

A man lost everything while on earth......He thought after reincarnation he will live well....but....he lost everything.... How will the man change.....what will he do..... "I will turn into Asura....and wipe out the enemies who took everything away from me this time" Will he find peace?...Will he find love in this cursed world?... Legend of Asura Di *the whole book is free* *This is a fanfic* *All character except oc belongs to heavenly silkworm potato.*

Dex_Titan · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Tian huang who was sleeping in his room...suddenly heard a banging sound and woke up, he saw his mother on the door.

"Mom what happened?", he asked his mother, since he can see his mother was in a hurry.

"There is no time...lets go". Zhu lin took her son on her back got out of the house and flew into the sky. While they were flying above the forest, Tian Huang tried to asked his mother about the situation, but his mother just kept quiet.

"Jie...jie...jie you really think you can run away? Naive! Hand over your son". Suddenly there was a ghostly laughter in the sky, and black fog started spreading...and a ghost like figure appeared and blocked their escape path.

"Another soul palace protector?", Zhu lin upon seeing the situation knew that escaping today was very difficult.

It was Huang Tian's first time seeing someone like this and he got scared...and hugged his mother tightly. Zhu lin upon seeing her son like this looked at him and gave him a warm smile..."dont worry son...no one can do anything to you...mother is here".

After assuring her son Zhu lin who was standing on the air landed on the ground, Tian Huang also got down and stood by his mother's side.

"Son this may be the last time I see you...remember to live well and grow up to be a strong man... and remember, be wary of the 1st elder...now run...you must live...and this is our family patriarch token, keep it with your own token". Zhu lin got down to her knees kissed Tian Huang's forehead and said with tears in her eyes, she also gave him a token....pushed him and faced the soul palace protector...ready to fight to death.

Now Huang Tian became clear about the situation, he maybe naive but not that naive to not understand the situation after seeing and listening to everything...he now understood why his mother kept silence when he asked about his father, he now understood the ghostly figure was an enemy who wanted to capture him, that his father maybe already dead and maybe the enemy is much stronger than his mother, so maybe it is the last time he saw his mother.

"Why did it become like this?...Why do I have to lose my parents...my everything again...why...why...WHY?". Tian Huang was in a trance and was shoked upon hearing everything from his mother, tears started flowing from his eyes, he clenched his fist and started questioning, is he not allowed to live a happy life? Will he loose his parents again? Is he unlucky?...various questions kept flooding his head.

" SON RUN". While he was thinking about these, he suddenly heard his mothers voice, he raised his head and saw his mother already fighting that ghost and was in a very serious condition, even her left arm was missing...but she was still fighting to her last breath, so that Tian Huang can get a chance to run away.

"Mother....." upon seeing his mother's condition Tian Huang took two step forward but was stopped by his mother.

" Dont son...run...this is my and your father's last wish...run away and live son...".

Upon hearing his mother's wish as she said while fighting...Tian Huang clenched his fist...tears flowing from his eyes...his heart was burning...he hated himself for not being strong...he hated himself since it was because of him that his family was facing a catastrophy, but he understood that if he did not run now...he would die and his parent's sacrifice would mean nothing. Looking at his mother for the last time he turned around and started to run in the forest.

" Jie jie jie...a 4 yr old child how far you can run...after dealing with your mother and sending her to your father, I will take care of you".

"Soul palace protector....maybe I will die...but you are not going anywhere today"

While Tian Huan started running he heard the ghostly man's voice and his mothers voice after which there was sound of explosions and fighting, but he did not look back or stop...even if his heart was burning with hate....even if his eyes were burning because of crying so much....even if his body was tired and his feet was hurting, even if he knew that there were wild beast in the forest, he ran, ran and ran....until he could'nt hear anything...until his body gave up and he was loosing his conciousness and fell down, since it was his parent's last wish.

While he lost his conciousness he recited the name soul palace with burning hatred in his heart, this was the first time in his two life that he hated something so much...." Soul palace....if I survive...it will be the end of you people....I will turn into an Asura....and wipe out the enemy....who took everything away from me this time".