
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

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24 Chs

Born with golden spoon

As Jinn and his fellow test subjects, Michael, Henry, Tyson, Frank, Sophie and Evelyn, lay in their beds, the events of the day played over in their minds. They couldn't believe the way they were treated by the ruling class cadets, the sneers, the insults, the way they were looked down upon.

They couldn't shake off the feeling of injustice and anger, feeling like they were being discriminated against because of their social class. They knew that it would be an uphill battle, but they were determined to rise above it and show the ruling class cadets that they were just as capable and deserving of being at the Ironclad Military Academy as they were.

Just as they were drifting off to sleep, a loud siren blared throughout the academy, jolting them awake. They quickly dressed and joined the hundreds of other cadets being herded into a large training hall. The room was dimly lit, with only a few flickering torches providing light. The cadets were ordered to line up and stand at attention.

The cadets were confused and disoriented, wondering what was happening. Some of the ruling class cadets, including Alexander Williamson, Nathaniel Zephyr, Charles Miller, James Blackburn, George Carter, John Henderson and Robert Sterling were complaining, asking why they were being dragged out of bed in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, a large, imposing figure stepped forward and began to speak. His voice was low and menacing, and he wore a sinister-looking mask that covered half of his face. He introduced himself as the drill sergeant and began to lay out the rules of the academy. He emphasized the importance of obedience and made it clear that any disobedience would not be tolerated.

The figure spoke, his voice low and menacing, "You are now soldiers of the Ironclad Empire. You will obey every order given to you without question or hesitation. You will not speak unless spoken to. You will not complain or make excuses. You will be loyal, obedient, and efficient. Fail to meet these standards and you will be dealt with severely."

The new cadets listened in silence, fear creeping into their hearts. They knew that they were in for a tough time, but they were determined to succeed. As the drill sergeant continued to speak, they noticed a group of ruling class cadets at the front of the line, complaining and arguing with the drill sergeant.

Alexander Williamson, the son of the heir of the Williamson family, couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and disgust. He turned to his fellow ruling class cadets and said, "This is outrageous! I will not stand for this kind of treatment. I'll be sure to report this to my father, he'll put a stop to this nonsense."

But their complaints were cut short as a team of men wearing a sinister-looking mask stepped forward, brandishing clubs and whips.

Before he could make good on his threat, the team of men wearing a sinister-looking mask approached him. They grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of line. He struggled and yelled for help, but it was no use. They beat him mercilessly, leaving him bloodied and bruised on the ground for all the other cadets to see.

Jinn watched in horror as Alexander Williamson, one of the ruling class cadets, was dragged forward by the men and hung upside down for all the other cadets to see.

As Alexander Williamson, the son of the heir of the Williamson family, was being beaten and hung upside down, he shouted out in anger and defiance, "You can't do this to me! My father is one of the most powerful men in the Ironclad Empire, he will hear about this!"

But his threats fell on deaf ears as the team of men wearing a sinister-looking mask continued to beat him, not caring about his social status or connections.

"You think your family name can protect you here? You're just like the rest of these common class cadets, and you'll be treated the same way," one of the men sneered at Alexander.

Alexander could only grit his teeth in pain and frustration as he hung there, a brutal and harsh reminder of the consequences of disobedience.

The other ruling class cadets who had been complaining for the past minute were singled out and similarly beaten mercilessly in front of the other cadets. The sight of their classmates being beaten was a shock to Jinn and the others. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The drill sergeant's voice boomed through the training hall, "This is what will happen to anyone who defies our rules. Obey or suffer the consequences."

As Jinn and the other test subjects, Michael, Henry, Tyson, Frank, Sophie and Evelyn, settled into their dormitory for the night, the events of the day weighed heavily on their minds.

The harsh reality of the academy had been made clear to them in the most brutal of ways, with the vicious beating and public shaming of Alexander Williamson, one of the ruling class cadets, for daring to question the authority of their instructors.

The sight of him hanging upside down, bruised and bloodied, for all to see was a stark reminder of the brutal and uncompromising nature of the academy and the consequences of disobedience. They knew that they had to be careful and obey every order given, or they too would suffer the same fate as Alexander.

As they lay in their beds, they couldn't shake off the feeling of fear and uncertainty, wondering if they were truly ready for the challenges that lay ahead in the Ironclad Military Academy. Due to their extreme physical and mental exhaustion, they all went into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds.

As Jinn's eyes fluttered open to the sound of the alarm blaring through the dormitory, he was immediately jolted back to reality. The previous night's events came flooding back to him as he remembered the drill sergeant's warning about the consequences of disobeying orders.

He quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes, pulling them on as fast as he could. His heart was pounding in his chest as he realized that he had less than five minutes to get to the training hall before he would be punished.

He knew that he couldn't afford to be late, not after what he had witnessed the night before.

He rushed out of the dormitory, his mind racing as he tried to shake off the grogginess of sleep and focus on the task at hand. He could hear the other new cadets scrambling to get ready as well, the sound of beds creaking and footsteps echoing through the halls. He knew that they were all feeling the same sense of urgency, the same fear of punishment.

Jinn could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he stood at attention, waiting for the next drill to begin. Despite the fatigue and soreness that he felt from the running and strength training, he knew that he couldn't let it show. The "Neo-Genesis" serum had given him an edge, but it also meant that he couldn't let his guard down for a moment. The drill sergeant's words echoed in his mind, "anyone who fails will be punished".

As he began to run along the mountain trail once again, Jinn pushed himself to his limits. His muscles ached and his lungs burned, but he kept going, determined to prove himself and earn the respect of his classmates. And when he finally made it back to the starting point, he was the first to arrive, followed closely by the other test subjects.

Despite their exceptional performance, the other cadets struggled to keep up, and many of them were unable to complete the strength training that followed. As they were punished, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and responsibility. He knew that the "Neo-Genesis" serum had given him an unfair advantage, but he also knew that he couldn't let that stop him from pushing himself to be the best that he could be.

As the hours passed, the punishment for those who couldn't keep up became increasingly severe. The sound of screams and cries filled the air as the drill sergeant and his team of men wearing a sinister-looking mask beat and tortured those who failed to meet the standard.

Breakfast eventually arrived after the training.

The Ironclad Military Academy was a melting pot of different backgrounds and social classes. The majority of the cadets were commoners, selected from various regions of the Ironclad Empire.

But there were also a few privileged children from esteemed and powerful families, like Alexander Williamson and Nathaniel Zephyr. Among them were also a few orphaned children like Jinn and Michael, who had experienced the harsh realities of poverty and hunger, but they wouldn't be able to remember their pasts due to their memories being erased.

As they sat down for their first meal at the academy, they couldn't help but feel a sense of shock and awe at the lavish spread before them. For many of them, this was the first time they had seen such an abundance of food, and they couldn't help but eat as if their lives depended on it, fearing that there might not be another chance.

The contrast between the harsh training they had just undergone and the opulence of their meal was not lost on them, and it only served to reinforce the hierarchy and divide between the ruling class and the commoners at the academy.

Jinn and the other test subjects were famished after the grueling training and eagerly filled their plates with a variety of foods, from eggs and bacon to oatmeal and fruit. They knew that they needed to fuel their bodies to be able to keep up with the demanding training schedule ahead.

They ate quickly but efficiently, making sure to savor the flavors and replenish their energy. They could see the other cadets following suit, clearly aware that any mistake or violation of the rules would result in severe punishment.

As they finished their breakfast and headed back to training again, Jinn and his fellow test subjects, Michael, Henry, Tyson, Frank, Sophie, and Evelyn, found themselves pushing their limits in the various training exercises. From running drills to strength training, they were pushed to their physical and mental limits. But thanks to the "Neo-Genesis" serum they received, they were able to perform exceptionally well, completing tasks that would have been impossible for most other cadets.

Jinn, in particular, found himself pushing his own boundaries, refusing to stop even when his body begged him to, even if it meant pushing his body to the brink of death. And as the day came to a close and he lay on his bed, exhausted but fulfilled, he knew that this was only the beginning of his journey to becoming a true Ironclad soldier.

Jinn's days at the Ironclad Military Academy were grueling and relentless. Every morning, he was woken up by the blaring alarm at six o'clock, and immediately had to begin the day's training drills.

These drills were designed to test the cadets' strength and endurance, pushing them to their physical limits. Despite the intense training, Jinn never felt tired thanks to the effects of the "Neo-Genesis" serum that had been injected into him.

The punishment for not meeting the set time limit or not completing the training was severe, usually in the form of beating. This was a stark reminder to the cadets of the consequences of disobedience and the importance of following orders. It left a deep impression on Jinn and the other cadets, instilling a sense of discipline and obedience in them.

Breakfast was the only respite from the grueling training, a chance for the cadets to refuel and rest for a moment. The food was plentiful and delicious, but the time limit was strict, and anyone who exceeded it would be punished. It was a reminder to the cadets that even in the small moments of pleasure, they were still under strict control and discipline.

Despite the harsh conditions and constant fear of punishment, Jinn persevered. He knew that in order to succeed as a soldier of the Ironclad Empire, he had to be strong and disciplined. And so, he pushed himself harder and harder, repeating the training drills even when his body was exhausted, determined to be the best soldier he could be.

But the cost of this determination was high, as he saw many of his fellow cadets fall along the way, unable to keep up with the intense training and punishment. These harsh experiences left a deep impression on Jinn, shaping him into a capable and disciplined soldier, but also instilling in him a sense of caution and fear.

During the night of the first week, the drill sergeant brought in a doctor to treat the cadets' wounds. The treatment was brutal and harsh, with no use of anesthetic to numb the pain. But despite the agony, the cadets endured the process, knowing that it was necessary for their bodies to heal and become stronger.

After another week of intense pain, the wounds on the cadets' bodies were almost completely healed, leaving behind only faint scars as a reminder of the grueling training they had undergone. The cadets knew that these scars would serve as a symbol of their strength and resilience, and they were proud to bear them.

They also knew that the training was far from over and that the challenges ahead would be even greater, but they were determined to push through and emerge victorious.

Just like this, days flew by in a blur for Jinn and the other test subjects, Michael, Henry, Tyson, Frank, Sophie, and Evelyn. The training was intense, brutal, and relentless, pushing their physical and mental limits to the brink. Every day, they would wake up at the sound of the alarm, barely able to drag themselves out of bed after the previous day's grueling training. They would eat a quick breakfast, then spend the entire day training, pushing their bodies to the limit, trying to keep up with the other cadets. Every night, they would collapse into their beds, exhausted.

Every single night Jinn would dream, and all of the dreams would be related to his blurry past memories. The dreams were always hazy, but he could make out a few images. He saw himself as a small child, sitting alone in a dark alleyway. He felt a sense of loneliness and abandonment. Then, he saw himself standing in a line with other children, all of them dressed in plain white jumpsuit. They were all being inspected by a group of men in white lab coats. One of the men looked at him with a cold, calculating gaze before nodding and marking something down on a clipboard.

In another dream, Jinn saw himself being led down a sterile-looking hallway by a woman in a lab coat. She was talking to him, but he couldn't hear the words. He felt a sense of dread and fear as he was led into a room filled with strange machines. He saw himself being strapped to a table, and a needle being inserted into his arm. He felt a burning sensation before everything went black.

Jinn would wake up every night in a cold sweat, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that these were memories of his past, but he couldn't understand why they were so important to him. He tried to talk to Michael, Henry, Tyson, Frank, Sophie, and Evelyn, but they all couldn't remember their past memories the same as him, so they couldn't help him.

One night, as he lay awake in his bed, he decided to try to remember more about his past. He closed his eyes and focused on the images in his dreams, trying to pull them into sharper focus. As he did, he saw a flash of a name, "Iron Haven Orphanage", and he knew that this was the key to unlocking his past. He made a mental note to investigate more about this orphanage and try to find more information about it.

But as the days went on, the number of cadets around them began to dwindle. Half of the original over a hundred cadets had vanished within a month, unable to keep up with the intense training. And of the ruling class cadets, only 8 remained: Alexander Williamson, Nathaniel Zephyr, Charles Miller, James Blackburn, George Carter, John Henderson, Robert Sterling, and Mei Zephyr, Nathaniel's younger sister. She was known for her long, black wavy hair with bangs and an emotionless, cold face that was beautiful like a doll.

Jinn realized that the Ironclad Military Academy was not just a school, but a place where only the strong survive. It was a brutal and unforgiving environment, where only the strongest and most determined cadets would make it through. And as he looked around at the remaining cadets, he knew that he and his fellow test subjects would have to fight harder than ever to prove themselves.

As the days and weeks passed by, the training at the Ironclad Military Academy only grew more intense and brutal. Each day was filled with endless strength and endurance training, as well as constant beatings and punishments for those who failed to meet the rigorous expectations of the drill sergeants. Despite the grueling conditions, Jinn and the other test subjects, now known as Michael, Henry, Tyson, Frank, Sophie and Evelyn, pushed on, determined to prove themselves and earn the respect of their classmates, both common class and ruling class.

But even with their determination, the toll of the training was heavy. Over the course of one and a half months, the number of cadets dwindled, as many were eliminated by the cruel and unforgiving training. By the end of the two months, only twenty cadets remained, nearly one per four of the original number who had entered the academy.

Among the survivors were Jinn and his comrades, as well as five other cadets, and the remaining ruling class cadets: Alexander Williamson, Nathaniel Zephyr, Charles Miller, James Blackburn, George Carter, John Henderson, Robert Sterling, and Mei Zephyr.

They were the elite of the elite, the chosen few who had managed to survive the brutal training and emerge stronger and more skilled than ever before. But even as they stood victorious, the memories of their fallen comrades lingered on, a reminder of the sacrifices that had been made in the name of becoming Ironclad soldiers.

on the first day following the two-month period, Jinn and the remaining cadets were taken to a lecture hall, where they were given a history lesson.

"Good morning class," said the retired general as he walked into the room. "Today, we will be discussing the history of Astelia and the various continents that make up our world. First, let's start with the continent of Ironclad. As many of you may already know, Ironclad was once a place that was largely uninhabitable and uninhabited. It was a harsh and unforgiving land, filled with deserts, mountains and other maelstrom hazards that made it difficult for people to survive. It was known as the "Dying Continent," as it seemed that nothing could grow or thrive there."

"But that all changed," the retired general continued, "when the founder of the Ironclad empire, a powerful industrialist, stumbled upon a rich deposit of a rare mineral that would change the fate of the continent forever. This mineral, when extracted and processed, had the ability to fuel the industrial revolution that occurred in the continent. It had the ability to power machines, vehicles, and weapons in a way that was previously thought impossible. Suddenly, the Dying Continent was transformed into an industrial powerhouse, a place where the impossible was made possible."

"Ironclad's newfound wealth and power allowed it to rapidly expand its territory, slowly uniting the different factions that existed in the continent through the sheer might of their superior technology, until it became the powerful Empire it is today." The retired general concluded.

Then, the retired general continued to talk about the other six continents. He talked about the advanced technology and scientific advancements of Zephyrion, the harsh deserts and fierce nomadic tribes of Cyclone, the rugged mountains and skilled inventors of Tempest, the frozen tundra and elite warriors of Glacia, the spiritual beliefs and harmony with nature of Calendria, and the floating islands and reclusive society of Aetheria.

As the class continued, Henry, spoke up, "Sir, I've always been curious about the other continents. How do they coexist with the Ironclad Empire? Are there any conflicts or tensions between them?"

The retired general nodded, "An excellent question, the Ironclad Empire has formed alliances and trade agreements with the other continents, but there are also conflicts and tensions between them. It is important for you, as future soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, to understand the dynamics between the different continents and to be able to navigate these conflicts and tensions effectively."

Jinn found himself nodding along; he couldn't help but think about the possibilities of the other continents and the potential for conflict and tension. He knew that the road ahead would be hard, but he also knew that he would face it together with his comrades and with the help of the knowledge they were gaining in this history class. They were soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, but they were also something more, something greater, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

Meanwhile, the cadets of the ruling class rolled their eyes, clearly uninterested in the lesson. Alexander Williamson leaned over to his friends and whispered, "Why do we have to sit through this?" Haven't we already learned about the continent when we were young? Isn't it like common knowledge among people? beside It's not like these common class cadets will ever get to see the other continents."

One of his friends, Nathaniel Zephyr, nodded in agreement: "I know, it's such a waste of our time."

Following that, the cadets of the ruling class continued to make fun of them behind their backs.

Jinn, who was sitting nearby, couldn't help but overhear their conversation. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, the disdain and disrespect the ruling class cadets held towards him and his fellow common class cadets.

Jinn stood up , his eyes narrowed as he approached Alexander, his fists clenched tight. "You think just because you're a Williamson, you can talk down to us? You think your fancy last name gives you the right to look down on us?" He spat out, his voice low and filled with anger. "Well, let me tell you something, I may be a common class cadet, but I'm not some weak-willed pushover. I will not stand here and let you belittle me and my fellow cadets."

Alexander sneered in response, "Oh please, do you really think you can take me on? I am the golden boy of the Williamson family, I have been trained in the military martial arts since I was a child."

Jinn stood tall, "I understand that you may think less of us common class cadets, but I assure you, we are just as capable and deserving of respect as any of you. I may not have had the privilege of a fancy upbringing like you, but I possess something that money can't buy, determination and willpower. Let's not resort to violence, let's settle this with respect and understanding."

Jinn's words seemed to strike a nerve with Alexander Williamson. Without warning, he stood up from his seat and lunged at Jinn, throwing a punch at his face. But Jinn was quick, he easily dodged the punch and counter-attacked with a light, swift strike to Alexander's arm, causing it to snap with a loud crack.

"Argh!" You're going to die for this, I swear by my family names!" Alexander screamed, his voice filled with pain, anger and hatred.

The class erupted into chaos as the other cadets jumped to their feet, some cheering for Jinn while others tried to break up the fight. The professors quickly intervened and separated the two boys, but the damage had been done. Alexander's arm was broken.

Both he and Alexander were sent to the academy prison, a dark and gloomy place, where the students are kept in small, cramped cells, and are subjected to harsh punishments, such as floggings, or being locked in a dark cell for days on end. It was a harsh reminder of the consequences of breaking the rules, but Jinn didn't regret it, he stood up for what he believed in, and that was all that mattered to him.