
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The unexpected course of events

As Jinn walked out of the academy gates, a fancy car parked in front of the entrance. A butler stepped out and approached Jinn politely. "Excuse me, child, are you Jinn?" he asked.

Jinn nodded, "Yes, I am."

"I have been instructed to bring you to a certain location," the butler said, "Would you please come with me?"

Jinn shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are or where you want to take me. I'm not going anywhere with you."

The butler's expression remained polite but firm. "I understand your reluctance, but I assure you that this is important." All will be explained once we arrive at our destination, child. "Please come with me."

Jinn stood his ground, "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where I'm going and who sent you."

The butler sighed, "I apologize, but I am not at liberty to disclose that information. Please trust that it is in your best interest to come with me."

Jinn's expression hardened, "I don't trust anyone who won't give me information. I'm not going anywhere wi-."

With a swift movement, the butler's hand shot out and touched Jinn's neck, and with an effortless ease, he knocked Jinn out. The butler then picked Jinn up and placed him in the back seat of the car, before getting into the driver's seat and drove away.

Soon, Jinn slowly sat up, rubbing his head. He looked around and saw that he was on a boat, surrounded by water. He then saw a person fishing, dressed in a short-sleeved shirt. The person turned to him and grinned. "Ah, you're awake. I hear you've been causing quite the commotion at the academy," the person said with a chuckle.

Jinn didn't know how to react to this. He was confused and unsure of what was happening. The person noticed his confusion and continued.

The person's grin faded as he realised he had forgotten to introduce himself. "Ah, my apologies, my name is Theodore Ironhand, and I am the headmaster of the Ironclad Military Academy, and you, my boy, are quite the interesting individual." "I heard about your little altercation with the ruling class cadets, and I must say, I found it quite amusing," the headmaster said, still laughing.

Jinn raised an eyebrow. "Sir, with all due respect, may I inquire as to what you want from me?" he asked politely, his tone still calm.

"Boy, I want to offer you a chance to be part of a special training programme that I will personally supervise. It's an opportunity not many cadets get, and I think you have the potential to excel," the headmaster said, his expression serious.

Jinn was intrigued. He had always wanted to push his limits and become the best he could be. But he was also cautious. "But why me, sir? What's in it for you?" Jinn asked.

The headmaster smiled again. "You have the potential to be an outstanding leader and a formidable warrior. And as the headmaster, it's my duty to ensure that the best and brightest cadets are given every opportunity to succeed. So, what do you say? Are you ready to take on the challenge?"

Jinn thought for a moment before nodding. "I'm in, sir" he said firmly.

The headmaster's grin returned. "Excellent! We'll start your training tomorrow. Get some rest, you're going to need it," he said, turning back to his fishing.

Suddenly, Theodore's line began to pull taut, and he quickly began to reel in the catch.

As the headmaster began reeling in the fish, Jinn could feel the boat shake violently. He gripped the sides of the boat, unsure of what to expect. The headmaster's arms bulged with effort as he pulled the massive fish out of the water. It was a sight to behold, a fish so big that it seemed impossible to have been caught by just one man. The headmaster let out a victorious laugh as he held the fish up for Jinn to see. "You see this, my boy? This is what determination and persistence can do. Never give up, no matter how big the challenge may seem."

"fishing is not just about catching the biggest fish. It's about understanding the environment, the fish, and yourself. It's about patience, focus, and discipline. These are all qualities that you will need to develop in order to succeed in your training."

Jinn listened intently as the headmaster spoke, taking in every word. He realized that this was not just a fishing lesson, but a valuable life lesson. He felt a newfound determination to succeed in his training and to become the best cadet he could be.

"Thank you, headmaster," Jinn said, bowing respectfully. "I will do my best to live up to your expectations."

The headmaster smiled and clapped Jinn on the back. "I know you will, boy. Now, let's get this fish cleaned and cooked. I'm starving!"

And with that, the two of them set to work cleaning and preparing the fish, bonding over their shared love of fishing and the lessons it had taught them. From that day on, Jinn knew that he had not only gained a mentor, but a friend as well.

The next day, Jinn awoke to the sound of Theodore's voice calling out to him. "Rise and shine, boy! "Time to begin your training!" Theodore shouted as he aggressively shook Jinn.

Jinn quickly got dressed and followed Theodore outside, where he was greeted by a strange sight. Theodore had set up a series of bizarre and seemingly nonsensical training exercises, such as carrying a large boulder on his back while running in circles, or performing acrobatic maneuvers while blindfolded.

Despite his confusion, Jinn didn't complain and instead, focused on completing each task to the best of his abilities. He trusted that Theodore had a purpose for each of these seemingly strange exercises.

Theodore would often watch with a stern expression, making corrections and adjustments as necessary.

The next training session was even more unusual. Theodore had Jinn digging a hole in the ground using only a spoon. Again, Jinn thought it was a pointless exercise, but he didn't complain. He trusted the headmaster's judgment.

The training continued for weeks, each session more bizarre than the last. Theodore had Jinn sorting rocks by their color, carrying water while under water, and even climbing trees using only his toes.

Jinn's muscles began to ache, and his body was covered in bruises, but he didn't complain, and if it weren't for the "Neo-Genesis" serum and the Militant Formula, Jinn wouldn't be able to keep up with the bizarre and unusual training. In the end, he knew that the headmaster was preparing him for something great.

As the weeks turned into months, Jinn's physique began to change. His muscles grew larger, and his body became more resilient. He could run faster, jump higher, and lift heavier weights. He still didn't understand why he had to go through all this unusual and bizarre training when he could just train as he normally would, but he didn't question the headmaster.

The headmaster never provided any explanations, but he would often give cryptic hints and sayings, such as "A strong body is the foundation of a strong mind" or "The path to greatness is not always straight."

When Jinn first met Theodore Ironhand, the headmaster of the Ironclad Military Academy, he had high hopes and expectations. Theodore seemed like a wise and experienced master, and Jinn was eager to learn from him. However, as time passed, Jinn began to realize that Theodore was not the mentor he thought he would be.

The headmaster's methods were unorthodox and often bizarre and unusual. He pushed Jinn to his limits, both physically and mentally, and didn't hesitate to tramp on Jinn's generosity and good nature. Despite this, Jinn never complained, as he believed that the headmaster knew what he was doing and that the training would benefit him greatly in the future.

The next day, Theodore took Jinn deep into the mountains to a small, ramshackle shack. "You'll be living here with me from now on," Theodore announced. Jinn was surprised and confused, but he didn't question the headmaster's decision.

As they settled into their new home, Theodore began to teach Jinn the basics of survival. The first lesson was how to cook rice. "Rice is fragile," Theodore said as he carefully measured out the grains. "You have to handle it gently and with respect. If you're rough with it, it will turn out mushy and unappetizing."

Jinn listened carefully as Theodore explained the step by step process of cooking rice, from measuring the water to fluffing it with a fork. He was surprised by how much effort and care went into something as simple as cooking rice.

As the days passed, Jinn learned more and more from Theodore. He learned how to hunt, fish, and forage for food. The headmaster taught him how to cook a variety of foods using ingredients foraged in the forest and obtained by fishing and hunting. He taught Jinn how to make a fire and how to properly clean and prepare the fish and game they caught. He even showed Jinn how to make his own fishing equipment and traps.

One day, as they were sitting around the fire, cooking a fish they had caught earlier that day, Jinn couldn't help but ask the headmaster, "Master Theodore, I have to ask. Are you secretly a master chef? I never thought I would learn so much about cooking and food preparation from a military academy headmaster."

Theodore let out a hearty laugh. "No, my boy. I'm no master chef. But, I do believe that a strong and healthy body begins with good nutrition. And, in order to survive in the wild, one must know how to properly prepare and cook food. It's all part of being a well-rounded warrior."

Jinn nodded, understanding the wisdom in Theodore's words. He was grateful for the lessons and experiences he had gained under Theodore's tutelage. He knew that these skills would serve him well in the future, both in the academy and in the field as a warrior.

Starting the next day, the headmaster assigned him to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Despite all the lessons, Jinn still had a long way to go when it came to cooking. The first time he tried to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it was a disaster. The food was burnt, and it was inedible. The headmaster, however, forced Jinn and himself to eat it without leaving a single thing.

Jinn was ashamed of his cooking skills and was determined to improve. He practiced every day, experimenting with different ingredients and techniques. But it was a slow process, and progress was hard to come by. A month later, Jinn was still cooking for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and although the food that he cooked now looked acceptable, it still didn't taste that good.

The headmaster, however, didn't mind. He knew that it was all part of the process and that Jinn would eventually get the hang of it. And so, the two of them continued to eat the mediocre food, day after day, until finally, one day, Jinn's cooking skills had improved enough that the food he cooked was actually quite good.

Jinn was elated, and the headmaster was proud of him. He had come a long way from the burnt, inedible food of his first attempts, and his cooking skills had improved greatly. The headmaster then revealed to Jinn that the reason he made him cook was to teach him discipline, patience and the importance of perseverance. "Cooking is a metaphor for life, if you can master this, you can master anything," the headmaster said with a smile.

Jinn finally understood the true purpose of the headmaster's teachings. He was not just teaching him how to cook, but how to live. He was grateful to Theodore for the lessons he had learned and promised to use them in everything he did from that day on.

Every morning, Jinn would wake up before the sun rose and make the treacherous journey up the mountain to fetch water from the waterfall. The climb was steep and treacherous, but it was also an excellent way to build his physical strength and endurance. Once he had collected the water, he would bring it back to the ramshackle shack so that the headmaster could take a bath.

After that, Jinn would spend the rest of the morning foraging in the forest for ingredients. He would check the fish trap, and if there were no fish, he would hunt for small game. He would bring back the ingredients and start preparing breakfast for the headmaster. Once breakfast was done, he would move on to the laundry. He would bring the headmaster's clothes to the top of the mountain and proceed to clean them using the waterfall. Once the clothes were clean, he would bring them back to the shack to dry.

The afternoon was spent chopping wood for the next day's fire. After that, he would start preparing lunch, and as the sun set, Jinn would finish preparing dinner, and then he would eat with the headmaster.

As he was finishing up his chores for the day, Jinn couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "Wait a minute," he thought, "Am I the headmaster's personal servant now?" He shook his head and laughed at the absurdity of it all. He knew that the headmaster had his reasons for making him do all of these tasks, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit amused by it all.

He approached the headmaster, who was sitting in front of the fireplace, enjoying a glass of alcohol. "Master," Jinn said, "I can't help but notice that my training has consisted mostly of menial tasks such as fetching water, cooking, and doing laundry. Can you explain to me why this is the case?" Jinn asked, trying to keep his frustration in check.

The headmaster let out a chuckle as he replied, "Ah, Jinn, my boy. You see, these tasks may seem insignificant, but they are actually crucial to your training. By performing these tasks, you are building discipline, perseverance, and attention to detail. These are all essential qualities for a warrior to possess."

Jinn couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in confusion. "But sir, these tasks are usually done by servants, not warriors."

The headmaster's grin returned. "That's where you're wrong, Jinn. A true warrior is not above performing any task, no matter how insignificant it may seem. A true warrior is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. And that, my boy, is what you are becoming."

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation as he realized that there was no point in arguing with the headmaster. He simply nodded and accepted his fate, knowing that his master's words made sense in their own twisted way. He knew that if he wanted to become a true warrior, he would have to embrace the absurdity of his training and push through it. And so, he continued to fetch water, cook, and do laundry, all the while honing his skills and building his strength, waiting for the day when the headmaster will revealed the true purpose of all the training.

Finally, after 3 months of intense chores, er, training, Master Theodore revealed the true purpose of all the training. He told Jinn that he had been preparing him to cultivate his own secret body cultivation formula, called the True Berserker formula. The formula would allow Jinn to tap into his inner strength and unleash it in battle. Theodore explained that the training was necessary in order to prepare Jinn's body to handle the intense physical strain of cultivating the formula.

Jinn was skeptical, but he couldn't deny the results of his training. He had grown stronger and more resilient than he had ever imagined possible, but he could still achieve this by simply training like he used to when he was still a cadet at the Ironclad Military Academy. He asked the headmaster why he couldn't just train normally and build his physical strength and resilience through it, but Theodore scoffed at the idea. "That would be boring," he said, picking his nose. "Besides, the True Berserker formula is not just about physical strength." "It's about tapping into the power of your mind and emotions and using that to fuel your body."

The headmaster went on to explain that the training he had been doing was not just about building muscle and physical strength, but also about developing discipline, focus, and mental fortitude. He taught Jinn how to control his emotions and channel them into his training, how to focus his mind and push through the pain, and how to become one with nature and use the elements to his advantage.

"But, master," Jinn asked, "is this your own secret body cultivation?"

The headmaster replied with a chuckle, "Silly boy, not my own secret body cultivation; OWN stands for one with nature!" the headmaster exclaimed enthusiastically.

Jinn doesn't know whether what the headmaster just said was a joke or not, so he just simply nodded while forcing a laugh.

Either way, Jinn was amazed by the headmaster's teachings and began to understand the true purpose of his training. He realized that the seemingly mundane tasks of fetching water, cooking, and cleaning were not just menial chores, but were actually training exercises designed to improve his focus, discipline, and mental fortitude.

Soon, the headmaster, Theodore Ironhand, demonstrate the power of the True Berserker Formula to Jinn. He took a deep breath, and as he exhaled, his body began to change. His muscles bulged, and his eyes turned a fiery red. The air around him seemed to crackle with energy as he approached a massive boulder that stood at the edge of the clearing.

"Watch closely, Jinn," Theodore said in a deep, rumbling voice. "This is the true power of the True Berserker Formula."

With a flick of his finger, Theodore lightly tapped the boulder. At first, nothing seemed to happen. But then, a small crack appeared on the surface of the boulder, and it began to shake. Suddenly, the boulder crumbled into dust and small rocks, leaving nothing but a pile of rubble in its wake.

Jinn's eyes widened in amazement. He had never seen anything like it before. He knew that Theodore's strength was formidable, but he had never imagined that he could destroy a giant boulder with just a flick of his finger.

Theodore turned to Jinn with a grin on his face, his eyes returning to their normal color, and his muscles relaxing. "This is just a small demonstration of the power that the True Berserker Formula can give you," he said. "But it's not easy to master. It requires discipline, focus, and a willingness to push your body to its limits."

Jinn nodded, understanding the gravity of what Theodore was saying. He knew that mastering the True Berserker Formula would be a difficult and painful process, but he was determined to see it through.

"I'll do it," Jinn said. "I'll master the True Berserker Formula, no matter what it takes."

Theodore smiled, pleased with Jinn's determination. "Good," he said. "I'll be here to guide you every step of the way."

The True Berserker Formula is a unique body cultivation method that emphasises the use of raw physical and mental power to achieve a state of "berserker" and gain incredible strength and resilience. But practitioners must completely abandon any previous cultivation techniques and start from scratch, as the principles of the True Berserker Formula are fundamentally different.

The first step in cultivating the True Berserker Formula is to go through "The Purification Ritual." This involves consuming the venom of a rare snake called the "Manevour," which corrupts and destroys a person's mana channels. This venom would corrode and dissolve the mana spheres inside the nine mana gates in the body, leaving the cultivator unable to channel mana force and making their mana whirlpool ineffective.

The venom of the "Manevour," is incredibly potent and causes immense pain and suffering to the cultivator. The pain is so severe that it can make the cultivator wish for death rather than endure the torment brought on by the poison.

This process is extremely dangerous and should only be done under the supervision of an experienced and powerful cultivator, as it can lead to death if not done properly.

The second step involves cultivation techniques that are specifically designed to cleanse the body of any impurities and remove any remaining traces of the venom.

The cultivation technique for removing impurities and any remaining traces of the venom in the True Berserker Formula is called "Inferno Purification." It involves harnessing the power of fire to burn away impurities and toxins in the body, both physical and mental.

This inferno is so intense that it burns away any impurities and remaining traces of venom, leaving the body pure and strong. This process is extremely painful and requires a high level of mental fortitude and discipline to endure.

This process needs to be repeated every few months, but the reward is a body that is free of impurities and capable of withstanding the demands of the True Berserker Formula.

Once the body has been purified and the previous cultivation method has been abandoned, practitioners can begin to cultivate the True Berserker Formula.

For the True Berserker Formula, instead of opening the traditional nine mana gates, practitioners can focus on opening a singular, powerful gateway at the centre of their body known as the "Eternamortus Gateway." This gateway is located at the solar plexus and is said to be the source of all emotions and willpower.

The Eternamortus Gateway is hidden and can only be found when a practitioner's body has been purified from the poison, all impurities have been removed from the body, and the practitioner has experienced a near-death experience where they are pushed to the brink of their physical and mental limits. Only then will the gateway be revealed to them as a means of survival. The process of finding and opening the Eternamortus Gateway is a vital step in the True Berserker Formula, as it allows practitioners to access the full potential of their emotions and willpower and achieve a state of "berserker" that is unparalleled in power and control.

"Now it's time for me to explain the rank system of the True Berserker Formula to you." The headmaster said,

Theodore leaned forward, his one eye piercing into Jinn's. "The first rank is called 'Unbridled Fury'. At this stage, the cultivator is just beginning to learn the techniques of the True Berserker Formula. They are able to enter the state of berserker, but they only have a little control over it. The berserker state is often triggered by strong emotions or adrenaline and the cultivator is unable to maintain the state for a prolonged period of time."

Jinn nodded, understanding the importance of control. "The second rank is called 'Tempestuous Rampage'," Theodore continued. "The cultivator has progressed in their training and is now able to enter the state of berserker at will. They have a better control over the state, but it is still not perfect. The berserker state can be maintained for longer periods of time, but the cultivator may still struggle to control their emotions and actions while in the state."

"And finally, the third rank is called 'Eternal Annihilation'," Theodore said with a hint of pride in his voice. "The cultivator has mastered the techniques of the True Berserker Formula. They are able to enter the state of berserker at will, and have complete control over it. The berserker state can be maintained for extended periods of time without any problems, and the cultivator can harness the full power of the state without losing control. They are able to control their emotions and actions while in the state, using their enhanced strength and power to devastating effect in battle."

"I see," Jinn said, pondering the ranks. "I will work hard to reach the third rank, Master."

Theodore nodded, a small smile on his face. "I have faith in you, Jinn. You have the potential to become a true berserker. With dedication and hard work, you will reach the third rank, and beyond."

"But remember," Theodore added, "this is a difficult and dangerous path. It takes a lifetime of cultivation to reach the third rank, even for the most talented and dedicated practitioners. I myself have only reached the second rank after cultivating this formula for my entire life."

Jinn was taken aback by Theodore's words. He had never considered that the path to mastering the True Berserker Formula would take a lifetime. But he was determined to succeed, no matter the cost. He would push himself to the limit, and beyond, to reach the third rank of the True Berserker Formula.

"I understand, Master," Jinn said, determination in his voice. "I will not give up, no matter how difficult this path may be. I will master the True Berserker Formula and reach the rank of Eternal Annihilation."

Theodore nodded with a smile on his face. "That's the spirit, Jinn." "I know you will succeed. We'll begin your training tomorrow."

Jinn nodded and they both retired to bed.

However, Jinn couldn't sleep due to the loud snores of the headmaster. He decided to take a walk outside and look at the bright moon. The cool night air felt refreshing on his skin as he strolled around the ramshackle shack, deep in thought. He couldn't help but ponder about what lies ahead in his future.

He knew it would be a long and difficult journey, but he was determined to reach the third rank and beyond, just like the headmaster had said.

He thought about the power and control he would gain, and the strength he would possess. He thought about how he would be able to protect his loved ones and defend his country. He felt a sense of determination and purpose wash over him as he looked up at the moon. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was ready to face any challenge that comes his way. With a newfound resolve, he returned to the shack, ready to face the next day's training.