
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

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24 Chs

The cold dish of revenge

As the night grew darker, Alexander couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and anger towards Jinn. He couldn't forget how Jinn humiliated him during a sparring match last time, and he was determined to get revenge.

At midnight, Alexander and the other ruling class cadets, Nathaniel Zephyr, Charles Miller, James Blackburn, George Carter, and Henry Henderson, were discussing in hushed tones in their dormitory.

"We need to do something about that common-class trash," Alexander spat. "I can't believe they're beating us in the rankings," said Alexander, his voice filled with anger and hatred.

"Hm, how about we use our personal guards to teach them a lesson?" Nathaniel suggested with a sly grin.

"That's a brilliant idea," Alexander nodded, a cruel glint in his eye. "I want to see that arrogant Jinn grovel at our feet."

"But we have to be careful," Charles warned. "The academy frowns upon violence between cadets."

"Don't worry, we'll make it look like an accident," James reassured him.

"Yes, we'll make sure to break them both physically and mentally," George added with a sinister chuckle.

"But what if they find out it was us?" Henry asked, looking uneasy.

"We'll deny it and make sure there's no evidence," Alexander said confidently. "We are the ruling class, no one can touch us."

The other ruling class cadets nodded in agreement, and the plan was set in motion.

The next night, As Jinn took a stroll outside the dormitory, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Suddenly, he heard a rustle behind him and before he could react, a group of burly men wearing masks leapt out from the shadows. Without hesitation, they charged towards him, brandishing brass knuckles and clubs.

Jinn quickly assessed the situation, his mind racing as he tried to figure out who could have sent these men after him. He knew he couldn't take them all on at once, but he was determined to put up a fight.

"Who sent you?" Jinn shouted as he ducked and dodged the first blow from one of the guards.

The guards didn't answer, only grunts and snarls escaped from their masked faces as they relentlessly attacked Jinn with their weapons.

Jinn was quick on his feet, using his agility and speed to evade their strikes. He managed to land a few punches of his own, but it was clear that the guards were experienced fighters. Despite his efforts, the guards gradually began to wear him down, their blows landing harder and harder until he could barely stand.

"You'll have to do better than that," Jinn sneered through gritted teeth as he spat out blood.

The guards did not answer, instead redoubling their efforts to viciously beat Jinn.

Jinn, despite putting up a decent fight, was no match for them. He was outnumbered and outmatched. The guards landed blow after blow, breaking bones and gushing blood. But, to their surprise, Jinn was still conscious and standing. They were already at the sixth stage of the initiate rank, thus every blow they delivered was equivalent to the weight of 2,000 kilograms or more, so they couldn't comprehend how Jinn was still conscious or able to fight despite the serious injuries they inflicted on him. They have never seen somebody at the first stage of initiate rank with as much resilience as him.

Jinn knew that he couldn't keep this up for much longer. The "Neo-Genesis" serum that was injected into him was the only thing keeping him alive at this point. He didn't know who sent these guards, but he was determined to take at least one of them down with him.

But it was too late. The guards delivered the final blow and Jinn collapsed on the ground. The guards quickly fled the scene, leaving Jinn's broken and bruised body lying on the ground.

Jinn's body lay motionless on the ground, his clothes torn and stained with blood. He was barely conscious, but he could hear the sound of footsteps approaching. It was the academy's medical team, who had been alerted by the commotion. They rushed over to him and immediately began to tend to his wounds. They were shocked by the extent of his injuries, and it was clear that he would need extensive medical treatment.

As they loaded him onto a stretcher and prepared to take him to the infirmary, Jinn's mind raced. Who had done this to him? Why had they targeted him? He had no answers, but he knew one thing for sure: he would not rest until he found out who was behind the attack.

Despite his injuries, Jinn was determined to investigate. He tried to sit up on the stretcher, but the medical team gently pushed him back down. "You need to rest," they told him. "We'll take care of everything."

Jinn knew they were right, but he couldn't shake the feeling of anger and frustration that consumed him. He had been beaten and left for dead, and he had no idea why. As the medical team wheeled him away, he promised himself that he would not rest until he found out who was responsible and made them pay for what they had done.

As Jinn was taken to the infirmary, the medical team worked quickly to patch up his wounds. They set his broken bones, stitched up his lacerations, and administered painkillers to help him rest. Despite the pain, Jinn was determined to stay awake and keep investigating, but eventually, the painkillers took effect and he fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Jinn woke up in the infirmary, his body aching and his mind still foggy. He remembered the attack and his resolve to find out who was responsible, but he was surprised to find that he had no memory of who had ambushed him. He couldn't remember their faces or their voices, and he had no idea who would want to hurt him.

As he lay in the infirmary, recovering from his injuries, Jinn's mind raced with thoughts of the attack and the mystery of who was behind it. He knew he couldn't rest until he found out the truth, and he was determined to uncover the identity of his attackers, no matter what it took.

The other test subjects, Tyson, Michael, Henry, Frank, Sophie, and Evelyn, visited him in the infirmary, concern etched on their faces. "What happened?" Tyson asked. "Who did this to you?"

Jinn shook his head. "I don't know," he said. "They were wearing masks, and they didn't say a word. But I know they were strong, and well-trained. They knew what they were doing."

Frank frowned. "This doesn't make any sense," he said. "Why would someone go to all this trouble to attack you? And why now, after we've all been working so hard to improve our strength and skills?"

Jinn shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "But I'm going to find out."

Evelyn touched his arm gently. "Be careful," she said. "We don't know who we're dealing with here, and they're clearly dangerous. We'll help you however we can, but please be careful."

Jinn nodded. "I will," he said. "But I'm not going to let this stop me. I'll be back in training as soon as I'm able, and I'll be stronger than ever."

The test subjects nodded, knowing that Jinn's determination and willpower are what made him who he is. They left the infirmary, leaving Jinn alone with his thoughts. He knew that he had to be careful, but he also knew that he wouldn't rest until he found out the truth and get revenge.

As he lay there in the infirmary, Jinn couldn't shake off the feeling that the attack was not a random one. He couldn't help but think that the ruling class cadets, particularly Alexander, were behind it. He remembered the way Alexander had looked at him with disdain and contempt ever since the incident where Jinn broke his arm. It all started to make sense to Jinn, and he knew that he had to be cautious in his investigation.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into month, and Jinn's injuries slowly began to heal. But the fire of determination in his heart never wavered. He knew that he couldn't let the ruling class cadets get away with what they had done to him. He began to gather evidence, piecing together the clues that would lead him to the truth. He talked to other cadets, asking questions and searching for answers.

Finally, the day of reckoning came. Jinn had gathered just enough evidence to prove that the ruling class cadets were behind the attack.

Jinn walked into the academy's courtyard, his eyes scanning the area until they landed on Alexander Williamson. He strode towards him, his steps purposeful and determined.

"Alexander," Jinn said, his voice low and menacing. "We need to talk."

Alexander sneered at him, "What could you possibly have to say to me, commoner?"

"I know you were behind the attack on me," Jinn said, his fists clenched at his sides. "And I want to know why."

Alexander's expression turned to one of mock innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said. "But if you even so much as lay a hand on me, you'll be expelled from this academy so fast your head will spin."

Alexander chuckled, "You're just a commoner, nothing more. You should be grateful that you're still alive and not worry about who attacked you."

Jinn's expression remained calm as he replied, "You think that just because I'm a commoner, I can't take care of myself? I'm not going to let you or anyone else walk all over me. I'll find out the truth and make you pay for what you've done."

Alexander sneered, "You have no proof, and even if you did, no one would believe a commoner over a member of the ruling class. You're wasting your time."

But Jinn knew that he had to try. He couldn't let this injustice go unanswered. He would uncover the truth, no matter what it took. And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving Alexander standing there with a look of disdain on his face.

The next day, the overall class ranking was announced, Jinn was kicked out of the top 10 ranking and fell to the 39th rank.

Jinn was unfazed by the announcement, as he had expected it. He knew that his injury would affect his performance in the academy, and he was prepared for the consequences. He remained calm and composed, his expression unchanged as he listened to the other cadets' reactions to the rankings.

He knew that this was just a temporary setback, and he was determined to work harder and climb back up the ranks. He was not going to let Alexander's actions or the ranking system defeat him. He would come back stronger and prove himself to be a worthy cadet.

As the cadets began their training, Alexander approached Jinn once again, a smirk on his face. "Looks like you've fallen quite far, commoner," he taunted. But Jinn paid no attention to him, focusing instead on the training at hand. He knew that Alexander was trying to get a reaction out of him, but he wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Instead, he pushed himself harder than ever before, determined to prove himself and climb back up the ranks.

The combat class came next.

As the combat classes began, Jinn was paired with Mei Zephyr for the sparring match. He had seen her around the academy before, but she always kept to herself and stayed away from the spotlight. As they stood facing each other on the training field, Jinn couldn't help but notice her appearance for the first time. She had long, black, wavy hair with bangs and an emotionless, cold face that was as beautiful as a doll. She looks as if she were of the same descent as Jinn and had a petite yet toned build.

Jinn knew that she was one of the ruling class cadets, but he couldn't see any kind of disdain or disgust in her eyes towards him, a common class cadet compared to the other ruling class cadets. As they began the match, Jinn was surprised by her skill and precision. She moved with a fluidity and grace that was unexpected, her attacks coming in quick succession.

Despite her skill, Jinn was able to hold his own against her. He knew that the "Neo-Genesis" serum had greatly enhanced his physical abilities, and he used this to his advantage. He was able to dodge and block her attacks with ease, and even managed to land a few blows of his own.

As the match came to an end, Jinn could see the respect in Mei's eyes. She nodded at him, acknowledging his skill and strength, before walking away. Jinn couldn't help but wonder about her, who she was and why she was so skilled. He knew that there was more to her than met the eye, and he couldn't wait to find out.

As Jinn woke up the next morning and got ready for the day, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his stomach. As he was making his way to the academy's training ground, he overheard a group of cadets talking about a brutal attack that had occurred the previous night. His heart sank as he realized that the victim was none other than his comrade, Evelyn. Without hesitation, Jinn made his way to the infirmary to visit her.

Upon arriving, he found Evelyn lying in a infirmary bed, her face swollen and bruised, and her body covered in bandages. Jinn couldn't believe what he was seeing, and he was filled with rage.

He had already suspected that Alexander and his group were behind the attack, and seeing the state that Evelyn was in only confirmed his suspicions. He couldn't believe that someone could be so cruel and heartless. As he sat by Evelyn's bedside, he made a silent vow to make those responsible pay for their actions.

That night, Jinn lay in his dormitory bed, unable to sleep as his mind raced with thoughts of revenge. He knew that he couldn't let this injustice go unanswered. He needed to take action, and he needed to do it now.

With a determination in his heart, Jinn made his way to Alexander's dormitory, his anger and determination fueling his steps. As he arrived, he saw Alexander and his group sitting in their common room, chatting and laughing as if nothing had happened. Jinn didn't say a word, he just walked straight to Alexander and without hesitation, he began to beat him.

Alexander and his group were caught off guard, they didn't expect Jinn to just walk in and attack them. They tried to fight back but Jinn was too fast and too strong for them.

He didn't utter a word as he delivered blow after blow to Alexander.

The other cadets of the ruling class were paralysed with fear, unsure of what to do or say as they watched the events unfold. They knew that they should intervene, but they also knew that they couldn't stand up to Jinn in his current state. They could only watch in silence and horror as Jinn delivered blow after blow to Alexander.

As Jinn stood over Alexander, his fists clenched and his breathing heavy, Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of fear wash over him. It was a feeling he was not accustomed to, as he was used to being in control and having others fear him. But in this moment, he realized that he had underestimated Jinn and his determination. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as Jinn stared at him with a cold, emotionless expression.

As the academy guards rushed in, the guards were taken aback by the scene before them, unsure of what to do.

When the guard arrived, Jinn didn't even flinch. He simply stood there, staring at Alexander with a cold and calculated expression. He didn't say a word, didn't make any excuses, he just accepted the punishment that was to come. Alexander, on the other hand, couldn't shake the feeling of fear he felt and knew that he has made a grave mistake in underestimating Jinn.

"Yo-you think you can just get away with this? You'll pay for what you've done," Alexander spat out, as he struggled to get up.

Jinn only stared at him, his expression unreadable, and then he was gone, taken away by the guard to face the consequences of his actions.

For Alexander, it was the second time he had ever felt fear; the first time was when his father looked at him with eyes of disappointment. But this was different. This was a fear of physical harm, and it was a fear that he would never forget.

As for Jinn, he was thrown into prison, awaiting his punishment for his actions. He knew that he had crossed a line, and he was prepared to face the consequences. But even as he sat in his cell, he couldn't shake the feeling of satisfaction that he had finally stood up for himself and for his fellow cadet, Evelyn. He knew that he had made a powerful enemy in Alexander and the ruling class cadets, but he also knew that he had gained the respect and admiration of the common class cadets.

The days passed by slowly in his cell, but Jinn didn't let the monotony get to him. He used the time to reflect on his actions and to plan his next move. He knew that he couldn't let this incident define him, and he was determined to come out of this stronger and more determined than ever.

Eventually, the day of his punishment arrived. He was brought before the academy's commandant and the board of trustees. They listened to his account of the events, and they heard the testimonies of the other cadets involved. In the end, they decided to expel him from the academy, citing his violent and unruly behavior as the reason for their decision.

Jinn didn't say a word as he was escorted out of the academy.

As he walked out of the academy gates, he could see the other cadets watching him with a mixture of sadness and admiration. He knew that he had made an impact, and he was proud of that. He was determined to make something of himself, no matter what obstacles lay ahead.