yagami gets up and runs to them and prepares to slash their heads off. He screams,

Yagami - "SHUT… UP!!!!"

He slices one of Shadow's body's head off while screaming in rage. Blood splatters everywhere and it disintegrates. In a fast move, Yagami slices the other Shadow's body's head off and it disintegrates too. 2 more Shadow's come out of Shadow's back. Yagami kills the both of them instantly after they got out, they both disintegrate. There was only Shadow left.

Shadow - "You're quite strong for a human."

Yagami was out of breath and was breathing heavily but still not letting his guard down, his sword in front of him, held tightly with a stare that can burst through the strongest of men, but it didnt on Shadow. He chuckles,

Shadow - "Hehe, you thought you could intimidate me?! Haha!! Then it seems like you don't know me!"

Yagami whispers,

Yagami - "shut… up."

Shadow - "No i dont think so…"

Yagami looks back at Aoki with sad eyes, Aoki was on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding him. He looks back at Shadow with hatred eyes and tightens his grip on the kurokatana.

Yagami - "You killed my partner… and now… YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!!!"

Yagami swings his sword at Shadow but Shadow uppercuts Yagami which sends him flying and makes him spit blood. Yagami hits the floor hard and blood drips out his mouth. He couldn't move, he was paralysed…

Shadow walks up to Yagami and lifts his foot in the air, ready to smash Yagami's skull.

Shadow - "Goodbye… human."

Suddenly, Ryota arrives and slashes his kurokatana at Shadow's chest. Shadow gets blown away and falls at the other side of the roof. He grunts,

Shadow - "ahh… you got me good…"

The wound that Ryota did on him regenerates, Shadow smiles.

Shadow - "But not good enough."

He jumps towards Ryota and tries to pierce him with his Yamikagitsume. Ryota backflips away with ease and throws his kurokatana at Shadow like a boomerang, the kurokatana slices Shadow's leg off which causes him to fall and Ryota's kurokatana goes back to his hands.

Shadow - "Gah!"

Ryota jumps to Shadow and slashes his neck, the kurokatana slices a little through his neck but didnt decapitate it.

Shadow - "AGGH!!"

Ryota tightens his grip on the sword and presses it harder for the decapitation. Shadow impales the arm where Ryota was holding the kurokatana with his Yamokagitsume, Ryota stops in pain.

Ryota - "ghh…"

Shadow's neck was half cutten and his head was standing by a thread.

Shadow - "I'LL COME BACK!!!"

Shadow jumps away and runs away putting his head back in place. It was now only Ryota, Yagami and Aoki on the rooftops. Aoki was bleeding out, Yagami was exhausted and Ryota almost defeated the one responsible for this attack. Ryota walks up to Aoki worried, he puts 2 fingers on Aoki.

Ryota - "he still has a pulse… we need to hurry and bring him back to the office."

Yagami has a hard time getting up but he succeeds and gets up. He walks up to Aoki.

Shino was on her bed looking at videos when she gets a text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number - "we got one.

Shino - "👍"

She got up and walked away

Kaito wakes up in a dimly lit room and he was tied to a chair, he almost didnt see anything but he heard loud footsteps from afar in the room. As the person gets closer, Kaito could see that the man walking towards was a fat man with a mask, he also had 2 machetes in each hand. It was "The Cannibal".

The Cannibal - "You're gonna be my next meal."

Kaito's eyes widen and he tries to get out.

Kaito - "wha.. wh… WHAT?!"

Another person enters the room, she walks up to where Kaito is and Kaito tries to see who it is. He could see a girl with pink hair in a suit. It was Shino.



Born on May 7th, Taurus

Student at Seiran University

Blood group: B

Height: 1h63m Weight: 53 kg Shoe size: 39

Likes: His sister, reading, history, sushi

This is the last chapter of the volume.

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