
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Power comes from knowledge

As Jinn and his comrades continued on with their training, they were met with a new batch of cadets who would be joining their group. At first, Jinn was confused as to why there were new cadets being brought in. But as he learned more about the academy's inner workings, he discovered that the academy had initially taken in a total of 1000 cadets, and had divided them into ten groups of 100 cadets each. These groups were trained in the same manner as Jinn and his comrades. The goal was that as each group progressed through the training, the surviving cadets from each group would eventually be regrouped into a single, elite group.

With the influx of new cadets, the academy also began to increase the number of physical and knowledge-based classes. These classes covered a wide range of topics, from magic artifacts and magic beast, to advanced combat training programme focuses on more specialized skills, such as marksmanship, warfare, military combat and counter-resistance operations. The cadets were expected to absorb as much information as possible, as it would be crucial for their future roles as soldiers in the Ironclad army.

The competition amongst the cadets also began to heat up, as they all strived to be among the top performers and earn the coveted rewards.

After that first week, the retired general was replaced on the lecture hall platform by a sturdy, muscular man.

The muscular man began his lecture, "Welcome to the advanced weapons training course. My name is Sergeant Kael. I am a veteran of the Ironclad military and have seen firsthand the devastation that these weapons can inflict. But, they are also tools of survival in the battlefield. It is important that you learn to master them."

He gestured towards the weapons in his hands, "These are the latest models of the Ironclad's arsenal. the "Vanguard" is a steampunk gun with a bayonet attachment. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to carry, making it suitable for use by people of all ages. The gun itself is powered by steam, It uses steam power to propel bullets at high speeds and has a magazine that can hold up to 10 rounds and it has a compact, revolver-style design with a bayonet attached to the barrel. The bayonet can be quickly detached for close-quarters combat, and reattached for ranged combat. The Vanguard also has a retractable stock, which can be extended for stability when firing, and collapsed for easier storage and transport.

They are designed to be versatile and deadly in close combat and long-range engagements. You will be training with these weapons for the next few months. And, I will not sugarcoat it, the training will be intense and grueling. But, those who can master these weapons will have a significant advantage in battle."

The cadets listened attentively, their hearts beating fast with excitement and fear. They knew that this was a critical step in their training and that it would be a defining moment in their careers as soldiers.

Sergeant Kael continued, "Before we begin, I want to remind you that these weapons are not toys. They are deadly instruments of war. You will be handling live rounds and sharp blades. Safety is of the utmost importance. Failure to follow safety protocols will result in severe punishment. Is that clear?"

The cadets nodded in unison, their expressions serious and determined.

"Good. Now, let's begin," Sergeant Kael said, as he handed out the weapons to the cadets and began to teach them the basics of handling and firing them.

The next few hours would be a test of their willpower, physical strength, and skill. But, the cadets were determined to emerge victorious and prove themselves worthy of the Ironclad military.

as for the next class, it's about a magical artifact

As the students filed into the lecture hall, they were greeted by a tall, wiry man who seemed to exude a sense of gloom and ordinariness. The man, who introduced himself as Nigel, was their new teacher for the magic artifact class. He began the class by having a guard bring in several heavy, metallic boxes, which he opened to reveal several types of magic artifacts.

The students, particularly the ruling class cadets, were shocked and surprised by the sight of the weapons. They shouted out in excitement upon seeing the Eternus, a powerful weapon that combines the power of a handgun with the soul of its wielder. But their excitement quickly turned to fear when they saw the Spectralus, a sword-soul weapon. The common class cadets, however, were confused by the reaction of the ruling class.

"Don't be alarmed, the Spectralus are merely a duplicate, and the Eternus are made of a low-tier soulstalker." Nigel began. "But even if the Eternus is made of low-tier soulstalkers, it is still a powerful and deadly magic artifact. The Eternus is created through a ritual that requires a significant amount of soul origin, which can be obtained through hunting certain mythical beasts called, "Soulstalkers". Once the weapon is bound to the wielder's soul, they must be able to control the vengeful soul inside the weapon by constantly feeding it with their memories. If the vengeful soul is not fed, it will start to consume the wielder's soul and cause the weapon to become uncontrollable."

Nigel went on to explain that if the wielder chooses to use their happiest memories, the vengeful soul within the weapon will be calmed and pacified, making the weapon more stable and easier to control. "But that's not all," Nigel said, his voice growing serious, "If you choose to use your darkest memories, the weapon will become more unstable and difficult to control. The vengeful soul within the weapon will be agitated and angered, making the weapon more powerful but also more dangerous to the wielder. The weapon will also have a more negative and darker energy, as it is infused with the dark memories of the wielder."

The cadets were silent, taking in the weight of Nigel's words. One of them tentatively raised their hand, "Sir, how do we control the vengeful soul within the weapon? How do we feed it our memories?"

Nigel nodded, "That is where the skill and mastery of the wielder comes in. It takes a great deal of practice and discipline to control the vengeful soul within the weapon. And as for feeding it your memories, you must do so with caution and precision. You must be willing to confront your own demons and traumas, and you must be able to control your emotions and thoughts while doing so. It is not an easy task, but it is one that is essential for those who seek to wield the power of the Eternus."

"Now, let's move on to the Spectralus," Nigel said as he gestured towards a large, imposing sword that was resting on a nearby table. "This is a replica of a powerful and deadly soul weapon, crafted from the sharp teeth and claws of the mythical beast known as the Soulstalker. As you may know, these beasts are known for their ability to consume souls, and the core of the Spectralus is made from a special organ of the Soulstalker called the soul repository, which is capable of storing souls."

The cadets murmured in awe as Nigel picked up the sword and held it aloft. "But be warned, this weapon is not for the faint of heart. Unlike Eternus, the Spectralus does not need to be bound by the wielder's soul."

"The Spectralus has the ability to absorb the souls of defeated enemies, strengthening it and increasing its power," Nigel continued. "But with that power comes a great responsibility. Unlike the Eternus, the Spectralus cannot be subdued using the wielder's happiest memories. The vengeful soul that inhabits the weapon holds a deep hatred for the wielder, and will always be a dangerous and unstable force."

"If a wielder is able to control the Spectralus without being consumed by the vengeful soul, they will be able to bring destruction to an entire continent if they so desire," Nigel said, his voice growing more serious. "It is said that the Spectralus is a cursed weapon, and only the bravest and most skilled warriors should attempt to wield it. The faces of those who were killed by the sword will be etched on the blade, it could also serve as a reminder for the wielder to use the weapon responsibly."

The cadets were in awe of the Spectralus, and some of them couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and uncertainty. "Sir, why would someone want to wield such a scary, powerful and dangerous weapon?" one of the cadets asked.

"Because, my dear student," Nigel replied, "power is a double-edged sword. It is up to the wielder to decide how they will use it. It can be used for the greater good or for their own selfish desires. The Spectralus is a weapon of immense power, and it is not to be taken lightly. It requires a great deal of skill, control and responsibility to wield effectively."

The class was dismissed, and the cadets were left with much to ponder. They knew that mastering these magical artifacts would not be easy, and it would take a great deal of effort, training and discipline to do so. But they also knew that the power and potential of these weapons was worth the effort. They were determined to become skilled wielders of these powerful weapons and use them for the betterment of their people and their world.

As for the last class of the day, it's about a magical beast.

"Welcome class, my name is Professor Lancaster and I'll be taking over the magical beast lectures," the cheerful teacher introduced himself. "Now, let's start by discussing the different magical beasts you all are familiar with."

The cadets raised their hands, eager to share their knowledge. "What about the Soulstalker?" one of them asked.

"Ah, the Soulstalker," Professor Lancaster said with a nod. "The Soulstalker is a formidable creature, known for its ability to consume souls and its use in creating powerful magical artifacts."

The class listened intently as the professor continued to describe the Soulstalker. "It's a large, quadrupedal winged creature with dark, oily fur-skin that is almost impossible to penetrate with weapons and glowing red eyes. It has a long, pointed snout, sharp teeth and sharp claws, and it stands on two legs when it is attacking its prey. The Soulstalker is a solitary creature that lives in dark, isolated areas such as caves and abandoned ruins."

"The Soulstalker is a powerful predator that feeds on the souls of living creatures. It uses its long sharp teeth to inhale the souls of its prey, leaving their bodies empty and lifeless. The creature stores the souls it has consumed in a special organ within its body, which is used to create the soul origin."

"Soul origin is a powerful and rare substance that is highly sought after by people who practice magic but unstable. It can be used to create powerful magical artifacts, such as the Eternus, and it's also used in some rituals. Soulstalker's body parts could be used to create Spectralus."

"The hunting of the Soulstalker is a dangerous and difficult task, it's only done by those who are skilled and well-equipped. The creature is powerful and unpredictable, and it can only be hunted in certain areas where it's known to reside."

Professor Lancaster paused to let the information sink in before continuing. "But it's not just the physical dangers that make the Soulstalker a formidable creature. The Soulstalker exudes an aura of fear and malevolence. It is said to be able to manipulate the emotions of those around it, causing feelings of dread and terror in those who come too close. It could have the ability to project terrifying hallucinations or illusions that prey on the deepest fears of those who confront it. Some people might even experience temporary insanity when they are in close proximity to the Soulstalker."

"Additionally, it's said to have an eerie and unsettling presence, and its movements are described as graceful yet unsettling. Its eyes glows a deep red and it's said to be able to make direct eye contact with its prey, causing them to feel a sense of being trapped or trapped in a nightmare."

"The hunting of the Soulstalker is not only a dangerous task because of its physical capabilities but also because of the mental toll it takes on the hunters. Some might not be able to handle the fear and pressure of hunting the Soulstalker. Making it a very valuable and rare creature to hunt and obtain the soul origin."

The class sat in silence, contemplating the information they had just learned. Professor Lancaster smiled, "Now, I want you all to research more about the Soulstalker, and we'll have a test on it next class." With that, the class was dismissed.

As the new week began, the cadets were greeted with the news of three additional examinations that would test their knowledge and skills in magic beasts, magic artifacts, and marksmanship. Each cadet knew that these exams would be crucial in determining their overall ranking and their chances of success in the program.

Jinn had been putting in extra hours of studying and training in preparation for these exams, and his hard work paid off when he received his test results. He had scored in the top 30 out of 100 cadets in all three categories, propelling him to 34th in the overall class rankings. However, he knew that the competition was fierce and that any rank below 80 would mean disqualification from the program.

As he entered the cultivation room, he was greeted with twice as many pills as a reward for being in the top half of the rank.

He sat down on the floor, cross-legged, and focused on his breathing. He took a deep breath and began the process of reaching the ninth gate. He knew that the Militant Formula, also known as the "Raging tide" method, was going to be grueling and painful. But he was determined to succeed, no matter the cost.

He started by pushing his mana force through his body, and as he did, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. The pain was intense, but he pushed through it, focusing on opening the first gate. As he progressed through the gates, the pain became increasingly severe. By the time he reached the fifth gate, his body was wracked with spasms and he could feel the sweat pouring down his face.

The sixth gate was even more unbearable, he could feel his body shaking and his vision started to blur, He had to push through the pain, knowing that his future and his dreams were on the line. He could feel the veins in his forehead bulging and his muscles straining as he pushed through the seventh gate, the screams of pain escaping from his lips.

The eighth gate was the worst yet. It felt as if his entire body was on fire, every nerve ending aflame. He could feel his skin blistering and his bones cracking under the pressure. He was barely conscious, but he knew that he couldn't give up, not now. He pushed through the pain and finally, he reached the ninth gate.

The pain was unbearable, it felt as if his body was being ripped apart from the inside. He let out a final scream as he pushed through the final gate, and then everything went black.

When he woke up, he was lying on the floor, covered in sweat and tears. He had done it. He had reached the ninth gate and completed the first trial of the Militant Formula. He was now in the pre-stage, and after manifesting nine mana spheres on each of the nine gates, he would soon enter the first stage of initiate rank. Despite the pain, the screams, and the tears, he knew that it was all worth it. He stood up, feeling the power coursing through his body, and knew that he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. He was not only proud of himself for reaching the ninth gate but also for being able to push through the pain, which he knew would make him a better cultivator and a better person.

When it comes to cultivating mana force, there are two main methods: body cultivation and element cultivation. The first method, body cultivation, involves using mana force to increase one's strength, speed, and endurance by opening up the nine mana gates and manifesting a mana sphere on each gate. This helps to better distribute the mana force equally throughout the body, making the cultivator physically stronger.

The second method, element cultivation, involves using mana force to conjure magical abilities such as controlling various elements. This can be done by manifesting a "mana forge" inside the body. The mana forge is a tool that helps to mold and shape mana force into a form that can be used for various abilities. Once the mana force is shaped into a "mana pearl," the cultivator can begin the process of combining multiple "mana pearl" into a "mana well."

A mana well is a container for accumulated mana force that allows the cultivator to transform the mana force into energy that can be used to summon elements or heal others. It is important to note that cultivating in element is not only harder but also requires a lot of patience and practice. The process of creating a mana well can take years to complete, but once it is done, it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for the cultivator.

Jinn had been working hard to reach the ninth gate of the Militant Formula, but without the assistance of the Manasseh pill, it would have taken him at least another two weeks to achieve this. He knew that time was of the essence, and with the one-month deadline set by the retired general, he had to work even harder to reach the first stage of the initiate rank.

In the next few weeks, Jinn's cultivation went incredibly well. He was able to manifest seven out of nine mana spheres on each gate, and he could feel the power of the mana force coursing through his body. The Manasseh pill had played a crucial role in his progress, and he knew that without it, he would not have been able to reach this level of cultivation so quickly.

With only three days remaining in the retired general's one-month time limit, Jinn estimated that he would need only another two days to completely form his other two mana spheres. He knew that this was going to be a challenging task, but he was determined to succeed. He pushed himself harder than ever before, focusing all of his energy and determination on reaching the final stage of the initiate rank before the deadline.

After manifesting nine mana spheres on each mana gate, a cultivator will have a strong foundation for their cultivation journey. However, there are countless additional steps that can be taken before entering the first stage of the initiate rank to improve the overall capability.

For example, they could focus on increasing the density and purity of their mana spheres, which would allow them to exert more control over their mana force and use it more efficiently. They could also work on increasing the speed at which they can open and close their mana gates, which would allow them to better adapt to different combat situations.

Another way to improve overall capability is to focus on strengthening the mana spheres. This can be done by constantly pushing and testing the limits of the spheres, making them more resilient and durable. Additionally, cultivators can also work on integrating the mana spheres, making them work in harmony, so that the flow of mana force is more efficient.

Another step is to focus on refining the body, making it more receptive to the flow of mana force, this can be done by various exercises and techniques that focus on the body's muscles, bones, and internal organs.

However, it is important to note that the Militant Formula, is just a basic body cultivating formula, compared to the secret cultivating formulas that the ruling class families possess. These secret formulas are passed down through the generations, and they are closely guarded by the families, as they are considered to be a powerful tool for maintaining their power and status. They are much more advanced and effective than the Militant Formula, and they offer a wider range of benefits and capabilities.

After manifesting nine mana spheres in each of the mana gates, Jinn are ready to step into the first stage of the initiate rank.

Jinn had been preparing for this moment for the past month. He had been working hard to reach the first stage of the initiate rank using the Militant Formula. He knew that this was going to be a challenging and painful process, but he was determined to succeed.

He sat down on the floor, cross-legged, and focused on his breathing. He took a deep breath and began the cultivation process. As he started to push his mana force through his body, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He gritted his teeth and pushed through the pain, focusing on creating a whirlpool at the center of all mana gates.

The pain became increasingly intense as he progressed. He felt like his body was being torn apart as he pushed his mana force through his body, creating the whirlpool. He screamed out in agony, his eyes turning red as blood flowed from his ears and nose.

Despite the pain, he refused to give up. He knew that this was his only chance to reach the first stage of the initiate rank. He pushed himself harder than ever before, focusing all of his energy and determination on creating the whirlpool.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he succeeded. He let out one final scream as he completed the whirlpool, he had done it. He had reached the first stage of the initiate rank, despite the pain and the blood. He knew that this was only the beginning of his journey, but he felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that he had pushed himself to the limit and succeeded.

The next day, the cadets were given a thorough examination to determine if they had successfully reached the first stage of the initiate rank. Jinn and his fellow cadets, Tyson, Henry, Frank, Michael, Sophie, and Evelyn, were all elated to learn that they had all successfully stepped into the initiate rank. This was a huge accomplishment, as the Militant Formula was a difficult and demanding process, and not everyone was able to reach the first stage of the initiate rank.

Jinn couldn't help but notice that only about 40 of the 80 cadets remained. Some of his fellow cadets had not been as fortunate. They had pushed themselves too hard during the cultivation process, and as a result, had suffered severe injuries and even died. This was a harsh reminder of the dangers that came with the cultivation process and the importance of taking it seriously.

Meanwhile, the ruling class cadets, who had already been exposed to the world of cultivation at a young age, had also passed the examination. Each member of their family had their own secret cultivation formula, which was passed down through the generations, making it easier for them to reach the first stage of the initiate rank.

Despite the loss of some of his fellow cadets, Jinn was determined to continue on his journey. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was determined to push himself to the limit and reach the highest level of cultivation possible.

The next day, the cadets were thrown into the brutal world of combat training. No longer were they simply practicing cultivation techniques in isolation, but now they were facing off against each other in full-contact sparring matches. The instructor, a seasoned veteran of countless battles, began each class with a lecture on the intricacies of hand-to-hand combat and the art of war. The cadets listened intently, taking notes and committing the teachings to memory.

As the class began, the cadets were paired up and began to spar with one another. Jinn found himself paired with Alexander Williamson, the son of the heir of the Williamson family. Alexander had never forgotten the incident where Jinn had broken his arm in the past, and he was determined to get his revenge.

As they began to spar, Alexander sneered at Jinn, "You may have been able to break my arm before, but that won't happen again. I've been training for this moment."

Jinn, however, was unfazed by Alexander's words and replied calmly, "I don't want to hurt you again. Let's just spar and see who comes out on top."

As they began to fight, it was clear that Alexander had greatly underestimated Jinn's abilities. Despite his anger and desire for revenge, Alexander was unable to land a single hit on Jinn, who easily overpowered him and subdued him.

The other ruling class cadets, Nathaniel Zephyr, Charles Miller, James Blackburn, George Carter and Henry Henderson, except for Mei Zephyr, looked on with disdain as they saw one of their own easily defeated by a common class cadet. They couldn't believe that someone like Jinn, who they saw as beneath them, could be so strong and skilled.

As the class ended and the cadets were dismissed, Alexander couldn't help but feel humiliated and angry. He swore to himself that he would find a way to get his revenge on Jinn and prove that he was the superior cadet.

As the week progressed, the sparring matches grew increasingly intense. The cadets, fueled by the adrenaline of competition, threw themselves into the fights with reckless abandon. Bloodied noses, black eyes, and broken bones were commonplace in the training room. But somehow, Jinn and the other test subjects seemed to come out unscathed. Their enhanced physical abilities, coupled with the effects of the "Neo-Genesis" serum, allowed them to overpower their opponents with ease.

The other cadets couldn't help but be envious of Jinn and the others, as they seemed to effortlessly glide through the training with little to no injuries. But they knew that they couldn't dwell on it; they had to focus on their own training and improving their own abilities. They pushed themselves harder each day, determined to catch up to the them.

As the weeks passed, the cadets grew stronger and more skilled. They learned to anticipate their opponent's movements, to strike with precision, and to defend with quick reflexes. They learned to control their emotions and to focus their minds in the heat of battle. And through it all, Jinn and the other test subjects remained at the top of the class, their enhanced abilities allowing them to excel in the brutal training regimen.