
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Two steps from the abyss

As Jinn boarded one of the two airships, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had heard rumours about the rebels' secret base and the many mastery-ranked soldiers that guarded it. The mission was not going to be easy, and he knew that he would have to be at his best if he wanted to survive.

The soldiers readied their occult gun, checking their chambers and making sure the runes and symbols were still intact. Some of the more experienced soldiers shared tips and tricks on how to effectively harness and channel their mana through the weapon.

Jinn examined the occult gun in his hands, running his fingers over the intricate runes and symbols etched along the barrel. The weapon was a work of art, crafted with precision and care. He could feel the mana pulsing within the chamber, ready to be harnessed and unleashed upon his enemies.

Jinn, being the rookie, was given extra training on how to use the occult gun properly. His instructor, a Nautical Dusk veteran soldier who had been using the weapon for years, showed him how to control the flow of mana and adjust the strength of the bullet. He also taught Jinn how to shape the bullet into different forms, such as a beam, blast or a bullet.

The soldier also warned Jinn of the drawbacks of the weapon, the need for a significant amount of mana to operate the gun and the risk of mana exhaustion. He also taught Jinn how to conserve mana by only using the weapon when needed and not overusing it.

Soon, every soldier in the expedition was outfitted with the specially designed Nocturnal battle gear.

The Nocturnal battle gear was a sleek black suit of armor, designed to provide maximum protection while allowing for maximum mobility. The armor was made of a special alloy that was lightweight yet incredibly durable, able to withstand even the most powerful mana-based and physical-based attacks. The helmet was designed to resemble a bird of prey, with a sharp beak-like visor that gave the wearer a menacing appearance.

The insides of the armor were lined with intricate mana arrays that were carefully inscribed by the division's best array masters. These arrays were designed to channel the wearer's mana and form a barrier that would greatly reduce the effectiveness of incoming enemy gun projectiles. This kind of armor was usually only distributed to officers who held the rank of at least Astronomical Dusk, but for this mission, every mobilized soldier received one.

But despite the enhanced protection provided by the armor, it also had its drawbacks. It required a significant amount of mana to activate and maintain the barrier, which could be draining on the wearer's energy. Additionally, using the armor too frequently could lead to mana exhaustion, rendering the wearer unable to use the armor's special features.

The airship journey was a long one, taking six days before finally arriving near the secret base. The Nocturnal division had timed their arrival for the middle of the night, when the rebel soldiers would be least expecting an attack. The cover of darkness would give them an advantage and hopefully catch the rebels off guard.

As the airship flew closer to its target, the soldiers were preparing for battle. They were checking their weapons, making sure everything was in working order and that they had enough ammunition for their automatic rifle. The occult gun was being tested by channelling mana through it, and the battle armor was being activated to provide extra protection. The atmosphere on the airship was tense, but the soldiers were all focused and ready for the mission ahead.

Colonel Marcus, who was leading the expedition, stood before the soldiers. "This mission is of the utmost importance and has been personally authorized by Jonas Marcus, the Minister of Military Affairs of the United Provinces of Ironclad. We have the location and entrance of the rebel's secret base, and our mission is to eliminate the base and ensure no rebel soldiers escape. We have the element of surprise on our side, let's use it to our advantage." The troops listened attentively as Colonel Marcus spoke, his words filling them with determination and resolve for the mission ahead.

The soldiers all acknowledged the colonel's words with a resounding "Yes, sir!" and continued their preparations. As the airship landed, the soldiers disembarked, ready to take on the enemy. They knew that this would be a difficult mission, and the stakes were high. The success or failure of this mission would have a significant impact on the ongoing conflict with the rebels.

The night was as dark as ink, with the only source of light being the round full moon that hung high in the sky, casting its eerie, pale grey moonlight onto the land below. The area was eerily quiet, with no signs of life or light—it was a ghost town devoid of any human presence.

As the Nocturnal Division cautiously made their way through the deserted streets of the small city, the eerie silence was only broken by the muffled footsteps of the soldiers and the occasional creak of a door or shutter. The buildings were dark and abandoned.

While walking through the deserted streets, Jinn's senses were on high alert. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that something was not right.

He looked around at the abandoned buildings, the boarded-up windows, and the graffiti on the walls. The city was a ghost town, abandoned and left to rot. The buildings were in disrepair, and it was clear that the city had been ravaged by war. The rebels had a strong presence here, and it was evident in the destruction that surrounded him. As he looked around, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and unease.

As the Nocturnal Division approached the heart of the city, Colonel Marcus signaled for the soldiers to halt. He turned to his men and spoke in a hushed tone, "We must be cautious and thoroughly check the perimeter before advancing towards the secret base. We cannot afford to let our guard down."

The soldiers understood the gravity of the situation, knowing that the rebels might have eyes and ears scattered throughout the city. They couldn't risk alerting them to their presence.

Jinn and his comrades cautiously made their way through the abandoned streets, their weapons at the ready. They examined each building, every alleyway, making sure that there were no threats lurking in the shadows before moving forward towards their objective - the secret base.

As the Nocturnal Division approached the secret base, a sense of unease and foreboding began to creep into the minds of the soldiers. The silence of the city was deafening, and the only sound was the shuffling of the soldiers' boots on the pavement, amplifying their unease. They couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss, as if they were walking into a trap.

"Stay alert, something doesn't feel right," warned Colonel Marcus, his voice barely above a whisper.

But as they approached the entrance of the base, the unease turned into fear. Suddenly, a bright flare shot into the sky, illuminating the area around them and signaling to the rebels that the Nocturnal Division had arrived. The rebels were waiting for them, ready to defend their stronghold. The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air, and the smell of smoke was everywhere.

"We're under attack! Defend yourselves!" shouted Colonel Marcus, pulling out his occult gun and returning fire.

The Nocturnal Division returned fire, but they realised that they were outnumbered and outmatched. The rebels had set up traps and ambushes.

"We were set up! The rebels were expecting us," shouted one of the soldiers as they took cover behind a nearby building.

The Nocturnal Division was caught off guard as they were ambushed by the rebels, who had clearly been tipped off about their arrival. It was evident that the enemy had planned for this attack and had taken measures accordingly. The Nocturnal Division found themselves in a desperate struggle for survival, as it became clear that their mission had been compromised.

As the battle raged on, the truth of the matter began to reveal itself. It was apparent that there had been a betrayal, with information regarding their infiltration of the rebel's secret base being leaked. It was now clear that the high command of the Nocturnal Division had been infiltrated by a spy working for the rebels, who had been feeding the enemy crucial information. The realization that they had been set up hit the soldiers hard, but they knew they had to focus on the task at hand and fight to survive.

Jinn pulled the trigger of his occult gun, letting the bright light of the projectile illuminate the dark night as it struck the approaching enemy soldiers. But as he retreated, he realized that there were too many of them—far too many. They were surrounded and outmatched. The sounds of battle and the war cries of the rebels filled the air; the city became a war zone in an instant.

As he retreated, he saw two veterans signaling for him to go hide in the back, while they cover for him. The rebels were closing in, and they were quickly being overwhelmed. The Nocturnal Division had believed that their superior training and weaponry would give them the upper hand, but they were being submerged by the sheer number of rebels.

The battle turned white-hot in the blink of an eye. The bright light of a mana projectile and fire illuminated the city as though it were daytime. The city was plunged into chaos as figures surrounded by bright light of mana aura rose into the sky, resembling a column of beacon light. Those were the elite soldiers of the rebels, their indomitable auras illuminating the darkness.

At the same time, astronomical dusk-ranked soldiers unleashed their own powers in response; their bodies surrounded by the bright light of mana aura, they too rose into the sky and engaged in a fierce head-to-head battle against the rebels' mastery-ranked soldiers.

In a distant section of the city, the ground began to shake as buildings crumbled one after another. In a matter of seconds, the entire block was reduced to rubble. The deafening roar of Colonel Marcus echoed through the air as he emerged from the destruction.

A bright light surrounded the Colonel's body as he suddenly shot up into the sky, rising up into the night sky. Four figures followed closely behind him, leaping into the air as well. The two sides engaged in a fierce battle in the skies.

Jinn observed the intense aura of mana exuded by the Colonel and Astronomical Dusk-ranked soldiers as they fought with all their might.

On the other hand, the Nautical Dusk veterans fought with precision, their movements seamless and deadly, as they took down rebel after rebel with ease. But despite their efforts, the rebels were closing in, their numbers seemingly endless.

The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air as the fight continued. Soon, Jinn felt his own strength waning. The sustained discharge of his occult gun had depleted his mana reserves, and he knew that he could not maintain this level of exertion for much longer. He scanned his surroundings in desperation, seeking a means of escape, but there was none to be found.

The rebels were everywhere, surrounding them on all sides. Jinn knew that the situation was dire and that they were vastly outnumbered and outmatched. He knew that something drastic had to be done in order to turn the tide of the battle. As he surveyed the battlefield, he could see the rebels closing in on them, their numbers seemingly endless. It was at that moment that Jinn made the decision to enter the berserker state.

As he breathed in, he let out a deafening battle cry. He could feel the familiar rush of adrenaline and anger coursing through his body. He embraced the berserker state, feeling his muscles bulge and his eyes turn fiery red. His senses sharpened, as if he were on the brink of an intense and powerful rage.

The rebels recoiled in fear, as if they knew that something terrifying was about to happen. The air around him crackled with energy, and he could feel the raw power coursing through his veins. He was ready to unleash his fury and bring destruction upon his enemies.

Jinn charged forward into the fray, his occult gun blazing with bright light. The occult gun in his hand was like an extension of his body, the bright light it emitted illuminating the battlefield and striking fear into the hearts of the rebels. They tried to resist, but it was clear that they were no match for the raw power and fury of the berserker state. Each time he pulled the trigger, a rebel would fall, their screams of agony filling the air.

With each passing moment, Jinn continued to decimate the rebels with each shot, sending them flying through the air with each blast. Jinn felt his strength and determination growing. He could see the fear in the eyes of the rebels as they realized that they were no match for the berserker state. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he fought, his body moving with an animalistic grace and ferocity.

As the battle raged on, the tide seemed to turn in their favor. The Nocturnal Division was pushing the rebels back with each passing moment, their superior training and weaponry finally paying off. But even as they gained the upper hand, Jinn knew that the battle was far from over. The enemy was determined and resolved, and they would not surrender easily. He could see it in their eyes, the burning desire to win at all costs.

Despite the chaos and destruction all around him, Jinn's focus was unwavering. He fought with a single-minded determination, driven by a burning desire to protect his comrades and defeat the enemy. He knew that this was a battle for survival, and he would not rest until the last rebel was defeated.

But just as they seemed to have the upper hand, a new wave of rebels appeared.

Jinn and the Nautical Dusk veteran soon realised that the new wave of rebels was not just reinforcements but a well-trained and heavily armed elite force. They were equipped with advanced weapons and armor, and they fought with a fierce determination that was unlike anything the division had ever encountered before. The division's superior training and weaponry were yet again no match for the appearance of the rebels' sheer numbers of reinforcements and advanced equipment.

Jinn and the Nautical Dusk veteran found themselves once again surrounded by rebels. The enemy seemed to be closing in on all sides, and the situation looked dire. Jinn's occult gun had malfunctioned, leaving him with no choice but to fight with his dagger. He swung out blindly, chopping down rebel soldiers left and right, but despite his efforts, he was caught off guard by one of the rebels, who suddenly swooped in and pinned him down, pressing a blade to his neck. The sharp pain almost tore apart Jinn's consciousness, and he struggled to gasp for air.

Just as he thought it was over for him, a gunshot echoed beside him and the rebel's head exploded into a mist of blood. A large hand pulled Jinn up, revealing an Astronomical Dusk squad leader. "Are you alright, rookie?" the squad leader asked, concern etched on his face.

Jinn's eyes returned to their normal color, and his muscles relaxed. He was stunned, gasping for air as he tried to steady his breathing. Despite the burning pain in his neck, he managed to stammer out, "I...I'm fine." He was alive, but he knew that the fight was far from over.

The situation was dire, the rebels had taken down two airships in the sky and were relentlessly attacking the remaining soldiers. Jinn's heart sank, but the Astronomical Dusk squad leader didn't hesitate. He dragged Jinn and rushed towards the exterior of the city, breaking through layers of resistance.

Just as Jinn and the Astronomical Dusk squad leader were making their way towards the exterior of the city, one of the airships suddenly exploded in a massive wave of fire and debris. The blast sent a shockwave of heat and air throughout the area, causing Jinn and the squad leader to stumble and lose their footing. But despite the chaos and destruction around them, they managed to regain their footing and continue their desperate sprint towards safety.

As they reached the outer perimeter of the city, the Astronomical Dusk squad leader gestured towards a crashed airship in the distance. "There's an escape vessel there," he shouted over the chaos, pointing towards the partially damaged ship that was still intact. The ship was surrounded by the burning debris of the other ships that had been taken down by the rebels, and the heat from the explosion was intense.

Jinn's mind was racing, the weight of the situation settling heavily on him. He knew that he had to escape, but the thought of leaving the other behind was almost unbearable. The squad leader must have sensed his hesitation, because he placed a firm hand on Jinn's shoulder and said, "You must go, rookie. This is an order. Live on and find the one responsible for this betrayal. Avenge us."

Jinn nodded, his mind made up. He knew that the squad leader was right, he had to survive and make those responsible pay for their treachery. He followed the squad leader's instructions and made a run for the airship.

Despite the chaos and gunfire around him, he managed to reach the escape vessel and pull open the cabin door.

As he turned to look back, he could see the other Nautical Dusk veterans fighting bravely, holding off the rebels to buy time for the others to escape, and he watched as the Astronomical Dusk squad leader fought bravely against the rebels' mastery-ranked soldiers, buying time for Jinn to escape. He knew that he would never forget the sacrifice of that squad leader and the others who had died in the battle.

As Jinn stepped into the escape vessel, his mind raced with a plethora of emotions. He was filled with a burning desire for survival and the need to uncover the truth behind the betrayal that had led to the deaths of his comrades. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being a pawn in a larger game, but he knew that he had to escape and find answers.

But just as he was about to take off, a voice shouted out from behind him, "Stop! "Put your hands up, step forward, and turn around slowly." Jinn's heart raced as he obeyed, lifting his hands, stepping forward, and turning to face the source of the voice. To his surprise, the rebel soldier standing before him was no older than eighteen. The young man's face was etched with exhaustion and confusion, mirroring Jinn's own emotions.

Jinn felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over him as he stared at the rebel soldier standing before him. On one hand, he couldn't bring himself to fight someone who, like him, was just a pawn in this war. But on the other hand, he knew that he had to escape to survive and uncover the truth behind the betrayal.

He was exhausted physically and mentally from the prolonged use of the berserker state and the constant fighting, making it difficult for him to summon the energy to fight. He was torn between his desire to survive and his reluctance to harm someone who seemed just as lost and confused as he was.

Before he could make a decision, the rebel soldier spoke up, "Remove your mask and helmet." Jinn hesitated for a moment before complying, revealing his face for the first time to the young rebel soldier. As their eyes met, Jinn could see a flicker of recognition in the other boy's eyes. He couldn't quite place it, but it seemed like the young soldier knew who he was.

As the young rebel soldier looked at Jinn, his expression changed to one of shock and recognition. "Jinn?," he said, his voice filled with surprise and disbelief.

Jinn's eyes widened in confusion and uncertainty as he tried to place the face before him. He searched his mind, desperately trying to remember if he had ever met the young soldier before, but his memories were hazy and incomplete. "How do you know my name?" he asked, his voice filled with suspicion and mistrust.

The young soldier hesitated before answering, "We knew each other from a long time ago; both of us were an orphans at Iron Haven Orphanage." "My name is Alex."

As the young soldier hesitantly revealed their past connection, Jinn's mind was overwhelmed with a jumble of emotions - surprise, confusion, and a sense of familiarity. But as he tried to grasp onto the memories, a sharp pain shot through his head, causing him to wince. He realized that his memories had been tampered with, and the pain in his head was a reminder of that. He couldn't trust anything or anyone, not even his own memories.

As Alex approached Jinn with concern, Jinn shouted at him to stop and not come any closer. "I don't know you," he said firmly, the pain in his head making it hard for him to think clearly.

Alex's expression fell as he realised that Jinn's memories had been erased. "Jinn, it's me, Alex," he said, his voice filled with urgency and desperation. "We have gone through a lot of events at the Iron Haven Orphanage together. "We were like brothers," Alex pleaded, trying to jog Jinn's memory.

But Jinn could only shake his head in confusion, the pain in his head making it hard for him to think and process the information.

As much as he wanted to believe Alex, Jinn couldn't shake off the feeling of mistrust and uncertainty. "I want to believe you," he said, his voice filled with frustration and sadness, "but how do I know you're telling the truth? I don't remember anything about my past, not even a single memory. I can't trust anything or anyone, not even my own mind."

Alex understood the predicament Jinn was in and didn't push him. "I understand," he said, his voice filled with empathy, "but please, just hear me out. I know it's hard for you to trust anyone right now, but please, trust me. I'm on your side."

Jinn looked at Alex, searching his eyes for any hint of deception. But all he saw was genuine concern and friendship. He felt a pang of sadness as he realized that he couldn't remember any of it, that his past was a complete blank to him.

Jinn let out a sigh and said, "I don't know what to believe. But if you're truly my friend, you'll understand that I need to figure this out on my own. I need to leave, to try and piece together what happened."

Alex nodded, his expression somber. "I understand why you need to leave, but please know that I'll always be here for you, whenever you need me," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Just come and find me, I'll be waiting for you, brother."

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Alex, despite the confusion and uncertainty surrounding his past. Though he wasn't sure what lay ahead, Jinn knew that he couldn't stay in this place any longer. He needed answers to a lot of things, and he was determined to find them, whatever the cost.

As he turned to leave, Alex reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace with a small pendant hanging from it. He held it out to Jinn and said, "Here, take this." "It's a necklace that I've had since we were kids at the orphanage, and I want you to have it."

Jinn looked at the necklace closely. The pendant was a small compass with intricate engravings on it. Alex took out a pen and wrote something on the back of the pendant: "This is the coordinates of where I'll be waiting for you, whenever you're ready to come find me." "Keep it safe."

Jinn hesitated for a moment as Alex held out the necklace to him. He wasn't sure if he was ready to take on the burden of his past, not knowing what it held. But as he looked into Alex's eyes, filled with genuine concern and friendship, he knew that he couldn't turn it down. He slowly reached out and took the necklace, slipping it around his neck.

With the necklace around his neck, He turned towards the escape vessel and climbed aboard. He looked back at Alex and gave him a small smile, silently thanking him. As he sat in the pilot's seat and prepared for take off, he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was still so much he didn't know about his past. But he was determined to find the truth, no matter what it took.

As Jinn's escape vessel lifted off into the sky, his mind raced with thoughts of his encounter with Alex. But before he could fully process what had happened, a powerful bomb detonated nearby, sending a shockwave through the area. The force of the blast hit the escape vessel, causing its positioning system to malfunction and sending it spiraling out of control.

As Jinn processed the devastation caused by the explosion, a heavy weight settled in his chest. The custom-made missile, carried by all members of the Astronomical Dusk squad, had been detonated, destroying the enemy base and taking all the rebel soldiers with it. The sacrifice of the squad leader, who had detonated the bomb, was a harsh reminder of the high cost of their mission. Jinn couldn't shake off the sadness and guilt for the loss of his comrades, but he knew that the squad leader's selfless act for the greater good of their cause would not be forgotten, and it would serve as a reminder of the sacrifices they made for their cause.

Jinn fought to keep the vessel stable as alarms blared and warning lights flashed. He knew that he had to land the vessel quickly before it was too late. But just as he thought he had regained control, another powerful shock wave hit the vessel, causing it to shake violently. Jinn was thrown from his seat and hit his head hard on a console, everything went black.