
Aswong Man

Dangerous creatures called aswongs roam the streets of Tokyo. They look like humans, talk like humans but they have to devour human flesh to survive. Kaito Yoshiori, human orphan who despises these nasty creatures, becomes one and discovers that they aren’t the monsters people say…

Nathan2O7 · Horror
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34 Chs

Past Times

Chapter 7: Past Times

Shadow - "Oh what do we have here?


Yagami - « Who are you? »

Shadow looks up proudly and puts his hands on his hips.

Shadow - « I'm Shadow! Praise before me!"

Yagami and Aoki look at each other curiously and they both look back at Shadow.

Aoki swings his kurokatana at Shadow's neck trying to kill him but Shadow grabs Aoki's kurokatana with 2 fingers and he kicks Aoki in the face and he flies across the roof. Shadow tries to pierce Yagami in the stomach with his Kagitsume but Yagami backs away and it hits the roof's floor. Shadow looks at the both of them with a smile on his face.


Aoki rushes towards Shadow and tries to slice his head off with his kurokatana but Shadow stops the attack with his arm and the kurokatana slices into Shadow's arm but he doesn't feel pain.

Shadow - "Petty weakling."

Aoki's eyes widen as he sees that he is completely at Shadow's mercy. Yagami was in large pain from his broken leg and holds it while being on the floor.

Yagami - "Gahh…"

Aoki looks at Shadow with intense eyes with fear and worry while thinking that this might be the final moments of his life.

Shadow smiles devilishly and pierces 2 of his Yamikagitsume tentacles into Aoki's abdomen. He cries out loud in pain.

Aoki - "AHHHH!!!! TAAA!!!"

He spits out blood from the wound and starts bleeding internally and externally.

Shadow looked at him with a wide smile and manical eyes.


Shadow brings his 2 tentacles together as he slowly opens Aoki's abdomen.

Suddenly, Shadow feels a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, he looks down and sees Yagami with the kurokatana in his hands.

Yagami - "You didnt think of that, didn't you?"

Shadow's abdomen opens and some his big intestines fall to the ground and the blood spills everywhere.

Shadow - "HUH?!"

Aoki and Yagami's faces were filled with blood splatter and Yagami screams to Aoki,


Aoki tightens his grip on his kurokatana and swings it at Shadow's neck. Shadow didnt have enough time to react, his eyes widen as he realises he is powerless and is going to die. Aoki slashes Shadow's head off and his headless body falls to the ground. Aoki looks at the dead body and chuckles to himself.

Aoki - "We… we… we did it…"

Yagami holds his leg in pain and grunts.

Yagami - "ish…"

Suddenly, Shadow's dead body starts to disintegrate in the air. Aoki and Yagami look at the disintegrating body confused and they both look at each other.

Aoki - "An aswong's body isn't supposed to disintegrate…"

Yagami - "Stay on guard."

They both knew that something was wrong. Suddenly, a Yamikagitsume tries to slice Aoki's head, he dodges it but it slices a piece of his cheek making it bleed.

They both look behind them and see Shadow in perfectly fine condition with his Yamikagitsume coming out of his back.

Shino was walking back from school and she had her backpack behind her back. She passes by a crowded street and drunk people were everywhere throwing hands while holding alcohol. It wasn't the safest place in the 17th Ward of Tokyo. Shino takes out her keys and opens a door which is presumably her house. She enters and closes the door, it wasn't a big house and there was a mess with clothes on the couch. Shino sighs and walks up to the clothes and piles them up, she cleans her house and at the end, it wasn't messy anymore but well cleaned. She walks into her bedroom and makes her bed. On her nightstand next to the bed, was a framed family picture, there was her dad and her mom holding little her, they all looked so happy together. Shino walks up to the frame picture and looks at it with grief and sadness.

Shino's mother was called Kaede Kazawa and Shino's father was called Tomoaki Kazawa. Kaede was holding a baby girl in her arms, they were both crying, the baby because its a baby and Kaede because she's happy. Kaede was on a hospital bed and Tomoaki was looking at the baby with a gentle smile.

Tomoaki - "Congratulations, Kaede"

Kaede smiles with tears in her eyes and she looks at him happily shocked.

Kaede - "We're parents…"

He gets up and laughs in joy.

Tomoaki - "I know! And it's awesome!!"

Kaede looks down and seems to be considering things.

Kaede - "I hope she'll be safe against the APA guardians… it makes me sick."

Tomoaki rubs his hand on the baby.

Tomoaki - "I don't worry… i know she'll be a strong girl, i can sense."

Kaede chuckles and looks at Tomoaki right in his eyes. He also had a wide smile with the joy of being a father and had a feeling that he completed his goals. He bends towards Kaede and looks at her excitedly.

Tomoaki - "So, did you decide on a name?"

She nods slightly and looks at the baby.

Kaede - "Shino."

A couple years later, Shino was approximately 7 years old. She was headed home after school and enters her house. She had a small innocent voice,

Shino - "Mom, dad? Im home!"

Her parents walk up to her with a smile,

Tomoaki - "Hey Shino, how was school?"

Shino - "boring. Like always."

Kaede - "Did you get grades?"

Shino - "No."

Shino was in her room doing homework, she was sitting on a chair next to her desk.

Shino - "7+7… 14?"

She writes 14 next to the question in her notebook.

Suddenly, her father Tomoaki walks into her room with a slight smile.

Tomoaki - "Shino, i know you wanna help around the house these days and… since you're older than you can."

Shino gets up from her chair and looks at her dad with a smile.

Shino - "Oh yeah?! Thanks!"

They both went in the car and they drove to a mountain next to their house, they parked their car on a bridge in the mountains and it was high up. At this point, it was nighttime. Shino looked down in fear and she looked at her father.

Shino - "Will we go down?"

Tomoaki nods, Shino was terrified of heights.

Tomoaki - "Just jump, don't worry, you'll be safe."

Shino nods unsurely, Tomoaki jumps, he takes out his Furinkagitsume and pierces it to the wall to not take damage from the fall, he lands perfectly on the ground. Shino looks down in fear and jumps, she takes out her Hikarikagitsume (Light Fang Claw). She also lands perfectly and puts her Hikarikagitsume back in her back and Tomoaki too. Shino smiled as she was proud of what she did.

Shino - "I did it!"

Tomoaki chuckles, Shino looks around and sees a bunch of human dead bodies on the ground.

Shino - "Are they all dead?"

Tomoaki - "Yes, every person that you see here, is a suicide victim. The reason i come here is because, i don't want people to suffer from our needs. This way, we don't kill or hurt people, it's the most saint way."

Shino nods and Tomoaki takes out 2 kitchen knives and gives one to Shino. He points to 2 dead bodies.

Tomoaki - "You see these two? Cut their arms and legs and put them in this bag."

He puts the bag on the ground.

Shino was pretty disgusted by that but she knew that she would'nt make people suffer.

Shino - "ok…"

She walks up to a dead body and raises her knife in the air.


A couple weeks later, Shino was sleeping on her bed comfortably.

A doorbell is heard.


That doesn't wake up Shino but it wakes up Tomoaki. He was in the bed hugging Kaede while sleeping, but as he heard the doorbell, he looked up and left his bedroom. He walks up to the front door and opens it. There was a young adult with his face covered by a plague mask and a black cloak.

Tomoaki's eyes widen as he sees who is there.

Tomoaki - "How may i help you?"

Man - "You need to…. now."

Tomoaki's eyes were still wide after hearing what he had to do.

The next morning, Shino gets woken up by her mother who was crying uncontrollably.

Kaede - "SHINO!!! your… your… your father's dead."

Shino's eyes widen and tears drop out of her eyes.

Shino - "W- what?"

Kaede - "Your…"

They both cry.

Shino - "Can we go see? Where he was?"

Shino and her mother arrive at the house where Tomoaki died. Ambulance and Guardians were there and at the entrance was a decapitated male head and a women body. A girl and boy come out of the house with a blanket around them. A Guardian named Aoki was in front of the house with another guardian.

Aoki - "This nasty aswong tried to kill the whole family. The poor siblings have to live as orphans now."

Guardian - "If only they didnt exist."

Aoki - "You said it. These siblings… they're names are Kaito and Mio."

Two guardians called Kenji and Miroshi walk up to Shino and Kaede. Kaede puts her hand behind Shino's back.

Kaede - "Come on, let's go."

They both walk away but the guardians are still following them. Kaede and Shino start running and the guardians run too, Kaede and Shino arrive at a dead end and Kenji and Miroshi stop in front of them.

Kenji had a short beard and gelled hair, he had a scar on his eye and had tattoos on his face.

Miroshi had short hair and no beard, he looks stupid.

Kenji - "You're aswongs, right?"

Kaede holds her daughter in her arms, they dont respond and they are shaking. It answered Kenji's question.

Kenji - "Oh so you are! I was right! Im always right."

Kenji chuckles and Miroshi too. Kaede and Shino hold each other in fear. Kenji smiles gently and puts his hand on his cheek.

Kenji - "Aww… you're holding each other!"

His face becomes cold in an instant.

Kenji - "Makes me sick, you creatures don't deserve to be alive. Why won't you just kill yourself!"

He chuckles.

Miroshi - "He's right!"

Shino looks at them in anger, pushes her mother away and runs towards them. Her Hikarikagitsume gets out and her eyes become red and black. Her voice was filled with anger, hate and sadness

Shino - "SHUT UP!!!!"

Kaede - "HONEY, STOP!!!"

Kenji - "Aww… the little aswong is mad!"

He chuckles, he takes out his kurokatana and swings it to Shino's neck.

Kaede - "NOO!!"

Kaede pushes Shino away and her head gets slashed. Kaede's head falls yo the ground and Shino looks at her mom in tears.

Shino - "MOM!!!"

She cries so hard.

Kenji - "That's what happens when you're an aswong! You little monster!"

Miroshi attacks Shino with his kurokatana but Shino blocks it with her hikarikagitsume. She pierces Miroshi in the heart and he dies instantly. It was the first time that Shino killed someone.

Kenji frowns in anger as he sees that a kid killed his best friend.


Shino pierced Kenji in the chest and he bleeds uncontrollably.

Kenji - "AHHH!!!"

Shino got on top of Kenji with tears streaming down her face. She stabs Kenji with Hikarikagitsume over and over and over and over again. She had blood splatter on her face and got up and cried more. She says in a shaken voice full of despair,

Shino - "mom… dad…"

It started to rain.

Aoki and Yagami were shocked to see that Shadow was still alive. Shadow laughs.

Shadow - "I was surprised that you could defeat my first form. I can see that it was a tough battle for you two… how about a little bit of 2 v 3?"

2 Shadow's come out of Shadow's back and they all say at the same time with a cold tone,

Shadow - "You're going to die."