
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The truth behind the scenes

Suddenly, Jinn was caught off guard when the boy lunged at him from behind, shouting, "You killed my father! I'll kill you!"

As the boy lunged at him, Jinn quickly reacted, his hand automatically reached for his gun. But before he could pull the trigger, a large leg appeared from the side, kicking the boy away and sending him flying into a wall dozens of metres away. The boy hit the wall with a dull thud, and when he landed, he was unconscious but breathing.

Jinn stood there, in shock and guilt, as one of the Nautical Dusk veterans appeared from the side of the alley. The veteran glared at Jinn and shouted, "Rookie! What's wrong with you?"

Jinn's mind raced with a million thoughts. He had almost killed an innocent child, and the thought made him feel sick to his stomach.

He knew that he had done what was necessary to protect himself, but the thought of almost killing a child, especially one who had lost his father, was too much for him to bear. He couldn't help but feel guilty and ashamed. He replied to the veteran with a low tone, "No, nothing, sir."

The veteran shook his head and replied, "It's war, rookie." People get hurt, and sometimes they don't make it, but don't let it get to you. "We have a job to do."

Jinn knew that the veteran was right, but he couldn't shake off the guilt that he felt.

He turned his attention back to the mission, Jinn trudged through the city, his heart heavy with the weight of his actions. The mission had been to capture anyone in the city. As he searched for remaining rebels, he stumbled upon innocent families, children, the elderly, and women who had been hiding. He knew that he had to follow orders, but the sight of their fear and desperation broke his heart.

The city was eerily quiet as the cleansing operation came to a close. Corpses littered the streets, and the smell of blood hung thick in the air. With every step, Jinn heard the splashing sound of his boots as he made his way through the blood-soaked streets.

Suddenly, the loudspeakers on the trucks crackled to life. "Every soldier in the city, listen up! Come out and gather at the central plaza! We're moving out! You have ten minutes. I repeat, you have ten minutes. "Those who can't get here on time will be treated as deserters and killed immediately when we find them." The sound echoed throughout the small city, causing soldiers' footsteps to rumble as they emerged from their original positions and made their way to the central plaza.

Jinn also made his way towards the plaza, but was interrupted by a shout from a Nautical Dusk soldiers. "Rookie, move quickly!" He knew that he couldn't let his thoughts and emotions slow him down. He had to focus on the mission and continue following orders, no matter how much it weighed on his conscience.

As the Nautical Dusk soldiers gave the command to quickly board the heavy-duty trucks, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. He had just witnessed the brutal violence and destruction that war brought, and the images of death and destruction would stay with him for a long time.

The personal carrier slowly began to move, leaving the battlefield behind. Jinn turned back to look one last time, and all he could see was fire and destruction everywhere. The small city that once stood tall, now lay in ruins.

One of the Nautical Dusk veterans, noticing the look of despair on Jinn's face, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's over now," the veteran said in a gentle tone. "You did well, rookie."

Jinn could feel the veteran's good will and that he truly cared, as he smiled somewhat feebly. But Jinn knew that the battle may be over, but the memories of what he had seen and done would stay with him forever.

One of them, a veteran with a scar across his cheek, turned to Jinn and spoke in a heavy tone, "No one is to blame for this. The rebels are responsible for all of this death and destruction. If it wasn't for them, my little brother would still be alive. He was killed by the rebels and I swore that day to never retire until every last one of them was dead, even if it meant dying on the battlefield."

Jinn listened in silence, overwhelmed by the veteran's story and the weight of his words. He knew that every veteran had their own story of loss and pain caused by the rebels. As the burning city disappeared into the distance, Jinn tried to push the memories and emotions of the day out of his mind and focus on the future.

Over the next few months, Jinn threw himself into his duties with a fierce determination, applying for every mission that came his way and quickly rising through the ranks.

His cool-headed and quick-thinking approach to battle earned him a reputation as a formidable soldier and assassin. He excelled in group-coordinated battles, but it was his ability to work alone that truly set him apart. He was always able to find a way to exploit his environment and gain an advantage in battle.

As he participated in more missions and became more experienced, Jinn's battle instincts began to change. He became more inclined towards assassination, and everywhere he went, rebel casualties soared.

His Owl's battalion commander, Gareth Barn, noticed this change and was both impressed and concerned. He recognised that Jinn had a bright future ahead of him, but Jinn is still young, having not yet turned seventeen. Gareth thought Jinn needed more time to grow and cultivate, and that it was the right route to being the strongest. He ordered Jinn to take on fewer missions.

Jinn was a model soldier, always willing to follow orders and do his duty. He knew that his battalion commander, Gareth Barn, had his best interests at heart, and he trusted that the decisions being made were for the good. So when he was given an order, he carried it out without question or hesitation.

Soon, his reputation began to spread throughout the ranks of the Nocturnal division. His fellow rookies and newbies looked up to him as a leader, and even the veterans took notice of his skills and accomplishments. Word of his exploits reached the ears of the vice division commanders, who began to take an interest in this young and promising soldier.

Jinn was seen as a rising star in the military world, with a bright future ahead of him. His name was being put on the observation lists of some of the grand ruling class families, who saw in him the potential for greatness. They discussed whether or not to include him in their recruitment efforts, recognising that he would be a valuable asset to their private military.

As Jinn lay in his bed, he couldn't help but ponder over the question that had been plaguing his mind for some time now - how were these rebels able to sustain their rebellion against the United Provinces of Ironclad for so long? He had always known that the Ironclad was a powerful entity, but it wasn't until he joined the Nocturnal division that he truly began to grasp the sheer magnitude of its military might.

Jinn couldn't help but marvel at the Ironclad's military might. The sheer size and strength of its armed forces was enough to intimidate any enemy, and the Ironclad's use of advanced technology and tactics only added to its dominance on the battlefield. It was no wonder that the Ironclad had been able to expand its territory and maintain control over its subjects for centuries.

But despite all of this, the rebels were still able to put up a fight. They had managed to sustain their rebellion for several centuries, and it was a testament to their determination and resilience. Jinn couldn't help but wonder what kind of people they were, and what drove them to continue their rebellion despite the overwhelming odds against them.

But just as he was lost in thought, he received word that he had been assigned a new mission. It was a small operation, with only a handful of veterans of the Nautical Dusk rank and himself, a rookie soldier. The squad leader of the mission was a seasoned veteran known only by his code name, "Bald Eagle."

As Jinn prepared for the mission, he remained focused and professional, determined to carry out his duties to the best of his abilities. He took the time to check and re-check his gear, ensuring that everything was in proper working order.

As the airship prepared for departure, the seasoned veteran, known only by his code name "Bald Eagle," who was in charge of the mission, went over the details with the rest of the squad. The bald squad leader, with his bald head, had a sour expression as he grumbled, "These types of missions are always a hassle." Rebels? "Do they think that we're idiots?"

One of the squad members, who was also a veteran of many battles, simply shrugged his shoulders in response. "There's nothing we can do about it." Those in the ruling class have enough influence to get us involved, so we have no choice but to go through with it. "Let's just get it over with and return as soon as possible."

Bald Eagle then turned his gaze towards Jinn, who was standing nearby. He grumbled, "A rookie will learn eventually. It's not a bad idea to let him in on this. He needs to see the reality of things for himself."

Jinn couldn't help but feel befuddled by their conversation. He couldn't shake off the feeling that this mission was not going to be as simple as it seemed. As he boarded the airship, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of truth he would uncover during this mission. Was it going to be something as simple as putting down a rebel army or was there something more sinister at play? Whatever it may be, Jinn was determined to find out.

As the airship took off, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration as the powerful engines propelled them forward. The airship soars like an eagle, as if it is eager to reach its destination.

Jinn took a seat, like the other veterans on the airship, and tried to relax his mind. He closed his eyes and made the faint sound of falling asleep. It was a common practise among nocturnal soldiers to rest and preserve their energy as much as possible before a battle or mission.

The flight lasted for three long days and nights, and during that time, Jinn spent most of his time sleeping and meditating. He knew that the mission ahead would be a tough one and he needed to be well-rested in order to face it. As the airship finally arrived near the mission site, it was nighttime.

The darkness of the night was a fitting backdrop for the Nocturnal division.

The division was known for their stealthy and covert operations, and the cover of darkness was their ally. It allowed them to move unseen and unheard, striking from the shadows and catching their enemies off guard.

As the airship flew over the border province of the Ironclad continent, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the desolate landscape below him. The province was known for its rugged terrain and sparse population, but it also contained several large ruling family territories. The political situation in the province was incredibly complex, with not even half of the land being directly subordinate to the United Provinces of Ironclad.

As they flew over the mountainous zone, Jinn spotted a small town nestled between the peaks. The town was situated beside a mineral mine and was home to many miners. The mission that they were on was to investigate a rebel attack that had occurred near this small town, which had caused severe casualties.

From the information that they had gathered, it was clear that the rebel army was very cunning. They had managed to retreat and hide deep inside the mountains, where there were few signs of human activity.

They had even gone as far as to kidnap the fiancee of a local ruling class, leaving him helpless against the rebel army. It was only then that he presented himself to the Ironclad, which had mobilised a small Nocturnal squad to resolve the matter. As the airship continued its flight towards the mission site, Jinn couldn't help but wonder what kind of challenge they were about to face.

As the airship approached the mission site, Jinn looked out from the windows of the airship and could see the small town situated in the mountainous zone, surrounded by rugged terrain and dense forests. The airship flew into the airspace above the town and slowly descended, coming to a halt at around thirty metres off the ground.

The veterans of the squad, who were all seasoned soldiers, opened the cabin door and without hesitation, leaped out of the airship. Jinn watched as they fell several dozen meters to the ground, landing with precision and agility, their bodies absorbing the impact with ease.

Jinn then prepared himself to follow suit. He grabbed onto a cable and hurled himself out of the airship, plummeting towards the ground. He had been trained to perform this type of high-altitude drop, but it was always a thrilling experience. He felt the wind rushing past him as he picked up speed, and the ground getting closer and closer.

As he reached the point where he had to pull the cable, he felt his muscles tense as he prepared to execute the maneuver. With a swift pull, he stopped his downward momentum and began to slow down. He felt the cable slip through his gloves as he descended the final few meters, and finally, he let go and landed smoothly on the ground.

He could see the veterans waiting for him, their expressions stoic and ready for battle. He knew that they were expecting him to be just as ready and determined as they were. He took a deep breath and steeled himself for the mission ahead, his mind focused and his body prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Jinn and his team were greeted by a group of private soldiers already garrisoned in the town. A military officer, mounted on a horse, galloped towards them and couldn't help but stare in confusion at the sight of the Nocturnal soldiers. "That's everyone?" he asked, with a hint of skepticism in his voice.

The squad leader, a seasoned veteran known only by his code name, "Bald Eagle," didn't take kindly to the officer's comment. He furrowed his brow and spoke in a cold, stern tone, "Quantity doesn't matter. Quality is what counts."

The officer, who seemed to be not much older than twenty, was filled with arrogance. He immediately flew into a rage, his face turning red as he shouted, "And who are you to talk? A mere common soldier daring to act so haughtily in front of me."

The squad leader didn't flinch, his expression remaining stoic. He knew that the officer was likely from one of the ruling class families, but he didn't care. To him, anyone who dared to question the capabilities of his team was an enemy. He was ready for anything, and he would not back down from a fight.

Jinn, who was standing beside the squad leader, looked at the officer with a mixture of curiosity and contempt. He knew that the officer's attitude was common among the members of the ruling class, who often looked down on the common soldiers like himself.

As the young officer swung his horse whip towards the squad leader's head, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He knew that the situation could quickly spiral out of control if not handled properly. As the officer was dragged down from his horse, Jinn's hand instinctively reached for his Eternus, "Falling Maple," ready to take action if needed.

The squad leader, Bald Eagle, remained calm and composed as he caught the horse whip in one smooth motion. With a light tug, the young officer was sent tumbling to the ground, much to the surprise of his guards. They quickly pulled out their guns, ready to fire. But before they could even take aim, a veteran from the Nocturnal squad had already taken action.

With clean and efficient burst fire, the veteran shot all ten of the guards dead, leaving only the young officer alive. He lay there on the ground, trembling in fear as he looked up at the squad leader, Bald Eagle. The squad leader looked down at him, his face expressionless as he spoke in a cold and menacing tone, "You should be more careful with how you speak and act. You never know who you might be dealing with."

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the squad leader's quick thinking and deadly precision. He knew that Bald Eagle was a seasoned veteran, but seeing him in action was something else entirely. The way he had handled the situation was a testament to his years of experience and skill.

As the squad leader, Bald Eagle, coolly swept his gaze through the private army that was gathering from all directions, a sense of unease began to wash over Jinn. He couldn't understand why these private soldiers would even consider going against the Nocturnal division, especially given the vast difference in skill and power between the two groups.

"Do all of you wish to go against us?" Bald Eagle's voice was cold and devoid of emotion, yet it carried an undeniable weight that made the private soldiers hesitate.

Jinn's mind raced as he tried to piece together what was happening. Could it be that this mission was actually a trap set by some unknown enemy, and these private soldiers were merely pawns being used to try and take down the Nocturnal division?

With this thought in mind, Jinn immediately began to charge his gun, Falling Maple, as he prepared for the worst. Against strong experts behind the scenes, only a soul weapon would have any threat.

But before he could act, the squad leader had already taken matters into his own hands. With a single shot, he had killed the young officer who had been foolish enough to attack him with a horse whip. The private soldiers around them stared in shock and disbelief as Bald Eagle turned his gun on them, his expression cold and ruthless.

Jinn watched as the gunfire erupted, and one by one, the private soldiers fell.

As the squad leader and his team were massacring the private soldiers, a middle-aged man approached them with a terrified expression, "Please stop, sir!" He repeatedly bowed and said, "I am the mayor of this small town and the former butler of my master." "My master instructed me to come here to greet you and to give you some information."

The squad leader, Bald Eagle, looked him over and said, "Speak."

The middle-aged man pulled out a portrait from his pocket and handed it over, saying, "This woman is my master's soon-to-be fiancée; she was kidnapped by the rebels." "We ask you to please bring her back safely if possible."

The squad leader took the portrait and looked at it. It was an incredibly detailed sketch of a beautiful girl. Her eyes carried a captivating charm that was hard to look away from. She appeared to be around sixteen or seventeen, dressed in ordinary, commoner's clothing.

The squad leader passed the portrait around for everyone to see, then put it away in his pocket. He then spoke to the middle-aged man, saying, "I got it. Do you have any last words?"

The middle-aged man was shocked as he exclaimed, "Wh-what do you mean, sir?" What do you mean by "last words"? "You shouldn't joke around like this, sir."

The squad leader spoke coldly, "I never joke. I don't know who your master is and I don't care about the politics between you ruling class. But if you want to use Nocturnal for your own gain, you have to pay the price. Eliminating you is just a warning to your master. The claws of Nocturnal are sharp and not something he should play with. He should be careful not to lose his own head."

With that, the squad leader pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the middle-aged man's forehead, pulling the trigger. A bullet hole appeared between the man's eyebrows and he fell to the ground with a shocked expression on his face. The squad leader's actions sent a clear message to all those present that the Nocturnal division would not be used for personal vendettas or political gain.

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of shock and confusion as he watched the squad leader execute the middle-aged man without hesitation. He had never witnessed such cold-blooded brutality before, and it made him question the true nature of the Nocturnal division.

As they began to move out, the private military's confidence had completely dissipated. Some even began to retreat, and the officers who had been hiding in the crowd now began to shout out orders to maintain the ranks.

The squad leader sneered at them, "The Nocturnal division will handle this mission alone. We don't need your cooperation. We don't want to be caught in crossfire."

The officers in the crowd remained silent, knowing that any objections would be met with death.

As they made their way into the mountainous forest, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The tracks left behind by the rebels were unnaturally obvious, and it made him wonder if this was a trap. But he pushed these thoughts aside and focused on the mission at hand.

As they reached the base of the mountain, the squad leader signaled for them to slow down and proceed with caution. He pointed out the obvious signs of recent activity and the clear path that led up the mountain.

The squad leader then turned to Jinn and said, "This is the rebel's camp, and it's well hidden. But their location is also their weakness, once we block their only exit, they won't be able to escape."

Jinn nodded in understanding and followed the squad as they made their way up the mountain. As they reached the top, they could see the camp in the distance. The squad leader signaled for them to take cover and wait for his signal.

As they waited, Jinn couldn't help but notice that the camp was full of women, children, and elderly people. Most of them were malnourished, and their clothes were tattered. The weapons they carried were primitive and in poor condition. He couldn't understand why these people would be labeled as rebels, they looked more like victims of war.

The squad leader then gave the signal, and the Nocturnal squad charged into the camp, trapping all of the rebels inside. The battle was over quickly, and as Jinn looked around at the faces of the rebels, he couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion.

They were clearly not a well-trained and organized rebel army. Many of them were just ordinary people, old, weak, and children. He couldn't help but question the squad leader, "Is this really the rebel army we are supposed to be fighting?"

The squad leader seemed to have already suspected that this was the case. He stepped forward and pulled out a portrait from his pocket, "Which of you is the woman in the portrait? It would be best if you came forward willingly."

A young woman stepped out of the crowd and glared at the squad leader, "It's me! What are you going to do?"

The squad leader flipped through his notes, saying, "Let's see, according to the information that we were given, your father was the owner of the mineral mine here, and it is said that he secretly supported the rebel financially." Also, according to the master of this territory, you are his fiancée. "Am I correct?"

The young woman glared at the squad leader, her voice trembling with anger. "That's a complete fabrication!" He had no right to force me into being his fiancée. He's responsible for the deaths of my father and my true love, and then he falsely accused my family of being rebels. We've been devoted servants of the Empire for a century and have always been loyal. "How could we end up in this situation?"

The squad leader's face was emotionless as he looked upon the girl with a sense of detachment. "It doesn't matter if what you say is true or not, your fate is already sealed." He said in a cold, monotone voice.

The girl's eyes widened in shock and anger, "You can't possibly believe that a minor ruling class can manipulate the truth from the empire?" She exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion.

The squad leader gave a small shrug and said, "In this case, they can." "Even if you plead, you simply don't have any worth in the eyes of the Ironclad Empire compared to a ruling class," he replied with a hint of finality.

The girl's body sagged in defeat, "What are you going to do with us then? Kill us all?" She asked in a barely audible whisper.

The squad leader's eyes scanned the camp, taking in the sight of the elderly, women and children. "By the terms of the mission, you should come back with us, but I would advise against it." He said, his voice devoid of any compassion. "But if you wish to endure and seek revenge, you may try your luck."

The girl knew that if she went back with the squad, her fate would be sealed. She looked at the squad leader with a fierce determination, "I'd rather die than let that monster touch me!" She spat out the words.

The squad leader handed her a small bottle, "If that is your wish." He said, his voice devoid of any emotion. "Drink this and you will die painlessly."

The girl took the bottle hesitantly, her hand trembling as she stared at the contents. The other members of her group tried to stop her, pleading with her to reconsider, but she was determined. With tears streaming down her face, she lifted the bottle to her lips and drank the contents. They could see the pain and resignation in her eyes as her body began to convulse and her breathing slowed.

"I'm sorry," she whispered before taking her last breath.

The squad leader gave a small nod and motioned for his team to collect her body. "Carry her, we're leaving." He said as he turned and began to lead his team back down the path they had come.

As they handed over the girl's body to the local private military, Jinn couldn't shake the image of the girl's face as she took her last breath, the finality of it all hitting him hard. He had been trained to carry out orders without question, but this mission had left him questioning the morality of it all.

Soon, The airship took off into the sky, heading back to their headquarters.

As the airship flew through the skies, Jinn couldn't shake off the feeling of despair that had settled in his chest. The mission had been easy, but the reality of what they had done weighed heavily on him. He couldn't help but think about the girl and her family, and how their lives had been so brutally ended.

He thought about the squad leader's words, about how soldiers were nothing more than blades in the Empire's hands. They were told where to strike and it was not their place to question whether it was right or wrong. But Jinn couldn't help but question it. He had always thought of himself as a loyal soldier, fighting for the Empire, but now he realized that there was so much more to it than that.

He looked out the window of the airship, watching the world pass by. He couldn't help but wonder what the reality was like in other parts of the Ironclad provinces, where the rebel armies were causing so much turmoil. What was it like for the soldiers fighting there and for the people caught in the middle? Did they see the same kind of muddiness that Jinn had just witnessed?

When they finally arrived back at the Nocturnal headquarters, Jinn immediately applied for more missions. He knew that he couldn't shake off the feeling of despair that had settled in his chest, but he also knew that he couldn't let it consume him. He needed to keep fighting, to keep trying to make sense of the world and the Empire he had devoted his life to. He couldn't let the weight of politics and the reality of war break him.

Soon, Jinn felt a sense of unease as he waited for a response to his mission application. It was delayed for an entire week, which was unusual for the efficient and well-oiled machine that was the Nocturnal division. He couldn't help but wonder what was causing the delay and what kind of mission he would be assigned to.

When the response finally came, Jinn was surprised to learn that he had been transferred to participate in an important mission labeled "first class" within the Nocturnal division. The mission was to infiltrate and destroy a secret base of the rebel army that had been discovered in one of the cities of the United Provinces of Ironclad.

Colonel Marcus, Nocturnal regiment's commander, personally led the troops on this mission. twenty astronomical and forty nautical dusks, the elite troops of the division, were mobilised for this mission. Jinn was the only rookie in the ranks, but this was not unusual; as the number one rookie, his military accomplishments could already prevail against many veterans.

Jinn had heard rumors that some members of the ruling class were colluding in secret with the rebels. He couldn't help but wonder if this mission was connected to the rebel issues that Theodore Ironhand, the headmaster of the Ironclad Military Academy, had been summoned to a meeting about in the past. He knew that this mission would be no easy task and that it would require all of his skill and training to succeed.