
Aswong Man

Dangerous creatures called aswongs roam the streets of Tokyo. They look like humans, talk like humans but they have to devour human flesh to survive. Kaito Yoshiori, human orphan who despises these nasty creatures, becomes one and discovers that they aren’t the monsters people say…

Nathan2O7 · Horror
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Chapter 9: Genius

Shino's eyes widen as she sees that Kaito was the one that was gonna get cannibalized. She tightens her fist and looks at The Cannibal.

Shino - "Let him go."

Cannibal - "What? Why?"

Shino doesn't respond and he just looks at him.

Shino - "Let him go. Let. Him. Go."

The Cannibal looks at her enraged and he swings his machete to her arms.

The Cannibal - "NOO!!'"

Shino jumps away unfazed and she takes out her Hikarikagitsume.

Shino - "I said… Let. Him. Go!"

Mamoru and his henchmen enter the room and they look at Shino and The Cannibal. Mamoru chuckles and smiles.

Mamoru - "What is going on here?"

The Cannibal - "This girl is trying to take my dinner away from me!!"

The Cannibal runs to Shino and tries to cut her head off but Shino dodges it again and kicks him away. She says in a casual tone.

Shino - "Mamoru, help me out here."

Mamoru eyes glitter up as he hears Shino talking to him. He smiles in joy.

Mamoru - "Of course!"

He runs up to the scene and goes behind The Cannibal.

Mamoru - "Anything for you, Shino!"

He grabs The Cannibal's back with his 2 hands.

The Cannibal - "Huh?"

Mamoru rips open The Cannibal's middle body open and Mamoru passes by. Blood flies everywhere and the organs and intestines fall from the Cannibal's body. Mamoru is covered in blood but yet he still smiles. Shino looks at him in disbelief.


Mamoru looks down in disappointment.

Mamoru - "Oh…"

Shino looks at Kaito and she unties him.

Kaito looks at her terrified with tears forming in his eyes.

Kaito - "Thank you…"

He gets up and thanks Shino, however, she kicks his back causing him to fall again.

Shino - "Move."

Kaito - "… ok…"

Kaito had a boatload of questions but he didnt ask them because he thought that Shino was scary. Mamoru's eyes were full of glitter. He thinks to himself,

Mamoru - "she's so beautiful when she's angry…"

Kaito runs away and leaves. Shino notices Mamoru looking at her but when she looks at him, he looks away pretending to look at other things. Mamoru was 18 and Shino too.

Kaito was finally outside but his hunger was too much, he starts crying and he falls to the ground.

Kaito - "Why does this always happen to me…?

He sobs and when he looks up. He wasn't in the streets, on a sidewalk… no, he was in a home, his old home, where he used to live with parents and Mio. He looks around confused but also happily.

Kaito - "why am i here…?"

He looks around and he sees his mother cooking dinner, she looks back at him and smiles. She says in a comforting tone,

Mother - "Why are you on the ground, Kaito? Come on, get up!"

He continues looking around and he sees his dad on a chair reading a newspaper, he looks at Kaito and chuckles,

Father - "Come on, get up kid! You gotta face it like a man!"

Kaito continues looking around and he sees his sister Mio, she was about 5.

Mio - "Come on! Get up! You told me we would play?!"

Kaito looks to the other side of the room and he sees his lost brother… Kaito's eyes widen as he sees the gentle smile of his brother. His brother had dark hair and a puberty moustache, his face was cracked.

Brother - "Get up."

Suddenly, the whole illusion stops and Kaito is back to being alone, he continues crying on the ground but the word still echo in his head.

"Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, GET UP!!!"

Kaito thinks to himself

Kaito - "Im too weak… im not like you guys… im weak…"

It was night and Kaito started feeling tired. He fell down and fell asleep.

Yagami was on his bedroom chair and there was a diary on a desk, and he was writing on it. He had cuts and bruises everywhere, only the desk's lamp was on. He had crutches along side him and on his diary, it said,

"February 7th, 2024,

Today, Aoki and i were attacked by a couple of aswongs, one of them stood out though… his name was presumably Shadow, of all the aswongs i've met, he was probably the most weird and mysterious one… he injured Aoki pretty bad, he's in medical care, no one knows whether he'll live or not. The search on the hybrid isn't leading to anything and its making me pissed, i just wanna make the world a better place and stop seeing people crying for their losses, this world needs… justice, once. And. For. All."

Kaito was still sleeping in the street and his phone started vibrating, someone was calling him. His phone fell out of his pocket because of the vibrating and the person calling was Hikoto. It didnt wake Kaito up so he didnt respond.

Hikoto was in his dorm room with his roommate called Masuo. Hikoto had his phone to his ear and he sighs while looking down.

Hikoto - "Ah… why won't you answer… it's only… only… 2am. Maybe he's asleep"

We didnt see Masuo's entire face, we just saw his mouth talking and he was on his computer.

Masuo - "Who are you calling, Hikoto?"

He had a mysterious and menacing tone

Hikoto scratches his head and he rubs his eyes.

Hikoto - "It's my friend, Kaito."

Masuo - "Well, seems to me that your friend is a little prick, not picking up the phone like that?"

Hikoto - "Kaito and i have been friends since kindergarden and… i never left his side and he never left mine…"

Masuo - "Alright, your friend here is getting a little more… credibility…"

Hikoto yawns and jumps on his bed.

Hikoto - "Anyways, i'm going to sleep… goodnight."

Masuo - "Hmm…"

4 year old Kaito was laying on the fields next to his kindergarden school, he was grinning a little and reading a book. He was alone, until 4 year old Hikoto walks up to him and looks at him curiously.

Hikoto - "Hello."

Kaito looked back at him and smiled gently.

Kaito - "Hi!"

Hikoto - "What are you doing?"

Kaito - "I'm reading?"

Hikoto - "Reading? Anyways, why are you always alone? You're always in a corner reading a book."

Kaito looks down and then looks back up worried.

Kaito - "Oh… is… is… is that a problem…?"

He says in an innocent tone. Hikoto chuckles and sits down next to Kaito.

Hikoto - "No! Not at all! Say, do you have any friends?"

Kaito - "N- no…"

Hikoto extends his hand to Kaito and he smiles widely.

Hikoto - "I'm Hikoto Yashima!"

Kaito shyly extends his hand to shake Hikoto's hands.

Kaito - "i'm… Kaito Yoshiori, nice to meet you, Hikoto…"

They were both looking at each other and shaking hands while the city of Shibuya was in the small distance, in front of them.

Then, it switches to them as they are now, a couple months ago. Kaito and Hikoto were 18.

Hikoto - "So, this was where our friendship started…"

Kaito - "14 years ago…"

Hikoto looks down with a grin up his face.

Hikoto - "Kaito… after a decade of trying… i got a girlfriend!"

Kaito's eyes widen and he smiles widely.

Kaito - "Really?! That's good…! That's great! Congratulations!"

Hikoto - "And you?"

Kaito scratches his hair and chuckles while looking at Hikoto.

Kaito - "I'm not into that…"

Hikoto - "Hmm… Kaito! If you were an aswong, would you eat Suichiro from Physics Class?"

Kaito's eyes widen and he puts his hands in front of him. He says in a shocked tone,

Kaito - "What?! No!"

Hikoto laughs and he points at Kaito.

Hikoto - "Come on! I see you looking at her in class! You gotta admit… you have a thing for her!"

Kaito sighs softly and looks up into the sky with a slight smile.

Kaito - "Ok… maybe i do… have a thing for her…"

Hikoto bursts out laughing and Kaito chuckles too.

Kaito was sleeping on the streets until he heard birds singing. It woke him up and he looked around, he slowly got up and checked his phone, it was 10am. He yawned and suddenly, someone was calling him, it was Hikoto again. He answered and put his phone to his ear.

Kaito - "Hikoto?"

Hikoto's breath was shaking in fear and he seemed to be terrified.

Kaito - "Hikoto, are you okay?"

Hikoto's voice was shaking in fear.


Hikoto was in a random alley and it wasnt too far away from the dorm. Hikoto was backing away in a dead end, a light tentacle from a Hikarikagitsume moves in front of him.


Kaito's eyes widen and he runs to Kasebe Alley, it was good that it wasn't too far away, he finally arrives there. He sees Masuo strangling Hikoto and he was passed out. Kaito's eyes widen and he runs to him.

Kaito - "HIKOTOOOO!!!"

Kaito thinks to himself,

*he was a genius to trick Hikoto, Hikoto is mostly observant, this Masuo is either a trickster or a real genius…*