
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

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24 Chs

No reap without suffering

Days passed, and Jinn's punishment was lifted. He was allowed to return to his normal training schedule, but he knew that he had to work even harder to prove himself to the other cadets and instructors. His fellow test subjects, Michael, Henry, Tyson, Frank, Sophie, and Evelyn, gave him a history book that was given to them by the retired general.

They praised him for his bravery and told him that they would always support him. They told him that in order to pass the retired general's examination, he needed to memorize all kinds of history related to Ironclad for the next week. The penalty for failure was severe punishment.

However, despite the fact that they had to learn to read and comprehend words, their training sessions continued unabated. There was no change in the length or intensity of the training.

Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, a week had gone by.

The retired general's second class finally arrived, and the exam was set before the class began. During the long hour, Jinn wrote down as much as he could. To his surprise, Jinn's total score was ranked eleventh out of all the cadets.

The first eight were cadets from the ruling class who had studied the history of Ironclad since they were young. Jinn came in fifth place out of all the common class cadets, with Henry in first place followed by Evelyn, Tyson, and Sophie. After them another common class cadets.

Despite the pressure and difficulties, Jinn felt proud of himself, even though he was not in the top spot, he knew that he had accomplished something great. He was determined to do even better next time and strive to be the best among his peers. He knew that with hard work and determination, he can achieve anything. He was determined to make the most of his time at the Ironclad Military Academy and emerge as one of the strongest soldiers of the empire.

The retired general, impressed by the cadets' knowledge and understanding of the history of the Ironclad Empire, decided not to punish anyone for the exam. As he walked into the classroom, he announced, "I see that all of you have worked hard and passed the exam with flying colors. I am proud of all of you, especially those of you from the common class. You have proven that you are just as capable as your ruling class counterparts."

The retired general stood at the front of the classroom, his eyes scanning the faces of the cadets before him. "Today, we will be discussing some of the various factions that existed on the Ironclad continent before it was united and became the United Provinces of Ironclad, the powerful empire it is today. "These factions were known as the Sand Riders, Stormchasers, Wanderers, Nomadic Council, and Oasis Keepers," the retired general began.

Jinn sat at his desk, listening intently. He had never heard of these factions before and was eager to learn more. The retired general went on to discuss the unique skills and abilities of each faction, painting a picture of a complex and diverse society.

As the class went on, the retired general began to delve into the history of the war between the factions. "The Sand Riders, Stormchasers, and Wanderers were nomadic tribes who were experts in desert travel, weather manipulation, and survival, respectively. They were constantly at war with each other for resources and control of the desert," he explained.

"But the Nomadic Council, composed of leaders of different nomadic tribes, managed to bring peace and stability to the nomadic communities through diplomacy and negotiation, forming alliances and coalitions with other nomadic tribes," the retired general continued.

"The Oasis Keepers were a tribe who were experts in water management and oasis cultivation. They had a strong navy and air force that protected the oases and the nomadic communities that depended on them," he added.

As the class ended, the retired general gave the cadets an assignment to research one of the factions in more detail. "I want you to understand the history and culture of these factions, as it will be important for your future roles as soldiers in the Ironclad Empire," he said.

Jinn couldn't wait to dive deeper into the history of these factions, he was amazed how the Ironclad Empire was formed through the unity of different factions and how each faction played a role in it. He knew that this knowledge would be valuable as he continues his training to become a soldier in the Ironclad Empire.

As the months went by, Jinn and his fellow test subjects had become more accustomed to the harsh training and discipline of the Ironclad Military Academy. They had grown stronger, both physically and mentally, and had learned to push through the pain and fatigue that came with the endless training drills.

But despite the progress they had made, Jinn couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in his heart after that history class. The retired general had spoken of the brutal wars that Ironclad had fought in the past, against other factions on the Ironclad continent. He had spoken of the sacrifices that had been made, the lives that had been lost, and the atrocities that had been committed in the name of Ironclad's expansion and dominance.

As Jinn and his comrades trained on the training grounds, he couldn't help but think about the retired general's words. He thought about the other factions that existed on the Ironclad continent in the past and wondered what they were like. He wondered if they were all as ruthless and power-hungry as Ironclad, or if there were some that were different. He wondered if there were any factions out there fighting for a just cause, for oppressed people's rights, for a better future for all.

As he pushed himself to the limit during a particularly grueling training drill, Jinn made a decision. He would not let himself be consumed by the brutal, militaristic culture of Ironclad. He would strive to be a better person, to use his strength and power to protect the weak and defend the innocent, no matter where he ended up in the world.

Jinn's determination and willpower had grown stronger than ever before. He knew that his journey would be a long and difficult one, but he was ready for the challenge. He would not let the weight of history consume him, he would make his own history, one of justice and compassion.

As Jinn and the other cadets stood in formation, waiting for their orders, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and uncertainty. He had been in the Ironclad Military Academy for a year now, and in that time, he had seen countless cadets come and go. Some were eliminated by the harsh training, while others simply couldn't handle the pressure and quit. But despite the high turnover rate, Jinn and his comrades had managed to survive and make it this far.

But now, as he looked around at the faces of his fellow cadets, only 15 remained. The rest had either been eliminated or had quit. Jinn couldn't help but wonder if he would be next.

As he stood there, lost in thought, the drill sergeant's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Cadets, you have all been chosen for a special mission. Your task is to infiltrate a small crime gang known as the Red Suns and gather intelligence on their plans and movements. This is a dangerous mission, and if you are caught, you will be executed. "But if you succeed, you will pass the test and will be rewarded."

Jinn's heart raced as he listened to the sergeant's words. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. He had always wanted to prove himself, to show that he was just as capable and deserving of respect as the ruling class cadets. And now, he finally had his chance. He would not let it slip away.

As the sergeant finished his briefing, Jinn stepped forward and said, "Sir, I volunteer for the mission." The sergeant looked at him, surprised, but then nodded in approval. "Very well, Cadet Jinn. You will lead the mission."

Jinn felt a sense of pride and determination wash over him as he turned to face his fellow cadets. He knew that this mission would be dangerous, but he was ready for it.

The other test subjects, Michael, Henry, Tyson, Frank, Sophie, and Evelyn, stepped forward in support of Jinn. "We'll follow Jinn's lead," Michael said confidently.

But the ruling class cadets, especially Alexander Williamson, stepped forward in protest. "Sir, we cannot allow a common class cadet to lead this mission. It's too important and too dangerous," Alexander said, trying to hide the disdain in his voice.

The sergeant looked at the group, considering their words. "Cadet Jinn has proven himself to be a capable leader during training, and his comrades have complete trust in him. I see no reason why he cannot lead this mission," he said firmly, putting an end to the argument.

Jinn and his comrades nodded in agreement, while Alexander and the other ruling class cadets had no choice but to accept the decision.

As they prepared for the mission, Jinn could sense the tension between him and the ruling class cadets. He knew that Alexander still held a grudge against him for breaking his arm in the past, but he didn't let it affect him. He was determined to complete the mission.

The mission was a test of their skills, determination, and loyalty to the Ironclad Empire that they have been building for the past year. Failure would mean dishonour and punishment, while success would mean honour and recognition. They knew that the stakes were high, but they were ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As they set off on the mission, Jinn's mind was clear and focused. He knew that the slightest mistake could lead to their capture or death, but he pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. He was in charge of his comrades, and he would not let them down.

As they infiltrated the rebel faction, they encountered many challenges and obstacles. But Jinn and his comrades were able to navigate through them with stealth and precision. They were able to gather important intelligence that would aid the Ironclad Empire in their fight against the rebels.

After a week of intense mission, they finally returned back to the academy.

When they presented their findings to the retired general and the drill sergeant, they were met with praise and admiration. "Cadet Jinn, your leadership and determination have been instrumental in the success of this mission," the retired general said, nodding in approval. "You and your comrades have proven yourselves to be true soldiers of the Ironclad Empire."

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he received the accolades of his superiors. He knew that this mission had been a test, not just of his abilities as a leader, but also of his worth as a cadet. And he had passed with flying colors.

Jinn felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him as he stood there, surrounded by his comrades and the retired general. He had proven himself to be a capable leader and had earned the respect of his peers. The ruling class cadets, especially Alexander, could not help but acknowledge his achievement, grudgingly, but it was there.

Jinn knew that this was only the beginning of his journey, but he was ready for what was to come. He had passed the examination, and he was now a step closer to his goal of becoming a respected member of the Ironclad Empire.

The next day, the drill sergeant appeared in front of the cadets, his imposing presence commanding attention. He surveyed the group with a critical eye, taking note of each cadet's posture, expression, and overall demeanor.

The cadets, for their part, stood at attention, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and excitement as it was clear that he had something important to announce. "Cadets, you have all passed the first test, and have proven yourselves to be worthy of further training," he began, his voice stern and commanding. "However, this is only the beginning. The true training has only just begun."

The cadets listened intently, knowing that this was the moment they had been waiting for. They had all worked hard to get to this point, and now, they were ready for whatever the drill sergeant had in store for them.

"In the next few years, you will begin your true cultivation. The cultivation of mana force," the drill sergeant continued. "You will learn the most direct and effective way to kill a person. Of course, there is a very high chance that you might be killed by them as well, so pray hard, cadets."

The cadets were silent, taking in the drill sergeant's words. They knew that this was a dangerous path they were embarking on, but they were determined to see it through.

"Lastly, I can tell you now that out of all the people standing here, no more than a quarter of you will be able to leave this place alive," the drill sergeant said, his voice heavy with gravity. "But, I believe in you. You have all shown great strength and determination during your time here, and I have no doubt that you will prove me wrong."

Jinn stood among his fellow comrades, listening to the drill sergeant's words. He knew that the next phase of training would be even more difficult than what they had already endured, but he was determined to survive and prove the drill sergeant wrong. He glanced at his comrades and saw the same determination in their eyes. Together, they would face this new challenge head on.

The drill sergeant then gestured to his men, who began distributing new materials to the cadets. Each cadet received a thick, leather-bound book, with the words "Militant Formula" embossed in gold on the cover. Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder as he held the book in his hands. This was the key to unlocking his true potential, the dividing line between the common and the powerful.

As they were led into the classroom, Jinn could see that the retired general was the one who would be teaching them the formula. Despite his old and kind appearance, Jinn could sense the incredible strength hidden within him. He had noticed before that the drill sergeant never got too close to the retired general, and now he understood that this was out of fear.

The retired general slammed his walking stick on the ground to get their attention. "This is the Militant Formula," he began. "This is the cultivation formula exclusively prepared for you, the cannon fodder of the Ironclad Empire."

Jinn was taken aback by the retired general's words. He couldn't believe that after all the resources invested in them, they were still considered cannon fodder. He could see the same thoughts reflected on the faces of his fellow cadets. But Jinn was determined to prove them wrong. He would not let this label define him. He would master the Militant Formula and become a powerful warrior, one that the Ironclad Empire could not ignore.

The retired general could see the confusion and skepticism on their faces, so he continued. "You may be wondering why I would call this formula 'cannon fodder.' It's because most of you will not survive long enough to see its full potential. But that doesn't mean it's not worth learning. This formula is the most basic and efficient way to cultivate mana force. It is designed for soldiers, for those who will be on the front lines of battle, for those who will face death every day. It will give you the strength you need to survive, to protect your comrades, and to defend your country."

The retired general's words hit a chord with the cadets. They knew that their lives would be filled with danger and hardship, but they also knew that this formula could give them the power to overcome those obstacles.

"This formula is not for the weak or the faint of heart. It is for those who are willing to give everything for the sake of victory. It is not just about cultivating mana force, it is about cultivating your will, your determination, and your courage. It is about becoming a true warrior, a true protector of Ironclad

"Make no mistake, this formula is not easy to master. It requires a great deal of dedication and hard work. Many of you will not be able to master it, and will be eliminated from the academy. But for those who do, the rewards will be great. You will become powerful soldiers, capable of protecting your country and your people from the enemies that threaten them.

"So, I ask you all, are you ready to accept the challenge? Are you ready to become powerful warriors, to defend your country and your people?"

The cadets looked at each other, their expressions determined. They had come this far, and they were not going to back down now. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they were ready to face it head-on.

Jinn stepped forward, his voice strong and confident. "We are ready, sir. We will master this formula, and become powerful warriors."

The other cadets nodded in agreement, and the retired general smiled, pleased with their response. "Very well, then. Let's begin."

The class then started and the retired general began to elaborate more on the concept of the Militant Formula, the different level of mastery, the different techniques and the different way of cultivation.

In the world of Astelia, mana is a fundamental force that exists in the natural world. It is the energy that flows through all living things and is present in the air, the earth, and even the stars. The theory behind the cultivation of mana force is based on the idea that by harnessing and controlling this energy, one can gain extraordinary abilities and powers.

The cultivation of mana force or "Feyvora" a combination of the words "Fey" an ancient language and "Vora" which mean energy or force, is a complex process that involves learning to sense and manipulate the flow of mana within one's own body. This is done through a variety of techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, and physical training.

To begin learning the Militant Formula, one must first master the basics of sensing and manipulating mana within their own body. This is done through a series of meditation and practices designed to increase one's sensitivity to the flow of mana and their ability to control it.

Once these basics have been mastered, one can begin to learn the more advanced techniques of the Militant Formula. These techniques are designed to increase one's strength, speed, and endurance, as well as grant them access to powerful abilities such as elemental manipulation and energy projection.

However, learning the Militant Formula is not an easy task and requires extreme dedication and discipline. It is a long and grueling process that takes years of practice and study. And even then, only a small percentage of those who start the training will be able to master it.

"Listen up cadets," the retired general began, addressing the class. "The Militant Formula, also known as the 'Raging tide' cultivation method, is not to be taken lightly. It is a powerful tool that can help you quickly progress through the early stages of cultivation, but it comes with a cost."

As he spoke, the cadets listened intently, trying to absorb all of the information. "The power of the mana backlash that it unleashes is incredibly strong, and it can damage your body," he continued. "The longer and more you cultivate it, the worse the damage will become."

At this point, Henry, one of the cadets, spoke up. "Sir, can you explain more about the mana backlash?"

The retired general turned to Henry, "Sure. The Militant Formula, also known as the 'Raging tide' cultivation method, is a powerful and aggressive method of cultivation that involves forcefully pushing mana force through the body in a manner akin to a surging wave." He went on to explain that the cultivator will focus on opening each of the nine crucial mana gates in their body structure, and as they progress through the gates, the tide becomes increasingly robust, making it easier to open the next gate.

"This method is demanding, both physically and mentally," he continued, "as the cultivator must exert immense force to push their mana through their body, and it can be incredibly painful." Furthermore, this method carries a high risk, as the sheer force of the tide can inflict severe damage on the cultivator's body if not executed with caution, as the mana force will backlash.

However, he emphasised that if executed correctly, this method can allow the cultivator to rapidly open all nine gates, manifest nine mana spheres on each of the nine gates, and reach a high level of cultivation in a relatively short amount of time. The retired general concluded, "So be sure to be cautious and aware of the risks before attempting to cultivate using the Militant Formula."

"Is there any way to avoid the damage to our body?"

"It's not easy, it requires a lot of control and discipline. You will have to learn to control the amount of mana you take in and release. And even then, it's not a guarantee. But, if you are willing to take that risk, then the Militant Formula is the quickest way to reach the higher levels of cultivation."

"Thank you, sir. We will do our best to master it."

"Good. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely and always be aware of the consequences."

Jinn and his group had been pushed to their physical limits during their first year in the training camp. They had undergone intense physical training, including strength and endurance exercises, as well as martial arts and weapons training. This was all in preparation for the Militant Formula, which required a strong and healthy body to be able to withstand the rigorous cultivation process.

Additionally, the training camp had also provided them with nutritious meals and special medicines that helped to activate the potential of their bodies. This not only helped to improve their physical capabilities, but also helped to prevent injury and illness during their training.

Jinn realized that all of the training they had undergone in the first year was not just for the sake of becoming physically strong, but also to prepare their bodies for the harsh and demanding cultivation process of the Militant Formula. Without a strong foundation, it would have been impossible for them to even begin to learn and practice the Militant Formula.

Then, the retired general also proceeded to explain the different factions that fought against the Ironclad in the past, their strengths and weaknesses, their tactics, and the reasons why they fight. He also gave the cadets an overview of the current situation on the continent and its neighbouring continent, the different alliances, and trade agreements. The class was long and intense, but all the cadets paid full attention, knowing that this was not only an examination but also a matter of life and death. "

Jinn and his comrades were given a new addition to their already grueling daily schedule: two additional hours of mana cultivation, one in the evening and one at night. However, the amount of physical training and mastery of knowledge or skills were not reduced in the slightest. The news of this new development was met with a mixture of dread and resignation among the cadets who had survived the past year of intense training.

The next day, as they trudged to the cultivation room, located in a small valley just beyond the academy's borders, Jinn couldn't help but wonder how they were supposed to find the energy and willpower to push through this next level of training.

Soon, they arrived at the location.

The cultivations room was located deep within the valley, hidden away from the outside world. It was a large, underground chamber that was dug out of the rocky mountain. The walls of the chamber were lined with strange, glowing runes that gave off a soft, pulsing light. The air inside the chamber was thick with a mysterious energy that seemed to be alive, as if it was a living being that was constantly stirring.

As the cadets entered the chamber, they were greeted by the retired general, who stood at the center of the room. He was surrounded by a group of other cultivators, all of whom were dressed in long, flowing robes and carried ancient-looking staffs.

"Welcome, cadets," the retired general said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "You have been chosen to enter the next stage of your training. This chamber is known as the Cultivations Room, and it is here that you will begin to learn the Militant Formula. But before you begin, you must understand that this formula is not for the faint of heart. It is a powerful and dangerous cultivation method that requires a strong body and an even stronger will. It will push you to your limits, and it will test your determination and willpower."

The retired general paused, his gaze sweeping over the cadets. "But if you can persevere, if you can overcome the challenges that come with this cultivation method, then you will unlock powers that you never thought possible. You will become powerful warriors, capable of defending the Ironclad Empire from any enemy that dares to threaten it."

The cadets looked at each other, their hearts pounding with excitement and fear. They knew that this was a momentous occasion, and that their lives were about to change forever. They were about to begin a journey that would test them to their limits, but they were ready for it. They were ready to become powerful warriors, to defend their empire and to protect their people.

With that, the retired general led the cadets into the Cultivations Room, and their training began.

Each of the cadets was assigned their own cultivator who would guide them through the process of sensing and manipulating mana within their own body.

The retired general then explained the process to the cadets. "The key to cultivating mana force is to first learn how to sense it within your own body. This is done through meditation, where you will focus your mind and clear your thoughts to allow the mana to flow freely through your body. It is a delicate process, and it will take time and patience to master."

The cadets were then given a small pill, which was said to help assist them in sensing and manipulating mana within their own body. The pill was made from a rare and ancient herb that was said to have the ability to enhance the body's natural ability to sense and manipulate mana.

When they entered the cultivation room, they couldn't help but notice the room was dimly lit, with only a few candles providing light. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the sound of soft chanting filled the room. The cadets were instructed to sit in a cross-legged position with their eyes closed and their minds focused on their breath.

As they began to meditate, the cultivators began to guide them through the process of sensing the mana within their own bodies. They explained that mana force, also known as "Feyvora", is a subtle energy that flows through all living things. It is the source of all power and vitality, and by learning to tap into it and control it, the cadets would be able to achieve incredible strength and abilities.

The cultivators taught the cadets how to focus their minds and sense the flow of mana force within their bodies. They explained that, at first, it may be difficult to sense the mana force, but with practice and patience, it would become easier. They also taught them how to manipulate the mana force, channeling it through their bodies to strengthen their muscles and sharpen their minds.

they began to focus on their breath and clear their minds. They could feel the pill working within their body, as the force began to flow more freely. The cultivators watched over them, giving guidance and helping to correct any mistakes that were made.

It was not an easy process, and the cadets faced many challenges along the way. But with the help of the cultivators and the assistance of the pill, they were able to make steady progress.

As the cadets continued to meditate and practice, they began to feel a growing sense of power and vitality within themselves. They could feel their bodies becoming stronger, and their minds becoming clearer.

The session lasted for two hours, and by the end of it, the cadets could feel the difference in their bodies. They felt more energized and powerful than ever before. They thanked the powerful cultivators and bowed to them as a sign of gratitude.

As the cadets filed out of the cultivation room, the retired general remained standing, his gaze fixed upon them. "I trust that you all felt the effects of the Manasseh pill during our session," he began, his voice deep and resounding. "But let me tell you, this medication is worth more than a lifetime of labor in any factory. It is a rare and precious commodity."

Jinn and his comrades were well aware that the Manasseh pill was no ordinary supplement, but they were not prepared for the true value the retired general imparted upon them. "From this point forward, you will no longer have access to such luxuries," he continued.

The Manasseh pill, as they now knew it to be, was a revolutionary formula that would drastically improve their capacity to perceive and control the forces of mana. Composed of a unique blend of rare herbs and natural components, each ingredient was specifically chosen for its ability to augment the body's innate mana sensitivity and manipulation capabilities.

"We have invested in each and every one of you because we believe you possess the potential to become cultivators," the retired general explained.

The retired general continued, "Starting from this week, we will be monitoring your progress closely. Weekly evaluations will be conducted and your scores will determine your advancement." He let the gravity of his words linger in the air for a moment before continuing. "The competition will be fierce, those who place in the bottom half will not be provided with any assistance in the form of Manasseh pills, while those in the top half will receive twice the amount. And for those who manage to secure a spot in the top three, an additional reward of three times the normal dosage will be granted."

The cadets were fully cognizant of the weight of the retired general's words. This was their chance to prove themselves, to demonstrate their mettle in a cut-throat competition. They were determined to give it their all and emerge victorious.

"I expect nothing but the best from each and every one of you," the retired general declared, his voice filled with conviction. "You all have the capability to become cultivators, it is up to you to seize that potential and make it a reality.

The retired general continued, "Remember, all of you have been given one month to reach the first stage of the initiate rank." Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the academy. Make the most of this time, and remember, the Manasseh pill is a powerful tool, but it is not a replacement for hard work and dedication.

The cadets exchanged worried glances amongst themselves, the weight of the retired general's words sinking in. "one month is not a long time," Jinn thought to himself, "But I'll do whatever it takes to make it to the first stage."

The retired general continued, "I want to remind you all that the one month are not an easy task, but with hard work, dedication, and the help of the Manasseh pill, you all have the potential to reach the initiate rank." Remember, the stakes are high and the competition will be fierce, but I have faith in all of you. "That's all for today. Dismissed."

With that, the cadets dispersed, their minds set on the task at hand. They knew that this was their chance to prove themselves, to make a name for themselves in the world of cultivation. They were determined to make the most of it, no matter the cost.

The cadets knew that the retired general's words were true, the one month ahead would be a difficult challenge. But they were determined to give it their all, to reach the first stage of the initiate rank and prove themselves.