

A man lost everything while on earth......He thought after reincarnation he will live well....but....he lost everything.... How will the man change.....what will he do..... "I will turn into Asura....and wipe out the enemies who took everything away from me this time" Will he find peace?...Will he find love in this cursed world?... Legend of Asura Di *the whole book is free* *This is a fanfic* *All character except oc belongs to heavenly silkworm potato.*

Dex_Titan · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Flashback(Tian Huang)

The boy was standing in the air, but when the snakepeople guard leader (Tao lei) asked him who he is, he suddenly recalled the time when his teacher asked him "What is your name child?", he was only 4 years old at that time.



The boy's name is Tian Huang(meaning Heavenly emperor) but it was not always his name...he had a name before.

He was not a person of the dou qi continent, before in his past life he lived in a planet called earth, there his name was Adam.

On earth he was a poor soul, when he was as young as 8 years old he lost his parents in a car accident and he too became a handicap because he lost his legs in the accident. He was sent to an orphanage from hospital after recovering, but the world was a cruel place to live for handicap people, on top of that, the trauma of the accident and the pain of loosing his parents, the people closest to him. He still tried to live, spent his time reading books, painting, etc, but as he grew up he realized that although he was same as the other orphans, he was still quite different, maybe it was because he was the only handicap in his orphanage.

When he was only 16yrs old he suddenly became very ill, it was discovered that he had last stage cancer, he became very sad at that time, and after few months he drew his last breath. When he died, his last wish was, if there was a second life, he just wanted to have a peaceful and happy life.

But when he thought he died, he discovered that he had become a newborn baby cuddled by a beautiful lady and a rough looking man was looking at him and laughing, it took him some time to realize that he did die but reincarnated with his memories intact. At first he was a bit uncomfortable with the whole situation but because of his parents love and care he began to accept the situation and also started loving his new parents.

When he was about a year old he came to another realization that the world he was in was different and it was not earth, it was a continent called douqi continent where people cultivate, he also got to understand there are various cultivation realms, techniques, skills, theirs different levels, alchemy, etc. He also learnt that he was in a place called central plains and he was the young master of the Tian family. He also discovered from his parents that he was somewhat special, his body constitution as they said was somewhat special as it was never seen before, and his soul was also somewhat special, because of which his father was invited to Pill Tower by the three leaders of the pill tower, which is one of the greatest faction of power in the douqi continent, the three leaders are all peak 9star dou venerable.

Tian huang's family was just a mid level family in the central plains, his father Tian fei was the patriarch a 5 star dou ancestor and his mother Zhu lin was a 2 star dou ancestor. For their family patriarch to be invited to the pill tower was a joyous occation for the family, his parents were very proud of him.

He was about 2 years old when he went to the pill tower, it was a huge building touching the skies, taller that the tallest skycrappers on earth, he was very surprised to see a building like here.

When he went inside the pill tower he saw the famous three leaders, two of them were men and third was a female who looked young unlike the two males, The two males are Xuan kong zi and Tian lei zi, the female leader was Xuan yi. Xuan yi was very excited after seeing him and even cuddled him because of his cuteness.

They first tested his attribute and was surprised to find that he had three attribute of fire, wood and thunder. It was a very rare case that has not been seen in the continent. Then after testing his soul power they discovered that his soul was very unique and was very powerful, they said that they decided to discuss about it with some elder and said something about taking apperentice and asked his father to keep it a secret and come back again after he became 5 years old, since it was the age when he can start cultivating and he should spend these 3 years with his parents since he was only 2 yrs old.

Tian Huang saw that his father was very happy when they came back home and his mother and elders of the family also became very happy after listening to his father. Tian Huang became happy, that for the first time he could make his parents proud and happy and decided to start cultivating very seriously once he became 5 yrs old.

Everything was going good, Tian Huang was living a peaceful and happy life as he had wished....but it all changed on that day.