

A man lost everything while on earth......He thought after reincarnation he will live well....but....he lost everything.... How will the man change.....what will he do..... "I will turn into Asura....and wipe out the enemies who took everything away from me this time" Will he find peace?...Will he find love in this cursed world?... Legend of Asura Di *the whole book is free* *This is a fanfic* *All character except oc belongs to heavenly silkworm potato.*

Dex_Titan · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


It was spring, the weather was nice, that day was a festive occasion in the Tian family, it was the fourth birthday of the young master of the Tian family and also the day he would be declared as the young patriarch.

Tian Fei was sitting on the main seat, by his side was Zhu lin and Tian Huang was sitting on her lap, the elders of the family were sitting below.

Tian fei stood up..."Today is my son's fourth birthday and today is also the day that I want to declare something....I have decided to make my son the young patriarch of the family...does any one of you have any opinion?".

"We have no opinion and we wish the young patriarch good health and luck".

The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th elder all stood up and paid their respect, except the 1st elder Tian feng, who was Tian fei's elder brother who stood up and said,

"Brother isn't it too early to decide that? Nephew is only 4yrs old."

As he said that there was silence in the hall, Tian fei looked at his elder brother and said,

"Elder brother I know what you are thinking...but you also know that my son is very talented and he will surely bring our family to a new height....I know that you want your son to be the new patriarch after me, but his talent is just like us....he can only be a dou ancestor in this life...there is no hope for dou venerable."

Tian feng clenched his fist upon hearing that and said,

"I knew you will say that...", he then turned around and left the hall.

That night while everybody in the Tian family were sleeping and cultivating...suddenly there was dark fog all around the Tian family couryard.

Tian fei, Zhu lin and the elders all got outside and saw the dark fog in the air above, "Soul palace!" , Tian fie called out.


Suddenly there was a laughing sound in the air and then a person who looked like a ghost appeared.

"Tian family patriarch if you dont want your family to be destroyed, hand over your son...I heard that he is born with unique constitution and has a very special soul...he will be very beneficial to us jie...jie...jie."

"Soul palace protector! 8star dou ancestor!", seeing the enemy

Tian fei realized who the enemy was and upon hearing his demand he had a cold sweat running his back. He looked at the side and found that there was no sign of the 1st elder and his son...."elder brother....how could you do this?", he understood that it must be Tian feng who joined his hand with the soul palace and told his son's secret to them, he clenched his fist and looked toward the other elders who looked toward him and said,

"Patriarch today we can die...but can never hand over the young patriarch...only if young patriarch lives can our family see a new hope....so we are ready to fight to the death with the patriarch", saying that they all released their aura of 3star dou ancestor and was ready to fight....seing this Tian fei nodded and looked towards Zhu lin...who looked towards him and knew what he was asking to do...she held his hand, tears flowing from her eyes. Tian fei held her hand and said.."You must live and protect our son....Zhu lin, I will see you in my next life...", saying that he released her hand, looked toward the soul palace protector released his aura of 5star dou ancestor and along with the other elders flew to the sky to fight the soul palace protector...

"Husband...."Zhu lin also wanted to fight and die with her husband but she had to take care of of her son, so she turned around and rushed inside the house to take Tian Huang and run.